Six Of The Best Of Desire 2016. Maisey Yates

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Название Six Of The Best Of Desire 2016
Автор произведения Maisey Yates
Жанр Короткие любовные романы
Серия Mills & Boon e-Book Collections
Издательство Короткие любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474067782

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sending him into a dark place, even though he knew that a preseason loss didn’t matter. The preseason was about training. Testing formations. Trying out new personnel. The final tally on the score sheet didn’t count toward anything meaningful.

      Opening the door to his suite, he was taken aback by what he saw on the bed. Erika in a Hurricanes jersey. On her, it doubled as a dress, hitting her midthigh. Exposing her toned legs.

      His mind eased off the loss, focused on what was in front of him. “I wanted to catch you before you went to bed.”

      She closed the book she’d been reading and uncurled her legs, stretching them out on the bed. “I am sorry about the game.”

      “I won’t lie. I’m disappointed we lost this one. But I’m realistic enough to know we can’t win every time, especially in the preseason when we don’t play all of our starters or utilize our best offensive strategies. The whole point of the preseason is like a testing ground. We can create realistic scenarios and see what happens when we experiment.” He told himself as much, but it didn’t soothe him when he saw a rookie make poor decisions on the field or watched a risky play go up in flames.

      “You have a cool head. That is admirable.”

      Her head tilted sympathetically.

      Gervais was floored. Unsure of what to make about Erika’s behavior. For the first time since her arrival in the United States, it felt as if she was opening up to him. But could that be?

      She’d been so adamant on keeping distance between them, urging logic over passion. She was probably just being polite to him. After all, they would have to be civil to each other for the sake of the children. She had said as much more than once.

      Still, damn it, he knew what he saw in her eyes, and she wanted him every bit as much as he wanted her. Back in his arms.

      In his bed.

      “Thank you. I’m sorry I’ve been so busy the past few days.” He had taken a red-eye to Chicago to be there this morning for a meeting to secure a new corporate sponsor for the team. He was exhausted, but the extra hours had paid off, and he was one step closer to making the Hurricanes the wealthiest team in the league.

      “You have been very thoughtful.” She leaned forward, her posture open, words unclipped.

      Her gaze was soft on him. And appreciative, he noticed. So maybe he hadn’t been so off base. “I was concerned you would feel neglected having to fly in a separate plane.”

      “I understand you have other commitments. And I had a lovely conversation with Fiona—in case you were wondering, since you made sure we had seats beside each other.” Erika raised her eyebrows as if daring him to deny it.

      “Are you angry?” He couldn’t help that he wanted to give her reasons to stay in New Orleans. But he knew she did not appreciate being manipulated.

      He’d never met a more independent woman.

      “Actually, no. She was helpful in explaining the logistics of how wives blend in to the lifestyle of this team you own.”

      He hadn’t expected that.

      “She answered all of your questions?”

      “Most...” Shifting on the bed, she crawled toward him. “I had cats when I grew up.”

      All of his exhaustion disappeared.

      His eyes couldn’t help but watch her lithe form, the way her breasts pushed against the jersey he’d given her. An unforgettable vision.

      And the sensory overload left him dumbly saying, “Okay.”

      “We had dogs, too, but the cats were mine.”

      Trying his damnedest to pull his eyes up from the length of her exposed legs, he stumbled over the next sentence, too. Focusing on words was hard. And he had thought that tonight’s loss had left him speechless. That was nothing compared to the sight in front of him. “Um, what were their names?”

      Erika’s lips plumped into a smile as she knelt on the bed in front of him. “You do not need to work this hard or pretend to woo me.”

      “I’m not pretending. I am interested in everything about you.” And he was. Mind, spirit...and body. He tried to keep his mind focused on the conversation. On whatever she wanted to talk about.

      “Then you will want to know the real reason why I mentioned the cats. I loved my cats. And yet my children—our children—will not be able to have pets when they are traveling all over the country to follow this team that is part of their legacy.” She gave him a playful shove, her smile still coy.

      “Actually, I have a baseball buddy whose wife travels with her dog.” He deserved a medal for making this much conversation when she looked like that. “I think the guy renegotiated his contract to make sure she got to have her dog with her.”

      “Oh,” Erika whispered breathily. Moved closer to him, hands resting on his arms. Sending his body reeling from her touch.

      “Yes, oh. So what other questions went unanswered today? Bring it. Because I’m ready.”

      “I do have one more question I did not dare to ask your sister-in-law.” Her hands slid up to his neck. Pulled him close. Whispered with warm breath into his ear. “Will it mess up your season mojo if we have sex?”


      Erika’s heart hammered, threatening to fall right out of her chest as she stared at Gervais. All the time on the plane and waiting for him tonight had led her here. To this moment. And while the direction of her life may have been still uncertain, she knew this was right.

      This was exactly where she needed to be. There was a closeness between them, one she had been actively fighting against.

      Gervais’s eyebrows shot upward. “What brought on this change?”

      “I desire you. You want me, too, if I am not mistaken.” Direct. Cool. She could do this.

      “You are not mistaken. I have always wanted you. From the moment I first saw you. Even more now.”

      “Then we should stop denying ourselves the one thing that is uncomplicated between us.” And it was the truth. Everything was happening so fast, but it was undeniable that there was an attraction between them. In her gut, she knew that he would be there to support their babies. But it was more than that.

      It was a deeper connection between them. When she had boarded the plane for New Orleans, she hadn’t expected much from him. People had a nasty habit of leaving her, using her for the minimal privileges her royal status awarded her. She’d never expected to be welcomed and treated so well. In the past, her friends were dazzled by the idea of her world, rarely seeing beyond the outer trappings to the person beneath.

      She also hadn’t thought his family would be so accepting. It had scared her a bit, how many people were in the Reynaud clan. The number of people suddenly fussing over her and trying to get to know her had been overwhelming.

      But they had also been kind. And maybe, just maybe, she’d be able to see past her preconceived notions about family. She had no real idea how to make a family anyway. But with Gervais...

      “You’re sure?” His forehead furrowed as he scrutinized her face. The look said everything. This was as far as he’d go without confirmation from her.

      “Completely certain.” She wanted to take a chance on him. On them. To give them an opportunity to be a couple.

      And now that she’d made the decision after careful reasoning, she could finally allow her emotions to surface. She felt all her restraints melting away in the heat of the passion she’d been denying.

      Even as she felt those walls disintegrate, she could sense a shift in Gervais. Like shedding a jacket and tie, he seemed to set aside