An Apology for the True Christian Divinity. Robert Barclay

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Название An Apology for the True Christian Divinity
Автор произведения Robert Barclay
Жанр Языкознание
Издательство Языкознание
Год выпуска 0
isbn 4064066199425

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these Revelations of the Spirit of God to the Saints, have proceeded the Scriptures of Truth, which contain, 1. A faithful historical Account of the Actings of God’s People in divers Ages, with many singular and remarkable Providences attending them. 2. A prophetical Account of several Things, whereof some are already past, and some yet to come. 3. A full and ample Account of all the chief Principles of the Doctrine of Christ, held forth in divers precious Declarations, Exhortations and Sentences, which, by the moving of God’s Spirit, were at several Times, and upon sundry Occasions, spoken and written unto some Churches and their Pastors: Nevertheless, because they are only a Declaration of the Fountain, and not the Fountain itself, therefore they are not to be esteemed the principal Ground of all Truth and Knowledge, nor yet the adequate primary Rule of Faith and Manners. Nevertheless, as that which giveth a true and faithful Testimony of the first Foundation, they are and may be esteemed a secondary Rule, subordinate to the Spirit, from which they have all their Excellency and Certainty; for as by the inward Testimony of the Spirit we do alone truly know them; so they testify, that [3]the Spirit is that Guide by which the Saints are led into all Truth: Therefore, according to the Scriptures, the Spirit is the first and principal Leader. And seeing we do therefore receive and believe the Scriptures, because they proceeded from the Spirit; therefore also the Spirit is more originally and principally the Rule, according to that received Maxim in the Schools, Propter quod unumquodque est tale, illud ipsum est magis tale. Englished thus: That for which a Thing is such, that Thing itself is more such.

      The Fourth Proposition.

      Concerning the Condition of Man in the Fall.

      The Fifth and Sixth Propositions.

      Concerning the Universal Redemption by Christ, and also the Saving and Spiritual Light, wherewith every Man is enlightened.

      The Fifth Proposition.

      [8] 1 Cor. 15. 22.

      The Sixth Proposition.