Princes of Castaldini. Оливия Гейтс

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Название Princes of Castaldini
Автор произведения Оливия Гейтс
Жанр Контркультура
Серия Mills & Boon By Request
Издательство Контркультура
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781472016140

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truth. Half the truth here, though. When it was time to let go, she’d walk away. She already had that routine down pat.

      “What’s so wrong in being with the one man who ever got—and as it turns out, who’ll ever get—my motor running?”

      “You want me to point out all the mistakes in this picture? One, you’re not on a level playing field. He wants entertainment, you want serious, and commitment, and forever—”

      Phoebe snorted. “You make me sound like so much fun, Jules.”

      “Okay, Phoebes.” Julia’s tone switched from exasperated to coaxing. “I understand, honest. I mean, I’m deliriously in love with Paolo and I still got the wind knocked out of me when Leandro walked in with you. Then he came closer, spoke…and whew. What I’m saying is, he has some serious brain-shutdown powers, even in completely committed women’s cases. So I totally sympathize. But you must resist the pull of the dark side!”

      “So now I’m facing the return of the Jedi?” Phoebe hooted. “Oh, Jules, I’m sorry I didn’t confide in you. But this is my choice now as it was then. I want this. And when I’m gone, don’t you dare take your frustration out on Paolo, hear? Don’t go around being discontented, not over me this time. Or I’m sending Stella to scare you back to your best behavior.”

      Julia’s gaze turned hot at the mention of the woman who’d once tried to wreck her marriage, the woman Phoebe had most minded seeing Leandro escort in public during his and Phoebe’s affair. “You’re a master at subterfuge, aren’t you? And to think I never suspected it.”

      “I have many hidden talents.”

      “So when are you going to stop hiding them?”

      All temper evaporated from Julia’s eyes, all feigned lightness from Phoebe’s. This was it, then. Moment of truth.

      And the truth was, she’d overstayed…maybe not her welcome, but her usefulness in Castaldini. One of the reasons she’d ended her ill-advised engagement to Armando had been that she’d recognized it as an attempt to revive the need for her to stay there. Julia had adapted to her condition, hadn’t needed Phoebe’s support for years now. It had been her who’d stuck around, avoided facing the facts that her purpose had dwindled to nonexistent and she was going nowhere staying in Castaldini. King Benedetto had created a job for her where she was needed. But she wasn’t indispensable. Not to Castaldini, not to Julia or the children. Not to…anyone.

      The one thing that had been keeping her there was being at a loss as to what to do next, where to go. She’d always put everyone else first, let their needs dictate her course and choices. First her mother, then Julia, then Leandro, then Castaldini. And her use had expired for each, one way or the other. Now she had to get a life of her own.

      And Julia was calling her on putting a time limit on getting one.

      Phoebe looked her sister square in the eyes. “How about now? And I’ll start by going west with Leandro, taking every day as it comes.”

      “You’re not fooling me.You did that once before with him.”

      “Oh, it was different then.” She’d jumped in blind then, had had her eyes opened the hardest way. Now she saw exactly what she was getting into. “This time I’ll finally get the running start I need to launch into the life I should have started living years ago.”

      Before Julia could volley and take the conversation deeper, Phoebe swooped her up in a bear hug, then made her escape through the door where Paolo and the kids had kidnapped Leandro.

      And there he was, at the end of the immaculate gardens, the one thing she craved. If she didn’t already know it, the tension radiating from him even from that far, the way his gaze was pinned to the door he knew she’d exit from, would have told her she was on top of his list of must-haves, too…

      She blinked, gasped.

      Exiting from the massive columned promenade, his formidable frame etched in stark light and deep shadow in the setting sun, was Armando. Her ex-fiancé. Heading toward her on an interceptive course.


      Okay. This was unexpected. Which meant…Julia.

      Matchmaking again? This time not to save her from spinsterhood, but from depravity? But how could she have gotten him here this fast?

      She sensed Leandro’s tension rising as his dash toward her was aborted by Paolo and the kids. Armando had already reached her, and Leandro stood there like a volcano about to erupt, letting the kids jump all over him with Paolo evidently talking his ear off.

      Armando stopped before her, all male and beautiful with bronze hair, eyes and skin, radiating vitality and steady power. He bent, kissed her cheek, had her asking herself yet again why she couldn’t feel the tiniest twinge of desire for him. A question the answer to which was standing right there in the distance.

      “You’re looking beautiful, as always.” The smile didn’t reach his eyes. They were serious, intent. “I asked Julia to let me know the moment you were back. She informed me only half an hour ago, and I’m thankful that I wrapped everything up and ran here, since I was just informed you’re flying out again immediately.”

      And Julia hadn’t said where or with whom? Seems she hadn’t. Weird, but thanks anyway, Jules. “Yeah. How’ve you been, Armando?”

      “I’ve been thinking about us…” Uh-oh “…regretting that I agreed to end our betrothal. I know you have to go, but just hear me out, think it over while you’re away. I might never love again as I once loved, and I don’t inspire your passion as you feel a husband should, but with your serene and steady temperament, our relationship could be powerful and enduring. Towering emotions—trust me—are distressing and addictive, and they bring little, if any, happiness.”

      Yeah, tell her about it. This was heavy. And very untimely. But she respected Armando too much not to give him all due consideration. She exhaled. “You can have that kind of relationship, Armando…with anyone else. I’m not the one to build something powerful and enduring with you. I’m so much the opposite of steady and serene, it’s painfully funny hearing you call me that.”

      “How can you underestimate yourself, when you’ve been such a stabilizing influence in so many lives since you first set foot on Castaldini? Without you, Castaldini would have gained many new enemies and wouldn’t have been able to prevent a few old ones from gaining ground. Without you, your sister’s and my cousin’s marriage wouldn’t have lasted one year, let alone ten.”

      “Whoa. Don’t go overestimating me to counteract my alleged underestimation of myself. Paolo and Julia love each other.”

      “And their love, like mine and Donatella’s, could have been total chaos, until one or both couldn’t bear it anymore.”

      “You never told me it was like that with Donatella.”

      “It was so intense, it sometimes left us gasping for breath. The good times were heaven, but the bad times were hell, and, regretfully, they lasted longer. Both of us were older and stronger than Paolo and Julia, and we weathered the hellish parts and would have done so forever had she lived. But I fully believe that without your support and counsel, the intensity of Paolo and Julia’s love, muddied by his impetuousness and her insecurity, would have pushed them apart in less than a year. They have a beautiful marriage, and Julia is that giving, nurturing wife and mother now because of you.”

      “Oh, no, you’re not handing me all the credit here. Julia struggled long and hard, and Paolo did and still does everything in his power to do his part and more. Even though I may have helped, she would have done the same for me had the situation been reversed.”

      “So you think your role isn’t to be admired or thanked?”

      “I don’t care one way or another for admiration or thanks. But whatever my role, as you call it, was, it’s over.”
