Victor's Triumph. Emma Dorothy Eliza Nevitte Southworth

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Название Victor's Triumph
Автор произведения Emma Dorothy Eliza Nevitte Southworth
Жанр Языкознание
Издательство Языкознание
Год выпуска 0
isbn 4064066160456

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was desired to Miss Laura Lytton, who I understood was on a visit there. And then Miss Cavendish requested me to take a letter to you, which she sat down and wrote right off at once. And here it is, miss," he concluded, placing the letter in Laura's hands.

      Laura asked leave of her company, and then opened the envelope and read as follows:

      "Blue Cliffs, Thursday afternoon.

      "My Dearest Laura:—The opportune arrival of Mr. Craven Kyte, on his way to White Perch Point and Lytton Lodge, furnishes me with the means of communicating with you sooner than I could manage to do by mail.

      "You will be very much surprised at what I am about to tell you.

      "Mary Grey has left Blue Cliffs.

      "She left so suddenly that I scarcely yet can realize that she has gone.

      "My grandmother and myself opposed her departure most earnestly. We used every means in the world but absolute force to keep her here.

      "But she would go. She said her health and spirits required the change. You know she was ailing when you left here.

      "Well, she has gone to Charlottesville, where she says she has some lady friend who keeps a boarding-house for the students of the University. So if your brother returns to the University he may have an opportunity of renewing his very pleasant acquaintance with her. I do not know when, if ever, she will return.

      "Of course this is her home whenever she pleases to come back. But I strongly suspect the pretty little widow has grown tired of our country house.

      "You know she has really no resources within herself for enjoyment. She cares nothing for the beautiful scenery surrounding our home, nor for gardening, nor reading, nor visiting and instructing the poor negroes; nor, in short, for anything that makes a remote country place enjoyable. And so she has left us—'It may be for years, and it may be for ever,' as the song says.

      "But, my darling, don't you desert me just at this time. Come back, according to your promise. I am wearying for you. Tell that excessively affectionate and hospitable Uncle John that I need you so much more than he does. Or show him this letter. All the Lyttons are gallant and chivalrous gentlemen. He is no exception, and he will not oppose my wish, I feel sure. I shall expect you at Blue Cliffs to-morrow evening.

      "My grandmother has just directed me to repeat her invitation to Mr. Alden Lytton, and to ask him to accompany you back to Blue Cliffs and make us a visit. I hope he will do so. Mind, I shall expect you both to-morrow evening. Pray present my respects to Mr. and Mrs. Lytton and all their kind family. And believe me, dearest Laura,

      "Ever your own


      "Postscript.—I have some strange news to tell you which I can not trust upon paper. I also expect a new inmate in the family. I will explain when you come. E."

      Laura folded her letter and put it into her pocket for the present.

      "They want you to come back, I suppose," said Uncle John, testily.

      "I will show you the letter presently, uncle, so you can read and judge for yourself," said Laura, with a smile.

      "Well, all I say is this: if they want you to come back want will be their master. For they can't have you; so there now! I don't mean to let you leave us until you are obliged to go back to school. I don't that!" said John, nodding his big red head.

      "Did you know Mrs. Grey had left Blue Cliffs?" sorrowfully inquired Mr. Kyte.

      "Yes. Emma has written to me about her departure. When did she go?"

      "Early this morning. When I got to the house I was very much disappointed at not seeing her, and beyond measure astonished to hear that she had started that very morning to Wendover, to catch the first train to the city, en route for Charlottesville. She will be a great loss to the domestic circle at Blue Cliffs, I think."

      "And who the mischief is Mrs. Grey?" inquired the sorely puzzled Uncle John.

      "She was one of the assistant teachers—the drawing-mistress, in fact—at Mount Ascension. But she lost her situation there. And she became the guest of Emma Cavendish. Afterward she was engaged to Mr. Cavendish. But his death prevented the marriage," Laura explained.

      And at this point of the conversation "Mandy" made her appearance at the door and said that supper was on the table.

      And old Mrs. Lytton arose and invited the company to follow her to the dining-room.

      After supper, as it was a clear, mild, star-lit evening, Mr. Craven Kyte remounted his horse and resumed his journey to White Perch Point.

      After his departure, when the family were once more assembled in the big parlor, Laura took her letter out and put it in the hands of John Lytton.

      Uncle Jacky read it through, and then quoted a part of it to the family circle.

      "'Tell that affectionate and hospitable Uncle John that I need you so much more than he does. Or show him this letter. All the Lyttons are gallant and chivalrous gentlemen.' That's so!" put in Uncle Jacky, nodding his red head. "'He is no exception. And he will not oppose my wish, I feel sure.' Now that is what I call taking a fellow at a disadvantage!" growled John, holding the letter before his eyes and staring at it. "Well, I suppose I must let you go, Laura, seeing she makes such a point of it. But they want Alden, too. And Alden they can't have! Where is the fellow, anyhow? And why wasn't he at supper?"

      "He and Charley are down at Uncle Bob's house, getting bait for another fishing match to-morrow. I told Mandy to keep the supper hot for them," answered Aunt Kitty.

      And soon after this the little family, who kept very early hours, separated to go to rest.

      Laura and her two cousins were the first to leave the room.

      Aunt Kitty and Miss Molly followed.

      When they were gone old Mrs. Lytton turned upon her son and said:

      "Jacky, I ho-ho-hope you a'n't a goin' to be sich a contrairy fool as to stand into the light of your own flesh and blood?"

      "Why, what the mischief do you mean, mother? I a'n't a standing into nobody's light, much less my own flesh and blood's!" exclaimed John, raising his red head.

      "Yes-yes-yes, you are too! You're a standing into your own dear nephew's, Alden Lytton's, light, in opposing of his going to Blue Cliffs along of his sister to-morrow," complained the old lady.

      "Riddle-me-riddle-me-ree! I know no more of what you're talking than the fish of Zuyder Zee!"

      "Why-why-why then this is what I'm a talking about. Can-can-can't you see that Emma Cavendish is perfectly wrapped up in Laura Lytton? She's as fon-fon-fond of her as ever she can be. And Emma Cavendish is the most beau-beau-beautiful girl and the richest heiress in the whole state. And Alden Lytton is one of the han-han-handsomest young men I ever saw. And if he goes with his sister to Blue Cliffs—don't you see?"

      "No, I don't," said honest, obtuse John.

      "Well, then, the gal that is so fond of the sis-sis-sister might grow to be equally fond of the handsome bro-bro-brother. Now do you see?"

      "Oh, I see!" exclaimed John, with a look of profound enlightenment.

      "And I hope you won't go and stand into the light of your own dear nephew by raising up of any objections to his going along of his sister to Blue Cliffs," added the old lady.

      "I stand in the light of my own poor, dear, dead brother's son! 'Tain't likely!" exclaimed Uncle Jacky, with an injured air.

      "No, John, I don't think it is. And so, I hope, instead of oppo-po-po-opposing on him, you'll encourage him to go along of his sister to Blue Cliffs to-morrow," said the old lady.

      "Mother, I shall do what is right," answered John.

      "And lookee here, Jacky! Don't you