How To Seduce An Heiress. Heidi Betts

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Название How To Seduce An Heiress
Автор произведения Heidi Betts
Жанр Короткие любовные романы
Серия Mills & Boon By Request
Издательство Короткие любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474043052

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was nine before they left the restaurant. When they stepped outside a light snow fell, big flakes drifting, glistening in the light.

      “Look, Garrett, this is enchanting,” she said, spinning around with her arms spread wide. Her long hair flew out behind her, swirling around her face. He couldn’t resist wrapping his arms around her to kiss her, tasting a wet snowflake on her lips.

      When he released her, she stepped away. “We’re in public.”

      “I couldn’t resist,” he admitted, thinking he would always remember her spinning around in the snow, a beautiful woman whose exuberance and zest for life were contagious. He looked up at the falling flakes and took out his phone. “We weren’t supposed to have this kind of weather.”

      “It’s gorgeous. I can’t keep from being glad we have it.”

      “Even if you’re snowbound with me?” he asked.

      “Even if. I’ll manage.”

      “Chance of a trace of snow,” he read off his phone. “Clear Sunday.” On impulse he glanced up. “Do it again. Let me get your picture.”

      Laughing but humoring him, she did and he took a picture that he expected to be a blur, a disappointment. Instead, the picture was clear with her dark hair swinging out behind her head. He had caught her big smile and the essence of the moment. It would have been a perfect moment if it weren’t for this big secret between them. He put away his phone, shaking off the thought. “A trace of snow tonight won’t make any difference except to please you.”

      “It definitely does,” she said. “Hey, wait. You’re not the only one who wants a picture of this.” She yanked out her phone. “Smile, Garrett.”

      He grinned while she took his picture and then flashed it briefly so he had a glimpse of himself. Linking his arm in hers, he waited for the valet to bring his car.

      They stomped snow off their boots at his condo and he built another fire, which gave a low light. When he turned away from the hearth, he faced her.

      Sophia stood at the window with the flickering orange flames playing over her. As his gaze drifted down over her lush curves and long legs, his heartbeat quickened. His longing was intense. He crossed the short distance to take her in his arms.


      Sophia’s heart thudded as she wrapped her arms around Garrett. The day had been magical and she had grown closer to him, learning more about him and enjoying herself. All through dinner she had wanted to be alone with him so they could be together like this again.

      Snowflakes had been the perfect touch, landing in his dark hair, sprinkling across his broad shoulders. His kiss had tantalized her. She wanted more of him, so much more.

      She didn’t believe in love at first sight, or second or third for that matter. She thought if she ever fell in love it would be with someone she had been friends with for years, yet Garrett shook her theories because he was already more important to her than anyone else she had ever dated. He was pure temptation.

      He made her want to risk her heart.

      She stood on tiptoe, her heart pounding while he held her tightly against his long frame. His hand slid down her back and up beneath her sweater. She moaned softly, the sound muffled by his mouth on hers. His fingers trailed up her back in a feathery touch that was electrifying.

      He picked her up and carried her closer to the fire, setting her on her feet while he still kissed her as flames crackled. Garrett stepped back and pulled her sweater over her head, tossing it aside. He unfastened her lacy bra and removed it, dropping it to the floor.

      With a deep sigh he stepped back, cupping her breasts in his hands. “So beautiful,” he said, his gaze as sensual as his caresses. His thumb traced circles on her nipples that sent currents streaming from his touch.

      She tugged his sweater over his head to toss it aside. She moaned in pleasure again while her hands roamed over his broad, muscled chest, her fingers tangling in a thick mat of chest hair that tapered to a narrow line disappearing beneath his belt.

      Firelight spilled over him, highlighting bulging muscles, leaving dark shadows on flat planes. His handsome features captivated her, and in some ways she felt as if she had known him for years instead of days, just as he had said to her.

      Desire wracked her. She wanted to make love. She ran her hands over his flat stomach until he leaned down to kiss each breast, his tongue tracing circles. She gasped again with pleasure, closing her eyes and clinging to him while fire raged within her.

      She wanted him with an urgency she had never felt before. Garrett was special, unique in her life and she didn’t think Garrett would ever hurt her. It was a night, not a relationship. Was she succumbing in the same foolish way to temptation, just as her mother had done in allowing a man to become irresistible?

      All her logic fled, driven away by passion when his arm banded her waist again, pulling her tightly against him. He picked her up again to carry her to a sofa, settling her on his lap. Her bare breasts were pressed against his warm chest, the thick mat of chest hair sensual against her naked skin. As they kissed his hands roamed over her, light caresses that scalded.

      Kisses became hotter, deeper and more passionate and she didn’t notice his hands at the buttons on her pants. He pushed them down, standing and setting her on her feet to let them fall around her ankles.

      He paused, stepping back to lift one of her feet to remove her boot and sock and then he moved to the other foot, standing to hold her hips while his gaze drifted slowly over her. “You’re lovely, so beautiful,” he whispered. He yanked off his boots and socks, tossing them aside. When he stood, she unfastened his belt and pulled it free, dropping it and unbuttoning his jeans to push them off. As he kicked them away, he pulled her into his arms.

      This was the time to stop if she was going to, but she had already made a decision that went against everything she had practiced. Take a chance with Garrett tonight. Tomorrow she could say no. She had never had a weekend like this one and might not ever again. She gazed into his gray eyes that were heavy-lidded, filled with sensual promises. She wanted him to an extent she had never wanted any man. She wanted to be loved by Garrett. She could take what she wanted, and then go back to her resolutions and her safe life.

      Garrett drove all thoughts away with his kisses and caresses.

      Her insides knotted, fires building low in her. He sat and pulled her onto his lap against his thick rod, caressing her while one hand dallied lightly along her legs, moving to the inside of her thighs, heightening desire.

      Continuing to kiss her, he leaned over her while his fingers went beneath the flimsy bikini panties. She spread her legs slightly, giving him more access, moaning with pleasure and need.

      He touched her intimately, kissing her, his other hand caressing her breast while his fingers were between her legs. Pleasurable torment built as he stood again to peel away her panties.

      Freeing him, she removed his briefs, caressing his hard manhood, stroking and then kissing him. He closed his eyes, his hands winding in her hair while he groaned. In seconds, he raised her up, looking into her eyes.

      He picked her up once again, carrying her to the bedroom, placing her on the bed and then shifting to her ankle to kiss her, trailing kisses along her leg to the back of her knee. Gradually, his tongue moved up the inside of her thigh. Writhing, she closed her eyes while he moved between her legs, driving her wild with his tongue and fingers.

      She sat up swiftly, wrapping her arms around him and pulling him down. He held her tightly, kissing her fervently.

      “Garrett, I don’t have any protection,” she whispered.

      “I do,” he answered. He left, and in seconds returned with a small packet, which he opened. He