Forbidden Seductions. India Grey

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Название Forbidden Seductions
Автор произведения India Grey
Жанр Короткие любовные романы
Серия Mills & Boon By Request
Издательство Короткие любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474003919

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And he couldn’t help comparing his feelings to the feelings his adoptive father had had for her mother.

      He could almost scent her, he mused grimly, even while he rejected the notion. She made him feel like some kind of jungle predator, his senses spinning with the thought of her naked in his arms.


      ‘Is something wrong?’

      The old man was far too perceptive, and Dominic had to physically force a hollow smile to his lips.

      ‘I didn’t realise Cleo was here,’ he said, aware that his answer begged even more questions. He pushed his fists into his jacket pockets. ‘Well, as you’re in such good hands, I’ll be on my way.’

      ‘It’s a pity you can’t stay,’ remarked his grandfather sagely. ‘I know how much you like a swim in the pool.’

      ‘I had one earlier,’ said Dominic shortly, not best-pleased at being reminded. The brief glimpse of Cleo he’d seen on her balcony was still far too dominant in his mind.

      With her hair tumbled about her shoulders, she’d drawn his eyes instinctively. In her skimpy bra and panties, she’d looked even more seductive than she did now. ‘Oh, well…’

      Dominic was fairly sure the old man wasn’t deceived, but he wasn’t about to stay around to find out.

      ‘I’ll see you tomorrow,’ he said. ‘You know I’m having dinner with Sarah this evening. She was pretty peeved when I didn’t get over to see her last night.’

      ‘She’ll get over it.’ Jacob spoke absently, lifting a hand to Cleo as he spoke. ‘Just so long as you remember we’re having a special dinner here tomorrow evening. I want to introduce Cleo to our friends and neighbours. I want them to know how proud of her I am.’

      Dominic stifled a sigh. ‘OK.’

      ‘Oh, and by the way…’ Jacob looked up at him now ‘…I never thanked you for bringing my granddaughter to me, Dom. You’ve no idea how much it means to me to have her here.’

      Dominic pulled a wry face. ‘I have a pretty good idea,’ he said, squeezing his grandfather’s shoulder with genuine affection. ‘Look after yourself, old man. And don’t be overdoing things to try and impress her, yeah?’

      ‘Then you’re going to have to spend a little time with her yourself, Dom,’ said Jacob staunchly. ‘Introduce her to your friends. I’d like for you all to get along.’ Yeah, right.

      Dominic didn’t voice the words, but he wasn’t deceived by the old man’s suggestion. Jacob knew Sarah for one would be as keen to make a friend of Cleo as his mother.

      Dominic prepared for the celebratory dinner at Magnolia Hill with little enthusiasm.

      He was in no hurry to spend an evening refereeing a slanging match between his grandfather and his mother. And, judging from what Lily had said when he’d spoken to her on the phone earlier, her opinion of their unexpected guest hadn’t improved with time.

      He was less sure of Serena.

      According to his mother, his aunt was playing a waiting game, neither applauding Cleo’s arrival, nor making any attempt to alienate the girl.

      Which was Serena all over, thought Dominic wryly, sliding his arms into the sleeves of a dark blue silk shirt. She must know that her position as her father’s hostess could be in jeopardy and she’d be holding her cards very close to her chest.

      As for Cleo herself…

      Dominic buttoned his shirt with impatient fingers, studying his reflection in his dressing-room mirror without liking. He really didn’t want to see her again. Not with the image of her as he’d last seen her, beside the pool, still tormenting his mind.

      Of course, he’d had a valid excuse for not calling to see his grandfather the night before. The old man had known he was having dinner with Sarah, so Dominic had contented himself with a phone call instead.

      Not that his dinner with Sarah had been a particularly enjoyable occasion. She’d still been brooding about his absence the previous evening, and Dominic was beginning to think their affair had run its course. Her mood had soured their meeting, and he’d been glad to get back to his own house.

      He’d known Sarah had expected him to stay over. But even after she’d thrown off her petulance, he’d had enough. He doubted he could have sustained a convincing conversation. And as for going to bed with her…

      Dominic closed his eyes for a moment. Then, zipping up his trousers, he emerged into the bedroom.

      Sarah was standing in the middle of the floor. She had evidently been debating the merits of surprising him in either his bathroom or his dressing room, and her face fell when she saw he was fully dressed.

      Dominic had half forgotten he’d invited her to the dinner party. When he’d first arrived at her house the night before, it had seemed the natural thing to do. Now, though, he was definitely regretting it…

      ‘You’re ready,’ she said disappointedly, and Dominic was inordinately relieved he hadn’t spent any more time than was necessary in the shower.

      ‘What did you expect?’ he asked, coming to bestow a light kiss on her expectant mouth. ‘We have to be there in twenty minutes.’

      ‘There’s no rush.’ Sarah’s lips pouted.

      ‘There is,’ said Dominic flatly, stepping past her to pick up his cellphone from the low table beside the king-size bed. ‘I promised Grandpa I wouldn’t be late.’

      ‘Oh, Grandpa!’

      Sarah spoke contemptuously, and Dominic couldn’t help noticing how her lips thinned when she was agitated.

      Even in her apricot sequinned mini-dress, that exposed her slim legs to advantage, and with her cap of blonde hair curling confidingly under her chin, her face had a sulky arrogance that detracted somewhat from its pale beauty.

      ‘Yes, Grandpa,’ agreed Dominic, not prepared to argue. He glanced towards her. ‘I assume Nelson is waiting outside. Why don’t you go ahead? I’ve got a couple of calls to make before I leave.’

      ‘But you’re coming with me, aren’t you?’

      Sarah was indignant, and Dominic ran a weary hand round the back of his neck.

      ‘I thought I’d drive my own car,’ he said, aware that he was behaving badly. But, dammit, if he allowed the Cordys’ chauffeur to drive them, Sarah would expect to spend the night at Turtle Cove when they got back.

      So what was wrong with that?


      Sarah got the message, as he’d known she would.

      ‘You’re still sulking,’ she said accusingly. ‘Just because I was a bit short with you last night—not without good reason, mind you—you’ve decided to punish me in return.’

      ‘Don’t be ridiculous!’

      Dominic wanted to laugh out loud at the ludicrousness of that statement.

      ‘I just think it would be easier if I didn’t have to rely on Nelson,’ he said. ‘Grandpa may decide he wants a post-mortem after the party is over. It will save you hanging around when I don’t know when I’ll be ready to leave.’

      Sarah pursed her lips. ‘Why can’t Jacob wait until tomorrow if he needs to discuss anything with you? For heaven’s sake, Dom, you’re in charge of the Montoya interests, not him.’

      ‘Don’t let Grandpa hear you saying that,’ remarked Dominic, trying to lighten the mood. ‘Anyway, it’s a good idea, isn’t it? And I am still pretty jet-lagged, you know.’

      Sarah considered for a moment, and then came to rest her head against his shoulder. ‘I’m a bitch, aren’t I?’
