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finished off her apple before heading to her own room to change into more appropriate clothing. While she milled through her suitcase looking for sandals, she took the opportunity to place a call. A subdued voice answered on the first ring.

      “BHP. Gage Ali’s office. How may I help you?”

      “This is Thandie Shaw. Is Gage available?”

      “Hold on one second, Thandie.”

      The husky voice of Gage Ali flowed through the phone. “So it is true? You’re in Miami?” Her voice was dark and exotic, softened only by the lilt of her British accent. “I called your office this morning to see if you wanted to do lunch next week.”

      “Sorry. I didn’t get a chance to tell you I’m on assignment in Florida for the next few months.”

      “Months? You can’t be serious.”

      “I know, but the pay was irresistible.”

      “Amanda sounds as though she’s dying over there.”

      “I’m hoping she will simmer soon,” Thandie confessed.

      “Who’s your contact down there?”

      “Warren Radcliffe.”

      “Warren?” Gage laughed. “Warren is insane.”

      “Yes, he is.”

      “Well, one thing is for sure, you’ll be thoroughly entertained.”

      “Yes, I know.”

      “What sort of assignment are you working on in Miami?” Gage pressed.

      “I’m promoting a club down here.”

      “What’s the name?”

      “Club Babylon.”

      Gage paused. “Elliot Richards’s club? Now that’s interesting.”

      “What do you mean by that?”

      “Nothing, really. Have you seen him?”

      “Who, Elliot? Yes.”

      “Very tempting, isn’t he?”

      Thandie hesitated. “I suppose.”

      Gage was quiet for a second. “I’ve met him before, Thandie.”


      “So...I know exactly what he looks like. He’s fuckalicious, and you know it.”


      “Oh, Thandie,” she said in a motherly tone. “I envy you just as much as I pity you.”

      “Thanks for the vote of confidence.”

      “If you don’t listen to anything I say, please listen to me now. Stay away from Elliot Richards.”

      “I’ll keep that in mind,” Thandie said lamely.

      “No, Thandie, I’m serious. He is a demon placed on this earth to screw women into oblivion. We thought it was that damn apple that caused Eve’s fall from grace.” Her voice dropped to a stage whisper. “It wasn’t.”

      “Let me guess. It was Elliot?”


      Thandie burst into laughter. In all the years she’d known Gage, she’d never been so animated. “Are you finished?”

      “Okay, I may be pouring it on thick, but in all sincerity, Thandie, don’t go down that road. Trust me when I say if you allow yourself to get involved with Elliot, you will get your heart broken.”

      “Thank you, Gage—”

      “The things he’s into—” Her voice drifted off. “Just don’t get hurt, okay?”

      “Gage,” Thandie said in a warning tone, “what do you know?”

      The line went silent for a long time. “Nothing really,” Gage hedged. “Old wives’ tales, I guess.”

      “Just how well do you know Elliot?”

      “I don’t know him,” Gage confessed. “No one does. He doesn’t keep very close company. However, I was once friendly with an acquaintance of his.”


      “You know what I mean,” Gage snapped. “Just be careful down there.”

      “I will,” Thandie promised.

      Long after they’d hung up, Thandie considered Gage’s warnings. In the short time she’d been in Miami, Gage was the third person to caution her about Elliot.

      Thandie certainly did not need further warnings to keep her distance from Elliot. In the brief conversations she’d had with him, she’d learned to be on her guard. He was beautiful to the point of unnerving, and arrogant to the point of exasperation. These were two things that, if Thandie didn’t watch herself, could get her into a lot of trouble.

      But those eyes. Those fascinating silver eyes of his. She’d never seen anything quite like them. They seemed to flicker with intensity, bearing into her with frightening clarity.

      One thing was clear—Elliot Richards was a dangerous man. She was definitely not looking forward to their dinner meeting tonight.

      As if on cue, her phone began vibrating. She looked at the incoming number and frowned. She did not recognize it, but it had a Miami prefix. She answered hesitantly. “Hello?”

      “May I speak to Thandie Shaw?” the caller asked brusquely.


      “Ms. Shaw, this is Romero, Elliot Richards’s assistant. I was calling to confirm your meeting with him tonight at eight. Do you know how to get to Peppers?”

      “Uh—no,” confused by the assertiveness of his tone.

      “I will send you the directions. Please be on time. Elliot is on a tight schedule.”


      “He wanted me to tell you he is looking forward to your meeting. I trust you feel the same.”

      Thandie’s mouth fell open, and then it shut. It shut because Romero had already hung up. She looked at the phone and scowled. What was it with Floridians and decent phone manners? Did everyone hang up on each other in this town?

      The sound of her phone chirping broke her silent rant. It was the sound indicator, alerting her she had a new email. She toggled the dials and discovered it was a new message from Romero. It included directions to the restaurant, and restated the importance of her arriving on time.

      She hissed at the email like an angry cat. She was becoming increasingly leery of this meeting. She’d secretly harbored hopes someone from Elliot’s management team might join them for dinner, possibly Adam or Markie. But she now knew that had been a foolish notion. Romero’s comment about Elliot “looking forward to their meeting” was proof enough. The idea of being alone with him made her shoulders sag with the weight of a two ton anvil. Elliot was toying with her, and she knew it. He was trying to intimidate her. Well, she wouldn’t allow that to happen. At least, not as easily as he might think.

      Now spitting mad, Thandie resolved herself to do battle. Hastily, she finished getting dressed. After she claimed a car from the rental agency, she had errands to run. Every good warrior knew battles were not won in the heat of combat, but in the preparations. If it was a fight Elliot wanted, it was a fight he would get.


      (the foyer)


      Thandie was twenty minutes early for dinner. It was enough time for her to second-guess her wardrobe choices. She’d packed only one suit for the trip to Miami. Upon careful inspection, it looked more appropriate for a funeral.