Let Me Love You. Linda Walters

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Название Let Me Love You
Автор произведения Linda Walters
Жанр Короткие любовные романы
Серия Mills & Boon Kimani
Издательство Короткие любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781472089748

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up Skye from the airport. Branch gave Skye a quick once-over, hung his arm around his bride and smiled. “You still look exactly like all the photos Nita has of you from college. You haven’t changed at all,” he added.

      Skye wasn’t sure if his statement was a compliment or simply an off-the-cuff remark, but decided it would be best to think positively.

      “Thanks, Branch. I’m trying to work on my professional image but it’s so much easier to run around in jeans and loafers pretending to still be a collegiate,” she responded.

      Branch grinned and shook his head. “You don’t have to pretend. You’re still as cute as you were in college. Hey, meet my right-hand man, Terrance.” Branch picked up some bags and headed toward the house, leaving Skye and Terrance in the midst of a quick introduction. Meanwhile, Lorenzo grabbed the rest of the bags and prepared to head toward the house, but stopped and looked back at Skye. She had met him at Nita’s wedding months before and he had developed something of a crush on her, although he acknowledged that she was totally out of his league.

      At the moment, Skye’s senses were totally engaged with the man whom Branch had introduced as his right-hand man.

      He appeared to be no-nonsense in character. His clothing suggested careful consideration, lots of money spent on the finest of fabrics and something else—self-confidence. A tobacco colored raw silk shirt topped off tan slacks. He hadn’t bothered to wear a belt, but his loafers were expensive, his expression guarded.

      Terrance stepped forward, held out his hand and Skye took it with a businesslike grasp. He held it a few seconds longer than was necessary, then let it go with a smile. The warmth that transmitted was felt by both.

      “Terrance Marshall,” he said, and though he never removed his sunglasses, Skye could feel his gaze on her face. It unnerved her because she realized she wanted to see his expression.

      “Well, I’m glad we all made it this time,” Lorenzo said, then turned and walked back toward the house.

      “Yeah, me, too. I mean, I haven’t seen you for a while so I’ll catch up with you later,” Terrance called out to him. He then turned his attention to the lovely creature standing next to him as she watched him with an unreadable expression. He could not ignore the signals she was unconsciously sending. The way she stood, the way she avoided making eye contact, even the fact that she remained silent although he was aware of her scrutiny, told him that she felt the same radar impulses he was getting.

      Terrance suddenly grabbed the one suitcase left in the car’s trunk and turned to her. “Is this all you have?” His short-sleeved shirt revealed arms that were well muscled and sinewy. He was tall, maybe six feet two inches and built like an athlete. Skye took in his physique, his unspoken words and his pointed stare without comment. She knew trouble when she was in the midst of it.

      “Yes. Thanks, but you don’t have to do that. I can roll it,” she offered.

      “No, it’s okay. I want to. It’ll give me more time to get to know you. I’m sorry I didn’t get to meet you at the wedding. My daughter came down with something and her fever spiked. I hated not to be there for Branch, but I just couldn’t leave town with her fever that high. It was a scary few days,” he added quickly.

      “Oh, I had heard about that. Nita’s been talking about you for a long time now.”

      She waited for him to respond, then thought maybe she’d said too much.

      “Yeah, we’ve been buddies since college. Nita probably also told you that I’m the reason for his scandalous bachelor days, too,” he said with a questioning stare.

      Skye ignored the comment. She figured he didn’t really expect an answer. Instead, she smiled. “Yes, I do seem to remember a few things, but you know how it goes.” She couldn’t bring herself to admit that if she’d known he was so fine, her memory would have definitely been sharper. At that moment, Skye planned to revisit the subject with Nita the first chance she got.

      They entered the ranch-style house and Skye’s focus shifted. Branch and Nita had remodeled extensively in the past months. They’d painted, refinished the floors and modernized the kitchen and bathrooms. The four-thousand-square-foot ranch house was open, airy and contemporary, yet it offered expansive comfort to all who entered its doors.

      “Come on in, girl,” Nita interrupted. “That sun and heat can get to you if you’re not used to it,” she added. “Here, let me show you to your room,” she said as she directed Terrance and Skye toward the back of the two-story structure.

      “Four thousand square feet of casual elegance supported by functionality is what our design consultants describe it as,” Nita offered as they passed three bedrooms.

      “Wow, that’s a lot of space,” Skye squealed as she passed the rooms and the adjoining bathrooms which lined the hallway.

      “Branch was adamant when we looked for a house that it should be able to accommodate friends, family, whatever.”

      “By family, I am assuming you’re referring to any children you two have. I know my man was not trying to encourage the onslaught of relatives that a five-bedroom house can summon,” Terrance offered, smiling.

      “I’ll give you one thing—you definitely know my husband very well,” Nita laughed.

      “You’re darned right I do, but that’s Husband 101—do not encourage the in-laws to move in,” he added.

      Skye shook her head, then joined them in laughter. “No matter what or who comes to visit, this house is awesome,” she said, still looking around in wonder.

      “Yes, it is, and I was just thinking the same thing about you,” Terrance suddenly whispered so that only Skye would hear. Nita had walked on toward the fourth bedroom and was chattering on about dinner being served at seven-thirty that evening.

      His comment caught Skye off guard. She wasn’t sure how—or if—she should respond. She also wasn’t at all sure she wanted to. After all, this was a man whom she’d heard stories about from the time her best friend had met her newly acquired husband.

      His reputation from his early college days was legendary and it spelled caution any way you looked at it. Temple University had been his stomping grounds. She realized that he could have very well kept his old habits intact. Some men never grew up, never relinquished their player cards. In her mind, the pending divorce Nita had mentioned was, in all likelihood, something to which he’d contributed wholeheartedly.

      Terrance wheeled Skye’s suitcase just inside the doorway to the bedroom she would occupy and then quickly turned around, holding out his hand once more.

      “It’s been extremely nice meeting you,” he said, clasping it warmly between his two hands for a brief moment, which somehow seemed to last far longer than was necessary.

      “You, too. Looks like we’re almost roommates,” Skye added, nodding toward his room which was just across the hallway.

      “Now that would be asking for way too much,” he said and walked toward the door. “But a guy can hope,” he added, laughing as Skye quickly closed her door. She was trembling as she leaned back against it. She closed her eyes and tried to gather her wits about her. He was only a man. But, what a man. His body, his face, his voice, his eyes, his shoulders and his walk all came together in her mind and Skye opened her eyes in an effort to try and regain her composure.

      It was the first time she’d seen a room done in shades of red. The walls were red, the café curtains at the window were red and the framed prints lining the walls were all in red themes. The furniture, the bed’s comforter and the area rug which sat next to a black leather chair were stark white, lending both contrast and a feeling of extreme space.

      Skye’s breathing slowed as she composed herself. She vowed to keep herself under better control for the remainder of the weekend, trying to ignore the fact that the object of her undoing was housed less than ten feet away.

      She unpacked, brushed her teeth, changed her