Not pregnant yet? You bet!. Rimma Efimkina

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Название Not pregnant yet? You bet!
Автор произведения Rimma Efimkina
Жанр Общая психология
Издательство Общая психология
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785005177919

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him about it.

      – Father, I will meet with you once a week. The rest of the time it’s my life.

      – Change places with your father and answer.

      – Then I will die.

      – What will you answer to this?

      – I’m scared, but I’m outraged that you use such unfair methods. I love you and I want you to live.

      – How can you make him live longer?

      – I can’t! Should I watch him all the time? I guess I should stick to him again like rice to the pot. I’m tired of this!

      – Want would you like to do?

      Suddenly, Nastya changes, from a little scared girl she turns into a woman of her own age and says calmly.

      – Father, I’m sorry to hear that you do not want to live, but I’m powerless to do anything with it. I can only live my own life, not yours. You can threaten me, but this doesn’t work with me anymore.

      – Answer something form the role of your father.

      – Yes, I believe you.

      – What would you like to answer.

      – I would like to finish. I have understood what my symptom was about.

      “Rice on the inside of a pot”: commentary

      It’s Monday! Hello diet, exercise, zen buddism and perfectionism. Hello for the two hundred and thirty third time.

Internet meme

      Usually, the metaphor the symptom is described with mirrors the relationships between client and some significant person in his life. This client “stuck” to her father as her egg sticks to the inside of ovaries’ or rice to the inside of a pot. It happens if the pot left on the stove for too long, until the water boils out. In this case it symbolized that the daughter did not separate from her father at due time.

      Nastya’s story is a typical story of a codependent woman, as well as the two stories before. And shame is typical for codependent wives, mistresses, daughters in their relationships with dependent husbands, lovers, fathers. Practically all their energy goes to creating an image of well-being in the eyes of others. As you remember, Nastya refused to work in a group, because she saw it as treachery. She was taught not to wash her dirty laundry in public!

      Children of alcoholics are a topic of a whole other book. I do recommend to the readers with a similar childhood story to read R. Norwood20, E. McAvoy and S. Israelson21 and others. The process of healing in this case is the process of finding oneself, and the books mentioned above extensively instruct one on how to do that. It is worth mentioning that it is hard, but necessary for the women to know the truth: in their case healing is not a single session, it’s their life’s job. Their goal is not to make the pain go away, but to learn how to live with it – this is what healing means for them.

      I would still like to share an interesting observation. I worked with Nastya nearly ten years ago, when the internet just began to enter our lives. All these years the protocol of her session was in my computer. When I began writing the commentary for her session, I googled my client’s diagnosis and read the following: “Polycystic ovaries is a rare medical condition, according to different sources of information, from 4 to 8 per cent of women have it, beginning form adolescent years). However, it is serious as it causes infertility. The ultrasound scan shows that a woman’s ovary looks as if it is ‘stuffed’ with many bubbles 8—10mm in diameter, filled with fluid. Polycystic ovaries is caused by hyperandrogenia – excessive male hormones (androgens) production. The main task of treatment is to limit the excess of androgens.

      I was amused by this metaphor – it’s funny how our subconscious chooses a symptom to convey its message! In the course of Nastya’s session we did find out that her job was to separate psychologically from her father (“limit the excess of male hormones”).

      A little bit later I found out that Nastya got pregnant and had baby.

      “Rice on the inside of a pot”: post scriptum

      It’s not until recently that I found Nastya through mutual acquaintances and found out that she was a mother of two girls. I sent her a piece of text with the description of her session and got an answer, which I quote here with her permission:


      You just live your life and… bang! – you are in a book! You won’t believe it, but I don’t remember this session at al! I remembered it just when I read the text. This means all this is 100% in the past for me. I guess, it kind of is.

      My father died a year ago. I felt bitter at the loss, I was hurt, but I didn’t feel guilty. I don’t feel it now. I think that I should have felt guilty. Because he warned me: “I will die”. And he did. And I didn’t do anything to avoid it! But I don’t feel guilty!

      Now, thanks to you and this text passage, I have understood that I began this separation more than ten years ago. I’m so glad I did!!! Thank you!

      I have two daughters, the girls are mirror reflections of each other. My first pregnancy was unexpected the doctors called it “diamond” pregnancy. According to all tests’ results I was told I would be treated for at least three years before I can even begin preparing for IVF – the doctors were not even hoping I could conceive naturally.

      This is why I did not expect it – I started the treatment with this drug that had severe side-effects, including collapsing. I felt terrible, but I thought it was due to the side-effects. My husband suspected something and suggested taking a pregnancy test. It was negative.

      I went on a business trip abroad, came back, and I felt even worse!!! So I drink the drugs, lie down flat and my husband suggests taking the test again. I was against it – why? Before the business trip it was negative, I didn’t have sex during the trip and after it – WHERE would it come from? To make him stop grumping I bought one.

      I still remember how surprised I was when I saw it was positive! It turned out I was 10 weeks pregnant! And I felt bad because of toxemia!

      I am very happy for Nastya, I looked at the picture of her two girls born almost ten years apart. Nastay is a happy mother – what else can I say?

      “Motionless sperm”

      An old man goes fishing. But the net is down. No fish is on-line.

Internet meme

      In the beginning of the chapter I said that in our society it’s usually women who undertake “saving” men. His is how they were brought up, the thought that a man can take care of himself does not even enter their minds. I gave three typical examples and there are hundreds more! In the first case, it’s a story of Yana who tries to get pregnant while it’s her husband who has “infertility” diagnosis. In the second case, it’s the story of Kseniya whose reproductive function is blocked, because she tries to meet the expectations of the meaningful men in her life, but does not listen to her heart. Finally, it’s a story of Nastya who feels obliged to fill the life of her drunkard father with meaning, ignoring her own human needs. Healing for women with similar patterns of behavior means discovering that their close ones can take care of themselves and becomong selfish in a good way.

      To sum up, I would like to finish this chapter “Male factor” with


Robin Norwood, Women Who Love Too Much.


Elizabeth Mcavoy and Susan Israelson, The Marilyn Syndrome.