Dynamic Spectrum Access Decisions. George F. Elmasry

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Название Dynamic Spectrum Access Decisions
Автор произведения George F. Elmasry
Жанр Отраслевые издания
Издательство Отраслевые издания
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119573791

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these two aspects should give the reader the important basis for 5G DSM. Transmission Capacity

      The main goal of DSM is to increase the network throughput or transmission capacity in a given area. Given that in 5G we have mobile users and cells that can also be mobile, we can conceptualize a 5G network as an ad hoc wireless network while putting aside the backhaul wired links. The goal here is to create a spatial metric in which throughput is measured as a function of both rate of transmission and the distance between the transmitting and receiving nodes. We not only put aside wired backhaul links, we also put aside the effect of implementation specific techniques such as physical layer algorithms and channel access protocol. The goal here is to create a spatial metric that is generic enough and points to some fundamental properties of the 5G network. The analysis below has the sole goal of pointing to spatial metrics as the problem domain can get complicated if we want to create a comprehensive model.

      where λ is the density of transmitters13 and C(α) is a function of α used to simplify the formula by consolidating the Rayleigh α parameter impact.

Schematic illustration of the transmission capacity general model. Triangles represent idle nodes, black squares represent transmitting nodes, and white squares represent receiving nodes.

      For SIR to be less than β, a link closure must have failed. Thus, the transmission capacity in a given area can be related to an outage constraint ε, where the successful transmission in the given area (unit area) can be expressed as:

      Equation (6.4), with its simplification approach of a complex problem domain, can point to the following critical aspects:

      1 In a large ad hoc network, transmission capacity decreases as a function of r2. This can lead to the concept of sphere packing where each successful transmission utilizes a ground area that depends on the distance between the transmitter and the receiver.

      2 The selected SIR threshold is critical. This is not a predetermined threshold. Cognitive techniques search for the SIR threshold that maximizes the area's spectral efficiency.

      3 Transmit and receive node pairs can't be chosen in this model. Any node can be a transmitter or a receiver at any given time.

      4 Although beam forming, spread spectrum, power control, and other DSA techniques are not included in this simple model, their impact can be reflected in the reduction of SIR, which leads to increasing spectral efficiency in Equations (6.3) and (6.4).

      5 Other generalizations such as multihop transmission can be added to this model. Note that some cognitive techniques can search for the best multihop path utilizing the r2 impact and SIR threshold shown in this model.

      Equation (6.4) makes it possible to consider the transmission capacity problem starting from a simple model. 5G Cell Overlay

      1 The interference at an end user can be impacted by the interference from neighboring base stations and from the randomly placed small cells.

      2 The interference at a small cell can be impacted by all the uplink connections from the end users within a certain vicinity of the small cell.

      3 End users transmitting to a base station can use relatively higher power than end users transmitting to a small cell.

      4 The aggregate calculated SIR may consider the impact of small cells, base stations, base station users, and cell users.

Schematic illustration of the 5G cell overlay over cellular base station.

      A DSM technique can consider the density of end users in a base station coverage area to create a metric for the transmission capacity needed and to point out the need for more cell deployment within the base station coverage area. Other factors that can be used are the transmission outage estimated from Equation (6.4) and actual measurements of events such as connection denial to an end user can be utilized to increase the cell density.14

      Cellular infrastructure pre 5G is fixed. 5G has no fixed infrastructure since cells can be deployed anywhere where demand is needed. Spatial modeling, covered in Section 6.2, is essential to DSM for both the planning and runtime aspects. After deployment, the model can be used for finding out what new features and capabilities a 5G infrastructure needs in order to increase spectrum efficiency.

      There is another layer of overlay that can complicate this spatial modeling. If and when 5G deploys nonterrestrial infrastructure, there will be a satellite or a high altitude platform (HAP) that will have a nonterrestrial base station overlaid on top of multiple ground base stations areas. This model, however, is far in the future and beyond the scope of DSM in this