Student Engagement Techniques. Elizabeth F. Barkley

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Название Student Engagement Techniques
Автор произведения Elizabeth F. Barkley
Жанр Учебная литература
Издательство Учебная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119686897

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cause is permanent or temporary); and controllability (whether the learner has the power to influence success or failure).

      Finally, self-worth models propose that people are strongly motivated to preserve their sense of self-worth. When students don't succeed, they would prefer to question—and have others question—their effort (they're “lazy”) rather than their ability (they're “dumb”) (Brown & Weiner, 1984; Cross, 2001). Based on this model, it is easier to understand why some students don't even try to accomplish a task if they believe there is low probability that they will be successful.

      Although the role of expectancy has received considerable attention in the study of student motivation, “value” is still a critical variable. Students are making the sacrifices necessary to get a college education because they believe in the value of the learning, the value of the degree, or both. Therefore, in our efforts to promote student engagement, it is useful to look at what the research says about how the concept of value influences student motivation.


      Clearly, students are more likely to complete a task if they value the activity. The expectancy-value model differentiates task value into four components: attainment value (i.e., importance of doing well), intrinsic value (i.e., personal enjoyment), utility value (i.e., perceived usefulness for future goals), and cost (i.e., competition with other goals) (Eccles et al., 1983). For college teachers, these different components of value likely ring true. Some students will value a task because they want to achieve, while others will simply enjoy it. Some will value a task because they believe it will help them in their future careers. Others will simply value it because they value other tasks less. These value constructs also are related to other theories of motivation. Self-determination theory, for example, suggests that at times we engage in behavior simply because we want to (Deci & Ryan, 1985, 2002). Settings that promote intrinsic motivation satisfy three innate needs: autonomy (self-determination in deciding what to do and how to do it), competence (developing and exercising skills for manipulating and controlling the environment), and relatedness (affiliation with others through social relationships). Students are likely to be motivated in courses that promote these three characteristics.

      Although value and expectancy have received much attention in the study of student motivation, they generally do not account for the temporal factor that is all too real for many students, all of whom are balancing life outside the classroom with life inside and the real competition for their time and attention. Therefore, in our efforts to promote student engagement, it is useful to look at the temporal aspect of student motivation.

      Procrastination is a term that resonates with many faculty members, and it is an important concept that is intimately connected to student motivation. Steel (2007) published a comprehensive meta-analysis about procrastination that can help us understand how. In this article, the author identifies several important variables related to procrastination, including self-efficacy, need for achievement, boredom, distractibility, self-control, impulsiveness, and organization. In addition, Steel proposes a model, temporal motivation theory, which attempts a synthesis of these well-established motivational formulations, focusing in particular on time. What Steel does, in short, is to integrate two ideas: expectancy-× value (described earlier) and hyperbolic discounting, which means discounting future rewards in favor of immediate rewards, moderated by an individual's tolerance for or sensitivity to delay (Pychyl, 2008).

      What this means in practice is that the temporal constraints under which the task is to be completed are an important consideration. That is, time pressure matters. Even if individuals believe they can do the task and value the reward, which suggests that they should be motivated, motivation will be decreased if they have low ability to withstand urges (impulsiveness) or there is an overabundance of time until the realization of the outcome/deadline (delay). The result