Dynamic Spectrum Access Decisions. George F. Elmasry

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Название Dynamic Spectrum Access Decisions
Автор произведения George F. Elmasry
Жанр Отраслевые издания
Издательство Отраслевые издания
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119573791

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3 Periodic Aperiodic 4 Even Odd19 5 Energy Power

      A signal is time varying and can convey information or not convey information. Noise is a type of signal that does not convey information. Some jammers can also be a type of signal that does not convey information. A signal can be a function of time and a function of other independent variables.

      Notice that with spectrum sensing, we may sense a modulated signal over a sinusoidal wave (carrier). We look at frequency bands of carrier frequencies and hence we measure the signal power. The term “energy detection” is used loosely with spectrum sensing and it means integrating the measured signal power over a limited time period (time of sensing or dwell time). With spectrum sensing, the correct term for energy detection should be power integration over a finite time. The term “energy detection” is widely used because spectrum sensors integrate the sensed power spectral density over the sensing time period and the process of integration over time leads to using the term energy detection. In spectrum sensing references, spectrum sensing is a multidimensional process that considers time, frequency, and power. Power here can be power spectral density measured over limited time. The simplest way of spectrum sensing is known as energy detection, which integrates the power spectral density measured by the spectrum sensor, in frequency domain, over a given sensing period.

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