My Young Master. Opie Percival Read

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Название My Young Master
Автор произведения Opie Percival Read
Жанр Языкознание
Издательство Языкознание
Год выпуска 0
isbn 4057664618665

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why, for surely my master was as great as Clay.

      The evening after the doctor left us, I was lying on the ground near the stone steps leading to the broad hall, when I heard Master and Old Miss talking. They were sitting on the portico and did not see me.

      "I told him," said Master, "that he might draw on me for what money he actually needs, but that I would put up with no extravagance. Of course, he has a sort of a claim, but I don't intend that he shall embarrass me in any way."

      She cleared her throat with a rasp that always made me shudder. "He surely has a claim," she replied.

      "Well, that's what I said, didn't I?"

      "Yes, but you seem to think that it is not much of a claim."

      "I don't seem to think anything of the sort. He shall have everything that is due him. But, madam, the truth of it is, he is of no account."

      "He is a gentleman."

      "In what way?" I peeped up and saw him look hard at her. "In what way has he shown himself a gentleman?"

      "He was born a gentleman," Old Miss replied.

      "Born one, yes. His father and mother may have been good stock, but I tell you that he's a scrub. Still I will give him what's due him."

      "Oh, I know that."

      "Then there needn't be any further discussion about it."

      "No," she said, "not so far as I am concerned." And after a pause she asked: "What's your object in sending Bob over to school at Layfield?"

      "To learn something, of course."

      "But why can't he go to school at home? Can't he learn something here?"

      "We have had a teacher for him here and he has done no good."

      "Yes, but can't you send him to school at the Academy in town?"

      "I could do it, of course, but I would rather have him go away. It will make him more important in his own estimation—will give him more confidence in himself."

      "Is Dan going with him?"

      "Oh, I knew what you were driving at. Yes," he almost shouted, "Dan is going with him."

      "I don't see why. Why not send Sam with him?'"

      "Madam, is it necessary to explain to you that Dan is the property—property—"

      "I know all about that. But they are too much like companions, and will study together."

      He looked hard at her. "Study together? And what of that?"

      "I don't want a child of mine studying with a negro. He has no business to study. He knows enough already! Educate him and he will be of no account on the face of the earth. I never knew it to fail. Mason had an educated negro, and what became of him? He ran away and went north and told a pack of lies about the people in this State, about the cruelties he had suffered, and the abolition papers are still harping on it."

      "Yes, that's all true enough," said Old Master, "but in Dan's case it will be different. He is not likely to pick up much learning, and besides he's grateful. He'll never run away."

      "I have been thinking," she said, "that we might—"

      "Might do what?" Master snapped before she had finished.

      "Well, you know how much the doctor desires that boy. Why not let him—"

      "Madam!" Master thundered, "don't you know that the boy belongs to Bob? How long will it take you to learn that? Must I keep forever dinging it into your ears?"

      "Well, you needn't get mad about it."

      "That's true, and I beg your pardon. But just let me manage it, if you please. I believe you said yesterday that our carriage is getting too old for you to ride about in?"

      "Yesterday? I have talked about it for the past year!"

      "Yes, so you have. Well, you may go to Louisville yourself and select one to suit you."

      That night I told Bob that we were going off to school together, and we grabbed each other in our glee.

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