Falling For The Single Mom. Mia Ross

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Название Falling For The Single Mom
Автор произведения Mia Ross
Жанр Короткие любовные романы
Серия Mills & Boon Love Inspired
Издательство Короткие любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474064958

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had been sinking lower by the month, no matter how hard they all worked. If they didn’t come up with something brilliant to bring in some cash on a regular basis, they’d be forced to sell off chunks of land for the first time in the farm’s long history. And that would be the beginning of the end for Gallimore Stables.

      Josh was known as the upbeat one in the family, and for their sake he kept his outlook rosy. But even a determined optimist like him had to acknowledge that something concrete needed to be done, and quickly. So he’d devised a plan but hadn’t told anyone, not even Mom. But he’d been dying to share it with someone, and since it didn’t impact her directly, Heather seemed like a good choice.

      “Well, I could tell you,” he said with a grin, “but you have to keep it to yourself.”

      Enthusiasm sparkled in her eyes, and she nodded. “I promise.”

      After describing the circumstances to her, he explained what he was up to. “So, I did some research and found out that a lot of corn in Kentucky is sold to the ethanol market. To be made into gasoline.”

      “I know what ethanol is,” she informed him tartly.

      Smothering a grin, he went on. “I got the idea when my nephew Parker built a biodiesel engine for a science fair. I had let this section go fallow to rest, so it was ready for planting this year. I’m just putting in a different kind of corn this time, and then I’ll pray the prices stay where they are till harvest time.”

      “That’s a good idea. I hope it works out the way you want it to.”

      Her cautious tone made him frown. “You sound like someone who has some experience with plans going awry.”

      “More than I’d like,” she admitted softly, as if she hated to confide that to him. Uncertainty darkened her eyes before giving way to the cool look he’d noticed earlier. “When I saw you over here I thought I’d come see if I could help somehow.”

      Josh glanced over her neat blouse and trousers, down to the sensible but pretty shoes she was wearing. “You sure about that?”

      “I might be a city girl, but I’m no stranger to dirt. Besides, I owe you for the time you spent with the moving van and all those kittens the other day. What can I do?”

      She seemed bound and determined to lend him a hand, so Josh hunted for something she could do that wouldn’t leave her either filthy or hurt. “Well, I guess you could brace this for me—” he grasped the shifter “—while I rethread the belt onto the pulleys.”

      “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she admitted with a cute half grin, “but I understand the bracing part. Just let me know when I should let go.”

      “Will do.”

      As he slid back underneath the ancient machine they called The Beast, Josh couldn’t keep from wondering if a walk was all that had brought her so far from the center. While he maneuvered the pieces back into alignment, he asked, “So how’re you getting along down there?”

      “Fine. I’m learning about the animals a few at a time. Bekah’s wonderful with them, and Sierra’s very knowledgeable about everything.”

      Josh picked up on the annoyance edging her tone and chuckled through the clanking of his wrench. “Yeah, she’s kinda bossy. I think that’s why Erin hired her. They’ve got the same charge-ahead approach to stuff.”

      “So, you’re the youngest in your family?” When he grunted a reply, she went on. “I was, too. It’s not easy, is it?”

      She was getting at something, but Josh had no clue what it might be. Distracted by his fascinating visitor, he lost his grip on the belt and the entire pulley system let go, jamming his hand against the rusty metal housing. Biting back a curse, he scrambled free to check the damage.

      “Oh, that looks bad,” Heather announced, crouching down for a closer inspection of his hand. Then she gave him a knowing look. “You’re thinking something really bad right now, aren’t you?”

      “Yeah. Don’t tell my mom.”

      “Tell her what?” Heather teased, adding a wink. So far, she’d given him the impression that she was a fairly serious person. Coming from her, the playful gesture seemed out of place, but he welcomed the glimpse of her lighter side. Maybe the classy vet wasn’t so prim and proper, after all. “I’m assuming this kind of thing happens a lot on a farm. Do you have a first aid kit?”

      “Behind the seat.”

      She climbed up the metal steps and unhooked the faded red case that hung from a set of rusty hooks. When she rejoined him, she opened it and eyed the scant contents with a doubtful expression. Picking up a tube of antibacterial ointment, she squinted at it before giving him a chiding look. “This expired five years ago.”

      “Huh. How ’bout that?” That made her glare, and he held up his uninjured hand in a placating gesture. “Don’t blame me. Most of the time, I just wrap a bandanna around something like this and keep on working.”

      “It’s a wonder you’ve never gotten an infection. Or tetanus,” she added ominously, eyeing the bleeding gashes on his hand.

      “I got my shot.”

      Again with the suspicious stare. “When?”

      He had no idea. His years drifted from season to season, dictated more by what was going on around the farm than by the calendar. When you spent most of your life waking with the sun and finishing in the glare of tractor headlights, it was easy to lose track of pretty much everything else. To his mind, one of the best inventions ever was the automated payment system. Ever since Bekah had walked him through covering his handful of bills that way, he hadn’t missed a single payment. It was awesome.

      “That’s what I thought,” Heather continued, adding a sigh that made it clear he wasn’t the first person she’d run across who ignored what she considered to be the important things. Glancing around, she stopped when she noticed something in the distance. “Is that a house?”

      “Yeah, it’s mine. Why?”

      “I don’t suppose you have something there to get this cleaned up properly?”

      “’Course I do,” he retorted. “I’m not a moron.”

      “Good. We’ll do what we can there and then you should get to the nearest clinic. You really need to have that looked at by a doctor.”

      “You’re a doctor.”

      “A people doctor,” she corrected him in a clipped, don’t-mess-with-me tone. “I can do the basics, but this needs to be stitched, and you need a specialist for that. You shouldn’t take injuries like this lightly, Josh. They can get worse in a hurry.”

      Normally, he hated being lectured as if he were a troublesome child, but this one came in a voice laced with genuine concern. Realizing that this compassionate woman meant well, he put aside his aversion to being told what to do and nodded. “Okay, but that storm’s coming in real fast, and I wanna finish plowing this section before it starts raining. I’ll go into town to see Doc Sheppard when I’m finished.”

      “You’ll go now,” she insisted, glowering at him. When he glowered back, she gave him a wry smile. “Or I’ll tell your mom.”

      “You haven’t even met her yet.”

      “Imagine how awkward that would be for all of us. ‘Hello, Mrs. Kinley, nice to meet you. By the way, your youngest son is a stubborn mule who cares more about working over a few extra acres than taking care of his health. I just thought you’d like to know.’”

      “All right, I get it. Man, you’re a pain,” he added as he got to his feet and glared down at her.

      “That won’t work on me, country boy,” she informed him airily as she rose to stand. “I’ve seen the business end of an angry bull up close, so you don’t scare me.”
