Six Of The Best Of Desire 2016. Maisey Yates

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Название Six Of The Best Of Desire 2016
Автор произведения Maisey Yates
Жанр Короткие любовные романы
Серия Mills & Boon e-Book Collections
Издательство Короткие любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474067782

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his gaze. He closed the distance between them, his brown eyes dark and hungry while he raked his gaze over her.

      He peeled the jersey up and over her head. She shook her hair free in waves that fanned behind her, leaving her rounded breasts bared to his devouring gaze. Heat pulsed through her veins—and relief. She had missed him since their incredible time together two and a half months ago, and she’d worked so hard to keep her desire for him in check for the sake of her babies so that she could make a smart decision where he was concerned. Now it felt so amazing to let go of those fears and simply fall into him.

      She’d wondered what he would think of the subtle changes pregnancy had brought to her body. Her full breasts had fit in his palms before; now she knew they would overflow a hint more.

      But Gervais’s eyes were greedier for her than ever, and he stared at her with need he didn’t bother to hide. Lowering her to rest on her back, he followed her down to the bed, his touch gentle but firm. His woodsy scent familiar and making her ache for him.

      He hooked his thumbs in the sides of her pale blue panties, tugging gently until she raised her hips to accommodate. He slipped the scrap of satin down and off, flinging it aside to rest on top of the discarded Hurricanes jersey. His throat moved in a slow gulp. “That incredible image will be seared in my brain for all time.”

      He rocked back for a moment, his eyes roving over her.

      Then his gaze fell to rest on the ever so slight curve of her stomach. The pregnancy was still early, but now she realized that the twins had been the reason her pants had grown a little snug faster than she would have expected.

      A glint of protectiveness lit his eyes. “Are you sure this is safe? You passed out just last week. I don’t want to do anything that could risk your health.”

      She thought she might die if he did not touch her, actually. But she kept that thought locked away.

      “The doctor said I am healthy and cleared for all activities, including sex. Well, as long as we do not indulge in acrobatics.” A wicked memory flashed through her brain. “Perhaps we should not re-create that interlude on the kitchen table in your London hotel room.”

      His heart slugged hard against his chest. Against hers. She wanted to arch into his warmth like a cat seeking the sun.

      “No acrobatics. Understood.” He trailed kisses beneath her ear and down her neck. “I look forward to treating you like spun glass.”

      A shiver tripped down her spine, her skin tingling with awareness. Tingles of heat gathered between her legs, making her long for more. For everything.

      “I will not break,” she promised, needing the pleasure only he could bring her.

      He skimmed a fingertip down the length of her neck.

      “Oh, careful, light touches can be every bit as arousing as our more aggressive weekend together.”

      She licked her lips. Swallowed over her suddenly dry throat.

      “I look forward to your persuasion—once you take those clothes off.” She ran her hands down his chest and back up his shoulders. “Because, Gervais...” She savored the feel of his name on her tongue. “You are seriously overdressed for the occasion. Undress for me.”

      His brown eyes went molten black with heat at her invitation, and his hands went to work on his tie, loosening the knot and tugging the length free, slowly, then draping the silver length over the chaise at the end of the bed. And oh my, how she enjoyed the way he took his time. One fastening at a time, he opened his white button-down until it flapped loose, revealing his broad, muscled chest in a T-shirt. In a deliberate motion he swept both aside and laid them carefully over his tie.

      Her mouth went moist and she bit her bottom lip. She recalled exactly why she hadn’t bothered with light, teasing touches the last time they were together. His body was so powerful, his every muscle honed. She hadn’t been able to hold herself back the last time.

      He winked at her with a playfulness that she didn’t see in this intense man often.

      She could not stop a wriggle of impatience, the Egyptian cotton sheets slick against her rapidly heating flesh.

      Then all playfulness left his eyes as swiftly as he took off his shoes and pants, leaving his toned body naked and all for her.

      The thick length of him strained upward against his stomach. Unable to hold back, she sat up to run her hands up his chest, then down his sides, his hips, forward to clasp his steely strength in his hands. To stroke, again and again, teasing her thumb along the tip.

      With a growl of approval and impatience, he stretched over her while keeping his full weight off her. He braced on his elbows, cupping her face and slanting his mouth along hers. His tongue filled her mouth and she knew soon, not soon enough, he would fill her body again.

      His hands molded to her curves, exploring each of her erogenous zones with a perfection that told her he remembered every moment of their time together as much as she did. His hard thigh parted her legs, the firm pressure against her core sending her arching closer, wriggling against him, growing moist and needy. She clutched at his shoulders, breathy whispers sliding free as she urged him to take her. Now. No more waiting. He’d tormented her dreams long enough.

      Then the blunt thickness of him pushed into her, inch by delicious inch. He was so gentle and strong at the same time. She knew she would have to be the one to demand more. Harder. Faster. And she did. With her words and body, rocking against him, her fingers digging into his taut ass to bring them both the completion they sought.

      Her fingers crawled up his spine again and she pushed at his shoulders, nudging until he rolled to his back, taking her with him in flawless athleticism. His power, his strength, thrilled her. She straddled him, her sleek blond hair draped over her breasts, her nipples just peeking through and tightening. Gervais swept aside her hair and took one pink peak in his mouth. He circled with his tongue, sending bolts of pleasure radiating through her. Sighs of bliss slipped from between her lips. She rolled her hips faster, riding him to her completion. Wave after wave of her orgasm pulsed through her.

      She heard his own hoarse shout of completion, the deep sounds sending a fresh wash of pleasure through her until she melted forward onto his chest. Sated. Every nerve tingling with awareness in the aftermath.

      The swish of the ceiling fan sent goose bumps along her skin. The fine thread count of the sheets soothed her.

      But most of all, the firm muscled length of him felt so good; the swirls of his body hair tempted her to writhe along him again.

      If she could move.

      And just like that, Erika realized how utterly complicated being with him was. Because like it or not, she had feelings for him. Feelings that were threatening to cloud her judgment.

      And while this may have felt right for her, she needed to be sure it was right for him, too.

      * * *

      Gervais poured the flowery-scented shampoo into his hand. Her magnolia scent filled the steam and teased his senses as they stood under the shower spray in a vintage claw-foot tub. The sheer plastic curtain gave both privacy and a view of the room filled with fresh flowers he’d ordered sent up especially for her.

      There was so very much he wanted to do for—and to—this incredible woman.

      Drawing Erika close to him, he kissed her neck, nuzzled behind her ear, savored the wet satin of her skin against his bare flesh. Already he could feel the urge building inside him to lift her legs around his waist and surge inside her. To bring them both to completion again, but he was determined to take his time, to build the moment.

      And yes, draw out the pleasure.

      He lathered her hair, the bubbles and her hair slick between his fingers as he massaged her scalp. Her light moan of bliss encouraged him on, filling him with a sense of power over fulfilling all her needs. He continued to rub along her head, then gently along her neck, down to her shoulders in a slight massage. He wanted to pamper