Secrets In Sydney. Emily Forbes

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Название Secrets In Sydney
Автор произведения Emily Forbes
Жанр Короткие любовные романы
Серия Mills & Boon By Request
Издательство Короткие любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474042819

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and guided it to her left elbow. ‘Are you ready?’

      ‘As I’ll ever be.’

      The prickly man was back and she didn’t try to make polite conversation. She walked normally, but she did slow just before the nurses’ station. ‘Do you want to speak to any staff before you leave?’

      He frowned and his mouth flattened. ‘Is there any point? Gretel isn’t my patient.’

      She didn’t even try to stop the snarky tone in her voice. ‘Oh, right. How could I have possibly forgotten that you don’t do social niceties?’

      The corner of his mouth twitched, but he didn’t say a word.

      She kept walking and was about to say ‘The door is just ahead’ when Tom got in first.

      ‘Five steps to the door,’ he said. ‘If you open it, I’ll walk through the doorway and meet you on the other side.’

      ‘Okay.’ She did as he asked and then rejoined him in the corridor. She wondered if he might insist on walking on his own but he took her arm again.

      As the music played around them in the lift, he said, ‘You did a great job today.’

      ‘Thank you.’ The ping sounded and the doors opened.

      He gave a brisk nod. ‘I’m going to use the exit into the lane.’

      She thought about where she’d run the other day. ‘The one where Pete’s got the rubbish dumpster?’

      ‘That’s it.’

      It was on the other side of the hospital from the exit she usually used, and she wondered if it was Tom code for I’ll walk on my own now? But he hadn’t let go of her arm so she kept walking with him toward the door. Just as Hayley pushed open the heavy external door, a ward clerk, hurrying in for the morning shift, stopped to let them through.

      ‘Mr Jordan?’ The woman’s face lit up with a huge smile. ‘It’s Penny. It’s so great to see you. You’ve been missed.’

      Tom extended his hand, which the clerk pressed warmly. ‘Penny, it’s great to hear your voice. How’s Ben doing?’

      ‘He’s thriving, thanks to you. Can you believe that he’s even playing football in the under nines?’

      Tom moved his head toward her voice. ‘I can believe it. He was a determined kid and I’m pleased to know he’s doing so well.’ He gave her a warm smile. ‘You take care, Penny.’

      Hayley stared at him, hardly able to recognise the man standing next to her.

      Be fair. He was like this with Gretel.

      Just not with me. Her silent sigh dragged her shoulders down a touch.

      ‘You take care too, Mr Jordan.’ Penny squeezed Tom’s hand again. ‘Goodbye.’ She hurried inside to work and the door slammed shut behind her.

      Tom’s grip on Hayley’s arm increased ever so slightly and he leaned in towards her, his deep voice caressing her ear and sparking such a swirl of longing that she wanted to move her head so her lips would brush his.

      ‘And you thought I didn’t do social chitchat.’ He tapped his cane and grinned. ‘Time to pick your jaw up off the ground, Hayley Grey.’

      Just when she thought she’d got Tom Jordan figured out, he went and did something totally unpredictable like this. She tried to close her gaping mouth, but before she could, a giggle escaped, and then another and another, until she couldn’t stop. It was like her veins were full of laughter bubbles and they just kept rising to the surface, being carried up on a wave of fatigue and sheer relief that the night was finally over. Everything seemed uproariously funny and she gave in to it, loving the reckless feeling and the joy that came with it.

      Tom’s bass laugh joined hers, making her laugh even harder until tears streamed down her face, her sides ached and she could hardly hold her head up. She let it fall onto his shoulder as she gasped for breath. ‘I don’t even know why I’m laughing.’

      ‘The non-technical term is slap happy.’ He pressed his free hand gently against her hair. ‘It’s a release for the pressure of the last few hours.’

      She raised her head, loving the way his hand now curved around the back of her neck. ‘It doesn’t usually happen to me.’

      ‘You don’t usually do brain surgery.’ Now his fingers were stroking her neck and then they moved along her jaw, tilting her chin. His eyes that couldn’t see her darkened with desire. ‘You were amazing. Are amazing.’

      Her laughter faded at his voice—husky, filled with admiration and undisguised attraction. Unlike the last time they’d almost kissed, this time there was no ambiguity. This time his words and tone of voice matched his expression. Nothing about him was pushing her away.

      Her brain melted into a puddle of need as he traced her mouth with the tips of his fingers. Zips of sensation tore through her, detonating heat, lust and a desperate yearning all over her body. Then his mouth pressed against hers—gentle yet firm and, oh, so scorching hot. She heard a soft moan as she opened her mouth under his and realised it had come from her. His taste flooded her—coffee, peppermint and hunger for her—swirling into her mouth, diving deep and strumming the strings of her need. It knocked her off her feet.

      She sagged against him. He stumbled slightly at the unexpected weight and she flung her arm around his waist to steady him. She didn’t want to give him any reason to pull away. She closed her eyes and let him kiss her, giving him full rein to explore her mouth, to nip her lips with his teeth, to caress and explore with his tongue and to brand her with his flavour of arousal. Sinking into the kiss, his heat simmered her blood, making every pulse point throb, and she never wanted it to end.

      She’d been kissed before but nothing like this. It was as if he was stealing part of her and she was giving it up freely, but still he demanded more and she could feel the pull. Suddenly her blissed-out body woke up and demanded him. She cupped his cheeks, felt his stubble grazing her palms and she kissed him back.



      Her tongue duelled with his and dominated his mouth, seeking his fire and merging it with hers. She heard him moan, heard his cane fall to the ground and felt his mouth plunder hers with a weight that stole her breath.

      Panting, he tore his mouth away from hers and she shivered from the loss of his touch.

      His hand ploughed through his hair. ‘Hell, I used to have a lot more finesse than this. We’re standing next to a rubbish dumpster.’

      ‘I hadn’t noticed.’ She touched his cheek, wanting to keep the contact. Not wanting him to change his mind.

      He laughed and brought his hand up to cover hers. ‘Your sense of smell is hopeless.’

      ‘I thought we were dealing with a whole lot of other senses and, believe me, you still have loads of finesse.’ She kissed him quickly and decided to act. ‘I don’t have my car, but my place isn’t far. It’s over on Northcliff.’

      He smiled and his eyes seemed to sparkle like the phosphorescent green waters of the Great Barrier Reef. ‘Mine’s closer. Walk fast.’

      TOM stretched out in his bed, feeling completely sated. The musky smell of sex, the sweet scent of Hayley and the warmth from her body circled him, and he realised he hadn’t felt this relaxed since—Hell, he had no clue how long it had been and at that moment he didn’t care. He just was. He grinned at the play of light and dark in the room, shadows cast by the morning light. They’d made it to his apartment—just. Somehow he’d got his trembling hand to insert the key into the lock and had managed to turn it and open the door. In a tumble of clothes, they’d kicked off shoes, popped buttons,