Snowed In With The Reluctant Tycoon. Nina Singh

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Название Snowed In With The Reluctant Tycoon
Автор произведения Nina Singh
Жанр Контркультура
Серия Mills & Boon Cherish
Издательство Контркультура
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474060578

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guess the prudent thing to do would be to move on and try our best to work together as productively as possible.”

      Justin stood, as well. He looked notably relieved. “I agree. And I appreciate it.”

      “We can start with this staff meeting. I asked Jocelyn earlier to forward you a copy of the agenda.”

      He nodded. “I got that. Thanks.”

      He followed her down the corridor to the meeting room where several employees had already gathered. After a brief round of introductions, Carli began the meeting with the first item on the agenda.

      The first time she stammered, she chalked it up to feeling exhausted and due to the mishaps of the morning. By the third mistake, however, she had to admit that she was off her game. She also had to admit that it had everything to do with the new face sitting at the table.

      Justin leaned forward, listening attentively and frequently jotting down note after note. He preferred old-fashioned paper and pen, which surprised her. Most of the executives she dealt with couldn’t wait to purchase and show off the latest technology e-tablet or the sleekest new laptop.

      Aside from an occasional question or request for clarification, he was mostly quiet. Still, his presence was jarring.

      She wasn’t the only one who seemed to think so. Several furtive glances were cast in Justin’s direction. One of the younger new recruits from sales smiled at him demurely, not even pretending to pay attention to Carli’s updates. Though annoyed, she could hardly blame the other women. Justin had a presence. Add to that the mystery surrounding his arrival, and people were having trouble feigning indifference.

      Herself included.

      At the conclusion of the meeting an hour later, she was more than ready to be done and to get out of there. A cup of coffee would be heaven right about now. She hadn’t been able to get her usual cup due to her detour, and a dull ache was beginning to throb behind her eyes. No doubt the caffeine withdrawal had been at least partly responsible for her less than stellar performance.

      “Well, if that’s everything, I think we can wrap up.”

      Everyone stood except for a few stragglers who stuck around to discuss their next to-do or to make small talk. Eventually, even they slowly filed out of the room.

      In fact, when she looked up, Carli found that everyone had left except for one lone holdout. Justin remained seated. He studied her with avid interest. He clearly had something to say.

      Carli set her jaw. Looked like her caffeine hit was going to have to wait. “Was there something else, Justin?”

      “Yes, as a matter of fact. If you have a few moments, I think there are some things we should probably discuss. Sooner rather than later.”

      Something in his tone made her stomach twist. She sat back down.

      “Go on.”

      “I’ve been going over the numbers, and Hammond’s profit margins are mostly impressive. But there are areas that are lagging.”

      “I’m aware of that.”

      “Then you also realize that a handful of the retail stores have seen steadily declining sales.”

      “I’m aware of that too. There are several ideas in the pipeline to address this. As I just mentioned.”

      He glanced down at the notes in his leather-bound notebook. “Yes, I heard. All well-thought-out ideas involving online expansion. The modifications to the website are particularly impressive.”


      “My concern is that there’s a need to remove some of the more sluggish units, so to speak. Hammond’s should be making some cuts.”

      “What sort of cuts?” she asked, though she knew exactly where this was headed. The twist in her stomach turned a bit tighter.

      “With your background and experience, I’m sure you’ve concluded which brick-and-mortar stores are just not pulling their weight. In fact, their only real profits register during the holidays.”

      “It’s a very seasonal business.”

      “Nevertheless. Some of these stores just don’t get enough foot traffic during the year to justify keeping them open.” He glanced down at the file she had handed him just hours ago. “There’s one in particular we need to seriously consider the future of. It hasn’t seen any kind of significant sales for the past half decade.”

      Carli bit down on her lip. She knew exactly which store he was referring to. The one she’d started out in as a lowly retail clerk trying to save enough money for college. The same store that currently employed several people she’d grown up knowing and caring for. The one situated at the heart of Westerson, Massachusetts—a quaint, touristy spot along the inland coast of Cape Cod in Massachusetts. The same town she’d grown up in.

      And Justin wanted to shut it down.


      HER PARTY GUESTS were going to be here within the hour, and Carli was just now stepping out of the shower. So far, this day had been nothing but one big race against the clock. She should have started prepping as soon as she got home. Instead, she’d taken the time to go over the sales figures.

      Not that there was any use, and Carli had known it. But she’d hoped for some small miracle that had somehow been missed. Something, anything she could use as leverage to argue that Justin should nix the idea of closing the doors of the Cape store for good.

      Of all the retail stores in the Hammond chain, why did that have to be the one performing the worst? She’d practically grown up in that store. Mr. Freider, the manager going on twenty years, had always welcomed her with open arms. As a child, she’d go into that store by herself, just to pass the time in peace when things were just too noisy at home. During her teenage years, she’d spent countless hours in the Book Nook, the corner of the store dedicated to latest in children’s and young adult books. She’d devoured a world of stories in that small area, Mr. Freider never complaining about her lack of purchases—purchases she couldn’t afford. In fact, he’d been kind enough to bring hot chocolate on cold days and sweet lemon iced tea during summer.

      That same kind man would very well lose his job if it were up to Justin.

      There had to be something she could do. Perhaps she could go straight to Jackson. Plead her case. The only problem was, she didn’t really have a professionally sound one. Essentially, that would amount to asking for a favor, as his protégé. As steep as the stakes were, she couldn’t bring herself to do that. She’d never once approached Jackson Hammond as anything less than a professional and wouldn’t start now. Not even under these circumstances.

      Carli blinked away the thoughts. She had to get going already; no doubt some of the invitees would be straggling in early, ready to party on this cold December Boston evening without much else to do. She hadn’t even towel dried her hair yet.

      What had possessed her to plan a Christmas party on a Wednesday night anyway? And just her luck, it had happened to fall on the same day that Justin Hammond had blown into town and thrown her whole world into a spiral.

      Now she was running late and dripping wet just as most of her colleagues were about to descend on her apartment for some yuletide Christmas cheer. A timer went off in the kitchen, a reminder to take the crab cakes out of the oven. Thank goodness she’d put out all the decorations weeks ago, the day after Thanksgiving. A tradition from her childhood. Exactly as Justin had guessed. The Tynan family may not have had much in the way of material things, but they made sure to celebrate their ceremonial traditions. Ceremonies that often got downright unruly and chaotic. She supposed that was to be expected in a family of five children.

      By some Christmas miracle, she was ready when the first guests arrived: Jocelyn and some of the account reps along with a couple of regional managers.