The Dream Dictionary from A to Z [Revised edition]. Theresa Cheung

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Название The Dream Dictionary from A to Z [Revised edition]
Автор произведения Theresa Cheung
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780007484096

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also suggest the desire to hear from someone or make contact with them.

      The ringing of an alarm clock in a dream indicates the need to get up and do something; it may also be a reminder of something or someone you have neglected. The ringing of a school bell or the timer on a cooker, kettle, or any kitchen appliance in a dream may also be prompting you to move forward with an idea or gain a new experience in the world. If you are undecided about whether to commit to a person, dreams in which bells feature or you hear bells chiming appear to be hinting at marriage or a deeper emotional commitment. You may, for instance, have a dream in which the door bell rings and your prospective husband, wife, or partner is at the door. Pay attention to your feelings in the dream as they can help you see your potential partners and your feelings for what they really are. So if you have a feeling of dread when the door bell rings, this probably is not a good sign.


      See POSITIONS.


      See CLOTHES.

      BEREAVEMENT Dreams in which you woke up crying or feeling sad because you have had a dream in which you were bereaved can be a cathartic experience, helping you work through grief toward accepting the loss of a loved one in real life. If, however, you were grieving for someone who is still alive and healthy in your dream, have you neglected your responsibilities toward that person, or is your dreaming mind using the death of a loved one as a symbol of something that needs to end in your waking life? What is it about you or your life that the deceased person in your dream could be representing? Inhibition or recklessness, perhaps? Or could the deceased represent a quality that has departed from your life, such as fun or relaxation? You may also fear that your relationship with this person might actually end in waking life. Whatever the identity of the deceased person, dreams of being bereaved also bring up issues of loneliness. Perhaps you feel that your partner is neglecting you, or you feel you are losing touch with your friends. Such dreams may be urging you to make a conscious effort to reconnect with other people.

      A house is often interpreted as a symbol of the dreamer and represents the place from which you withdraw to live your inner life. A dark, cold, or empty house can symbolize a profound sense of loss, suggesting that you feel deprived of emotional warmth. Images of ashes and dust in dreams are also often associated with the loss of a treasured person or thing in waking life. If you dream of an empty purse, you are mourning – through a classic symbol of death and bereavement – for the comfort and happiness we all crave. On a literal level, however, it may signify that you overvalue material things in life.

      BERRIES There are many berries that can appear within a dream, but they all possess significantly different meanings. Raspberries suggest that a dangerous but entertaining relationship may be on the horizon. If you are eating raspberries in a dream, it may be a reference to some sort of distress that you will feel because of unkind words that may be floating around about you. Blueberries in a dream refer to the dreamer’s youth, as well as to a desire to return to youthful ways. Blueberries are also a symbol of eternity and an optimistic future. If you are gathering gooseberries in a dream, you will experience happiness in the future. To dream of mulberries represents an illness that may prevent you from achieving the goals that you have set for yourself. If you are eating mulberries in a dream, you may be experiencing bitter disappointments in life. The delicious strawberry is a symbol of both temptation and sensuality.

      See also FRUIT.


      See POSITIONS.

      BETRAYAL To dream that you have been betrayed represents your suspicions about a particular person, relationship or situation. This dream often occurs when you are having feelings of insecurity and are faced with major responsibilities in your life at the same time.

      See also CHEATING.



      BIBLE A symbol of what you hold true or traditional moral standards. Also religion or the way you feel about religion.

      BICYCLE/CYCLING For many people, riding a bike was the first experience of mastering a skill and gaining independence, so it can represent youthful enthusiasm or a yearning for a life without responsibilities. It can also suggest growing emotional and sexual confidence and the desire to control your own destiny or power your own progress in the world. How well you ride the bike suggests how you feel about your place in the race of life. The speed of the bike is significant, as it will suggest how strong your desire for independence is. If you fall or lose your balance, you may lack confidence. If you ride the bike downhill you may be taking a risk or need to take extra care. If you ride a bike uphill, more hard work is needed to reach your goals. If your bicycle is stolen this suggests lack of enthusiasm or self-belief. In general, both bicycles and motorcycles symbolize a need for balance in life and the need to reconcile the often opposing demands of the conscious and unconscious.



      See CLOTHES.


      See MONEY.

      BINOCULARS This symbol suggests a desire to see something more clearly or get to know someone more intimately.


      Birds can also symbolize relationships with other people. For example, thieving birds, such as magpies, may suggest a threat to a relationship and the possibility of an affair; territorial birds, such as blackbirds, might suggest jealousy. Baby birds of all species can symbolize relationships with children or dependents. Freud believed that birds were sexual symbols that represent the penis, whereas Jung believed that birds in dreams were messengers from the unconscious, offering insight and wisdom. Sometimes birds in dreams can denote the feminine principle or the anima in a man’s dream.

      Birds in dreams, therefore, represent freedom, transformation, insight, objectivity, relationships, intuition, and the ability to see the bigger picture. If you see a bird alight, appear or take flight in your dream, ask yourself if you are wishing you could escape from pressures and responsibilities. Do you want to be free from a situation and set off for pastures new? Do you want freedom from a particular relationship or an outstanding debt? Or is it an attitude or situation you want to rise above? Do you long to travel or take flight? Alternatively, was your unconscious referring to a ‘flight of fancy’, something you were hoping and wishing for in waking life? Or do you need to see the bigger picture and leave the details behind? And finally, because your unconscious conjures up bird images to reflect certain attitudes or situations in life, you also need to consider the symbolism associated with the following bird situations and different types of birds. At all times, the condition or health of the bird is important. If the bird is suffering in any way, this will suggest a certain degree of frustration. If the bird is flying or is in good condition, feelings of freedom and liberation may be indicated.

      For centuries it was considered a good omen to dream of birds, but bear in mind that there are also many negative superstitions about birds. Here are some well-known ones that might influence your dream