Beyond the Velvet Rope. Tiffany Ashley

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Название Beyond the Velvet Rope
Автор произведения Tiffany Ashley
Жанр Короткие любовные романы
Серия Mills & Boon Spice
Издательство Короткие любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781472074164

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shaking his head. “Is there a problem?”

      “No press.”

      “Excuse me?” she asked, certain she had not heard him correctly.

      “No press,” he repeated, “and absolutely no photographers.”

      Thandie laughed. “This is a joke, right?” She stopped abruptly when he didn’t join her. Instead, he sat patiently, staring at her. “You can’t be serious,” she said.

      He flicked away an imaginary piece of lint from his suit lapel.

      “You’re serious?” she gasped in disbelief.

      “No photos. It’s a club policy.”

      “Who would make such an absurd policy?”

      “I did.”

      “But this is for promotion,” she stammered. “How can we motivate people to come to the club if you aren’t willing to show your establishment?”

      “I’m sorry, Ms. Shaw, but I’m quite firm on the matter. Guests come to Babylon for privacy, and I will not break promises just to sell a few silly fashion magazines and cheap tabloids.”

      “Those cheap tabloids define for many people who’s hot and who’s not,” she said. “They set the mode for mainstream society. And if it weren’t for those silly fashion magazines marketing their products, it’s doubtful you would know that Purple Label suit you’re wearing is the center point of Ralph Lauren’s spring line.”

      “Versed as you are in ways of fashion, my decision hasn’t changed. No photos. And if you don’t like it, you can always quit. There are plenty of qualified and more...appropriate promoters who would love to be in your position right now.” One dark, arched brow lifted. “The choice is yours, Ms. Shaw.”

      Thandie’s jaw clenched closed. “It’s going to take a lot more than outlandish requests to make me quit.”

      His handsome face split into a wicked grin. “Well then, I will have to work a little harder.”

      The waiter reappeared holding platters of food. How the chef ever managed to prepare the two steak dinners that quickly was beyond Thandie. She’d never been much of a beef eater, but the scent wafting from the plates was divine. The steak was thick, lean and still sizzling. She was too much of a novice to even know what cut of meat it was, but it really didn’t matter. She was beginning to salivate. Painstakingly, she waited for the waiter to place their meals on the table and depart.

      Elliot smiled down at his plate and, with fluid motions, he cut a small piece of his steak. He did not eat it himself. Instead, he held it up to her lips. “Please, have a bite,” he said. “I promise you won’t regret it.”

      Thandie took in his low tone and wondered if the serpent had said something very similar to Eve in the Garden of Eden. His proposal seemed to offer she take a bite of him as well as the meat. It was tempting. Very tempting. Especially when his eyes glowed a captivating hue of hypnotic silver and he wore that wicked grin of his. Thandie tore her eyes away from his lips and focused on the gleaming fork with the proffered steak nestled on its prongs. Nervously, she leaned forward and opened her mouth, aware Elliot was watching her.

      The moment the meat touched her tongue, she didn’t care who was looking. She was in heaven. It was the sweetest, most tender beef she’d ever tasted. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the flavors that filled her mouth. Only when she swallowed, did she remember herself. Her eyes slung open and found Elliot watching her. He did not say a word. He didn’t have to. She could tell from his smug expression, he’d enjoyed watching her reaction.

      Breaking the intimate moment, Elliot pulled away from her and reached for the wine bottle. Lifting the tip, he poured more of the ruby red liquid into her glass. He smiled when she eagerly grasped her goblet and took a sip. “Let’s talk specifics, shall we?” He replaced the bottle and claimed his own glass. “As I mentioned before, you’ll host a series of events for Babylon, leading up to our grand reopening this summer. You will be responsible for managing approximately three functions and will be paid upon the completion of each event. Your success will be measured on press coverage and sales revenue. I will communicate those objectives to you at a later date.

      “Your proposed theme must be presented to me no less than seven days before the date. It will be your responsibility to communicate with my staff, to let them know your strategy. It is very important no one be left in the dark. To ensure transparency, you will present your blueprint during the managers’ meeting at the beginning of every week.

      “Each event will be executed on a monthly basis, performed on the premises, and must generate sales. You will be given a strict budget which must cover all entertainment, setup and travel expenses. A detailed financial log and all associated receipts must be submitted after each event. As an added incentive, at the end of your assignment, whatever has not been spent from your budget, will be presented to you in the form of a bonus check.

      “In addition to these responsibilities, you will be expected to initiate and escort special guests to the club. Requests for any resources needed to ensure the comfort of these select guests must be made in advance, either to either myself or—”

      Thandie held up her hand to stop him. “Exactly when am I supposed to have time to coordinate the arrival of these special guests?” she asked. “Managing three events in three months doesn’t allow me time to do much else.”

      “How you manage your time, will be up to you,” he said matter-of-factly. “But manage it, you will.” As if to make clear he had nothing more to say on the issue, he calmly took another bite of his meal.

      Thandie stared at him in disbelief. Escorting guests was a nearly impossible feat. She would be pressed for time organizing the events, not to mention working with a tight budget. There would be little time to do anything else, particularly haggling with celebrity publicists.

      In response to her look of incredulity, Elliot flashed her one of his perfect wicked grins. Thandie was beginning to loathe that expression.

      “If at any time,” he continued smoothly, “I decide to terminate our agreement, you will be compensated for hours worked on all successfully completed projects. If at any time you decide to terminate our agreement, any financial advancements issued to you must be paid in full upon notice of your resignation. As such, you surrender your eligibility to receive the bonus incentive.” Elliot paused to pull out an envelope from his breast pocket and hand it to her. “Inside, you will find a contract stating the points we have just discussed. In addition, you will see a confidentiality agreement, as well as your proposed salary.”

      Thandie unfolded the pages, looking briefly over each item until she located the one stating her salary. When she found it, she blinked. Previously, she and Warren had discussed a few numbers, but the amount on the offer letter was nearly fifteen thousand dollars more.

      “I trust you find my offer satisfactory?” Elliot asked.

      “Very,” she agreed. There was no need in her playing coy. They both knew she would accept the offer.

      For the remainder of dinner, Elliot stated his expectations and answered her questions fully. It had not gone unnoticed by Thandie that every item worked in his favor. Specifically the termination clause. However, every club owner she’d ever known only made agreements that worked to their benefit. The only difference was, Elliot had every item clearly stated in the contract. By the time their meals were completed, Thandie was feeling significantly better about their working relationship. Elliot was an astute businessman, leaving no detail unexplored. He was brilliant in his element. Perhaps she’d wrongly prejudged him. What she’d taken as sexual overtones might just have been awkward attempts, on his part, to be more personable. It would not be the first time she’d experienced odd behavior from a clever mind.

      When the check was presented, Elliot continued talking while he reviewed the bill. He pulled out his billfold and handed the waiter a Centurion Card.

      After Elliot’s credit card was returned, he helped