Their Convenient Amish Marriage. Cheryl Williford

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Название Their Convenient Amish Marriage
Автор произведения Cheryl Williford
Жанр Короткие любовные романы
Серия Mills & Boon Love Inspired
Издательство Короткие любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474096218

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you for your prayers and patience. Not having a deadline helped take away some of the stress. For all my family who prayed for me, to the people on Facebook who kept me in constant prayer, I say, thank you! My body scans are coming back clean.

      I hope you’ve enjoyed the romance between Leviticus and Verity. Please keep an eye open for my final book in the Pinecraft Homecomings series. It’s slow going, but God in His mercy, is allowing me to continue with life and my love of writing. Thank you all for being faithful readers of my work.

      Believe in His mercy, for He is faithful,

       Cheryl Williford

      Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven.

      —Luke 6:37

      This book is dedicated to God and to my two gifted oncologists: Dr. Dennis L. Rousseau, who performed my complex cancer surgery in October of 2015, and Dr. Edsel Lumbca Hesita, who successfully got me through five months of chemotherapy in early 2016. Your wisdom saved my life and kept me writing. God bless you both.



       Back Cover Text

       About the Author


       Title Page



       Dear Readers

       Bible Verse


       Chapter One

       Chapter Two

       Chapter Three

       Chapter Four

       Chapter Five

       Chapter Six

       Chapter Seven

       Chapter Eight

       Chapter Nine

       Chapter Ten

       Chapter Eleven

       Chapter Twelve

       Chapter Thirteen

       Chapter Fourteen

       Chapter Fifteen

       Chapter Sixteen

       Chapter Seventeen

       Chapter Eighteen

       Chapter Nineteen


       About the Publisher

       Chapter One

      Thunder rumbled in the distance. A peek out the window showed another band of drenching rain coming in from the west.

      Finished with a sink of dishes, Verity Schrock wiped the sweat from her face on the sleeve of her dress and hurried out of the steamy kitchen with several ladies following on her heel.

      It seemed lately she rushed from one task to another, never finding time to sit down and enjoy a moment of the day.

      Fanning her hot face, she quick-stepped down the hall, ready to join the cluster of singers regathering in the great room.

      She’d been up since five, long before the old rooster had had a chance to give his first crow of the morning. An experienced cook, she enjoyed the task of making a tower of assorted shoofly pies, a chocolate cake with rich mocha icing, and for herself, a gooey pan of rich golden-brown apple crumble, her favorite dessert.

      Taking in a calming breath and clearing her voice, she surveyed the room for the soprano singer’s section and found Bunhild, the community’s seasonal matchmaker standing in the place she usually occupied. Purposely avoiding the meddling old woman, she slipped into the end of the alto singer’s section.

      Acting as if she were listening to the song director’s instructions, Verity situated herself closer to Clara Hilty, who was making a point of ignoring her best friend since childhood while holding back a fit of giggles behind her petite hand.

      With her gaze straight ahead, Verity’s finger searched for and found Clara’s rib cage, and gave her very pregnant friend a playful poke.

      Clara jumped, nearly knocking over the young lady standing in front of her.

      Everyone in the lines turned and glared their way.

      “Shame on you, Verity,” Clara muttered out the side of her mouth.

      Verity leaned in close to her friend’s ear. “You should have warned me Bunhild showed up for singing practice. I could have hidden in the kitchen closet until she’d left.” Putting on a heavy Pennsylvania Dutch accent, Verity held back her own giggles as she muttered in Clara’s ear, “Those Lapp bruders are still marriage-minded, and looking for a pretty young woman like yourself to wed.”

      Clara laughed out loud, amused by Verity’s rendition