Plant Pathology and Plant Pathogens. John A. Lucas

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Название Plant Pathology and Plant Pathogens
Автор произведения John A. Lucas
Жанр Биология
Издательство Биология
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781118893852

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yield,” and so on."/>

      Source: Zadoks and Schien (1979).

      For some crops, especially high‐value fruits, vines, vegetables or ornamental plants, the quality of the product is as important as the yield. Under these circumstances, very little disease is tolerated, as any damage or blemish may have a disproportionate effect on crop value. Not surprisingly, the most intensive disease and pest control regimes available are used for such crops.

      The Impact of Disease

Developed agriculture
Reduced crop yield
Reduced crop quality
Compromised product safety, e.g., mycotoxin contamination
Reduced profitability
Developing agriculture
Food security – malnutrition and famine
Impact on communities or national economies
Social instability
The natural environment
Loss of key species or natural communities
Damage to landscapes and leisure amenities
Type of impact Disease Causal agent Country/region affected
Famine Late blight of potato Phytophthora infestans Europe 1845–1846
Brown spot of rice Helminthosporium oryzae India 1942–1943
Failure of maize crop Maize mosaic virus? Guatemala, ninth‐century Mayan civilization
Cassava mosaic disease Cassava mosaic Gemini viruses East Africa 1980s to present
Economic Coffee rust Hemiliea vastatrix Sri Lanka 1870, now worldwide
Cocoa swollen shoot Cocoa swollen shoot virus Ghana/Nigeria 1930–present
Citrus canker Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri Florida 1912, 1986, 1995–present
Agricultural Southern corn leaf blight Bipolaris maydis USA 1970
Asian soybean rust Phakopsora pachyrhizi Asia 1900s, Africa 1995, Brazil 2001, USA 2004
Black stem rust Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici USA 1900s, new race Ug99 in Africa 1999, now Middle East and potentially Asia
Ecological Dutch elm disease Ophiostoma novo‐ulmi Northern hemisphere 1930, 1970–present
Jarrah dieback Phytophthora cinnamomi Western Australia 1920–present
Sudden oak death Phytophthora ramorum California 1995, UK 2002
Ash dieback Hymenoscyphus fraxineus Poland 1990s, western Europe, UK 2012

      A more recent example is the spread of cassava mosaic disease (CMD) in Africa. A severe outbreak emerged in Uganda in the 1980s, with crop losses as high as 80–90%, and cultivation of this vital food crop was abandoned in some areas. CMD, that is now known to be caused by a complex of related Gemini viruses spread by whitefly vectors, has since invaded other countries in sub‐Saharan Africa where it continues to affect food security. Recently, a different virus, cassava brown streak, has spread to East Africa to pose a further threat to this vital staple crop.

      Other diseases have had serious economic impacts, such as coffee rust that devastated the industry in Sri Lanka and has now spread worldwide. More recent examples of global pandemics caused by rust fungi include Asian soybean rust, that has now spread to the major producing areas in Brazil and the USA, and black stem rust of wheat, a new variant of which (Ug99) emerged in Africa and is now spreading east, threatening wheat production areas in Asia. Soybean producers in the Americas now have to factor in the cost of fungicide treatments, while there are concerns that