Tied Up With Love. Holly Martin

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Название Tied Up With Love
Автор произведения Holly Martin
Жанр Контркультура
Издательство Контркультура
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474031363

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not sure what to do with this new information. Underneath his huge, gruff exterior was a man with talent and passion and vulnerability. Urgh. She preferred it when he was the moody, controlling, slightly perverted, chauvinist – because at least then she could easily compartmentalise him into the box marked ‘not her type.’ Now, being inside his childhood home, seeing his talent, knowing some of his history, the box was tumbling open. Sexual attraction she could deal with. Love and affection was not something she wanted to feel for this man.

      They rounded the corner to head down the stairs and came face to face with a stark naked Kirsty.

      Kirsty screamed, Ethan screamed, immediately shielding his eyes. Nick came running out of the bedroom also stark naked and it was all Izzy could do not to burst out laughing.

      ‘What the hell, you said we had the house to ourselves,’ Nick said, ushering his naked wife back into the safety of the bedroom.

      Ethan was clearly too embarrassed to want to deal with it, as he deliberately stared at the floor.

      ‘My apologies Mr O’Shea,’ Izzy said, oozing professionalism even though Nick was making no effort to conceal his nudity. This was a man that was rightly proud of what he had. ‘One of the fuses had blown, we had to fix it now or you’d be in complete darkness tonight. We are leaving right now and we’ll make sure a bottle of champagne will be delivered later to apologise for the inconvenience.’

      Nick nodded at this begrudgingly and as Kirsty called him from the bedroom, he turned to join her, obviously forgetting all about Ethan and Izzy seconds later.

      ‘Thanks,’ Ethan muttered.

      ‘Who knew that the great Ethan Chase could get so embarrassed about a bit of nudity?’

      She walked down the stairs and he quickly followed. ‘I have no problems with nudity, well my own, or the woman I’m with.’

      ‘Kirsty is very beautiful, I expected a bit of ogling as far as she was concerned.’

      ‘She’s not mine to ogle.’

      Izzy thought about this. In one way that was quite sweet and respectful, to not stare at women that weren’t with him. But the possessive way he said ‘mine’ smacked of seeing those women that were with him as his property. That was a whole other argument she didn’t want to get into.

      There was a sudden thud behind her and she turned to see Ethan stumbling down the stairs towards her, his eyes wide with fear, his arms sprawled out in an attempt to stop himself. His head hit her square in the breasts and with his huge weight it knocked her off her feet. As she flew through the air, she saw Ethan fall sideways and smack his head on the bannister. He reached out to grab her, his foot caught in the railings of the bannister and then he executed what look liked a near perfect forward roll. She hit the floor hard and he landed on top of her with his face in her crotch.

      He groaned, the vibrations travelling along her most sensitive area, causing her stomach to clench with sudden need, despite the pain that was shooting down her back.

      He looked up, his eyes all bleary, but didn’t seem to register where he was or if he did he had no intention of moving.

      ‘Oh my god, are you guys ok?’ Nick was running down the stairs towards them, still naked. ‘I’m a doctor, don’t move.’

      Izzy arched an eyebrow at Nick as Ethan’s mouth grazed between her legs. Blood trickled down Ethan’s forehead and all embarrassment vanished as concern crashed through her.

      ‘Shit, you’re bleeding.’ She reached forward to dab his head with her sleeve. Suddenly he seemed to realise where he was and struggled to get up.

      ‘Don’t move,’ Nick ordered but Ethan was already on all fours leaning over Izzy.

      ‘Are you ok? Crap. I’m so sorry, can you move?’

      Izzy sat up. Her back was sore but the carpet was soft and she’d only fallen a few stairs. She pressed her sleeve to Ethan’s head, trying to stem the bleeding. ‘I’m fine. Are you?’

      ‘Doesn’t anybody listen to doctors anymore?’ Nick said from above them, his dick waving mere inches from Ethan’s head. ‘You’re not supposed to move until you’ve been checked over. You could have a broken back or neck.’

      ‘I think it’s quite clear there are no broken bones,’ Ethan said, looking up only to be met with a face full of dick. He looked away and Izzy tried to stifle a giggle.

      Nick bent over Ethan’s head, inspecting the wound. His dick bobbed against Ethan’s ear and he tried to pull away but Nick had Ethan’s head in a stronghold. ‘I don’t think you’ll need stitches, but you need to keep an eye on him for the next twelve hours. If he feels sick or dizzy, you need to get him to a hospital.’

      ‘She’s not my girlfriend,’ Ethan growled, clearly annoyed with the whole dick/face debacle.

      ‘Well you shouldn’t be alone.’

      ‘Oh he won’t be, don’t worry. He’s got a whole plethora of women who would leap at the chance to play nurse and tend his wounds.’ Izzy stopped dabbing his head, realising her words were contradictory with her actions, but blood soon trickled down his forehead again. She found herself reaching up to stop it almost automatically.

      ‘Are you ok?’ he asked again.

      Izzy nodded. ‘Come on. We should leave these good people to enjoy their night.’

      She stood up but when Ethan stood up too he staggered. Izzy leapt forward to catch him and he fell heavily against her. He weighed a ton. He quickly straightened, brushing off Nick who had grabbed him too.

      ‘I’m fine. Just stood up too quickly.’ He walked out but as she went to follow him Nick caught her arm.

      ‘Keep an eye on him, or make sure someone does.’

      She nodded and ran out to the van. Ethan was sitting with his head in his hands, the van door open waiting for her.

      ‘What the hell happened to you?’ Kyle was laughing. ‘Did you try it on with Izzy and she smacked you round the head?’

      ‘No,’ he growled.

      ‘Well you sure were in there for a long time.’

      Izzy hopped in the van, buckling her seatbelt before he could tell her off again. He looked rough and was clearly feeling the effects of smacking his head. She couldn’t stand the thought of some blonde vacuous creature fawning all over him tonight. Obviously because they wouldn’t know what to look for or what to do if he started feeling ill, nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that she wanted to be the one to look after him.

      ‘We need to talk about the house and how it can be better utilised.’

      Ethan stared at her. ‘We’ll talk tomorrow, I’m going home.’

      ‘I’d like to talk it through with you tonight, whilst the ideas are still fresh in my head. I could come round to your house and…’

      ‘Whoa that’s forward,’ laughed Jim, disdainfully. ‘You’re really not his type.’

      ‘What the hell does that mean?’ Ethan snarled.

      Jim paled. ‘I just meant…’

      ‘It wasn’t an offer of sex, believe me. It’s business, nothing more,’ Izzy said, flexing her back that felt sore and stiff.

      ‘I have plans,’ Ethan said.

      ‘Cancel them.’

      Ethan stared at her, incredulously, then his eyes softened slightly with understanding.

      ‘Not a chance,’ Jim whispered under his breath, though it was loud enough for everyone in the van to hear.

      Ethan eyed Jim then yelled over his shoulder at Gizmo, who was happily driving the van with no knowledge that this tension was rolling around in the back. ‘Gizmo, can we