Snowed In With The Reluctant Tycoon. Nina Singh

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Название Snowed In With The Reluctant Tycoon
Автор произведения Nina Singh
Жанр Контркультура
Серия Mills & Boon Cherish
Издательство Контркультура
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474060578

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But I feel I have to say just one more thing.”

      Why was he not surprised? “Go ahead.”

      “That you have to realize how—” she paused and glanced at the ceiling, as if scrambling for the correct word “—curious your perspective about Christmas is. Given who you are.”

      Of course he realized that. He was heir to one of the most successful retail toy operations in the Northern Hemisphere. A business that earned most of its profits in the weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve. Sure, it was true that as an adult he’d made his own way and had become a successful businessman in his own right. But he’d been granted worldly advantages at birth that most people could only dream of. He should be thanking his lucky stars for the gift of Christmas and the commercialism that surrounded it.

      And to anyone on the outside, he probably sounded like an ungrateful, cranky Scrooge who didn’t appreciate all the blessings he’d been granted.

      Judging by Carli’s expression, that’s exactly what she was thinking.

      * * *

      Carli watched as Justin walked out of her office half an hour later, relieved to finally have some time to herself. What a strange morning it had been. It had taken all she had to remain cool and professional once he’d walked in here. She’d pulled it off, but barely. The whole while she was speaking with Justin regarding the business, her insides had felt like jelly. Thank heavens she hadn’t eaten anything this morning. It probably wouldn’t have stayed down.

      The problem was, she wasn’t sure what was causing all the turmoil. Sure, it had been upsetting when he’d so casually dismissed her as she was trying to introduce herself. And she’d known he was judging her by her appearance. But none of that was anything new for her.

      People always underestimated her at first. She just made sure to prove herself, had been doing so her whole life. Not to mention, she’d had to find ways to somehow differentiate herself from her four siblings. Right smack in the middle, she was oh-so-easy to overlook. Tammy was the wise oldest sister, happily married with a lovely little boy. Janie, the beautiful one. People in their town actually called her JB, short for Janie Beautiful. Janie had the sort of looks that made men stammer when they spoke to her. While Carli was curvy and voluptuous, her next older sister was gorgeous in an angelic and soft way that Carli could never compete with. She certainly hadn’t been able to last year...

      Don’t even start with that.

      And the twins...well, they were twins. That fact alone made them stand out.

      Carli was just the middle sister. Nothing special there. Barely noticeable in the crowd. So she made sure to work harder than any of them. Years of study and long hours, first at business school and then at the office, she hadn’t taken anything for granted.

      And now the arrival of the other Hammond son might be threatening all of that. No wonder she felt so out of sorts when Justin was near. She had to do something to fix that, but what exactly?

      Jocelyn tapped lightly on her door before she could answer her own question.

      “Come in.”

      “Hey, how did it go? Were you even able to focus?”

      Carli shrugged as she opened her email inbox. “Of course,” she said, though it was a fib. “Why in the world wouldn’t I?”

      “I’m sure I wouldn’t have been able to. Not with those deep dreamy eyes focused on me.”

      Carli resisted the urge to grunt. “Not this again.” No way was she going to admit, not even to herself, that there might be a kernel of truth to Jocelyn’s words, that in fact it had been pretty distracting every time she’d looked up and found herself under the intense focus of Justin’s gaze.

      “Jocelyn, you need a date.”

      Her assistant groaned with frustration. “Don’t I know it.”

      “Are you bringing anyone to the party tonight?”

      She answered with a sad shake of her head. “I’m really looking forward to it, still. You’re very sweet to host one every year.”

      Being sweet really had nothing to do with it. Carli loved throwing that regular yearly party. She’d been planning and shopping for it since October.

      “Well, in any case, you need to stop focusing on Justin Hammond’s looks or his appeal,” she admonished the younger woman, though part of her was addressing herself. “For all intents and purposes, the man is our boss.”

      Jocelyn pulled out the chair across from Carli’s desk and plopped into it. “I know, I know. I’m just admiring him from afar. I wouldn’t dream of going after the man who owns part of the company I work for.”

      “Good, I’m glad to hear it.”

      A mischievous smile formed on Jocelyn’s lips. “Besides, he hardly glanced in my direction when he was here. He was much more focused on someone else.”

      Carli didn’t like where she was going with this. “I want no part in where you’re trying to take this conversation.”

      Jocelyn leaned forward in the chair, gave her a smile that could only be described as wicked. “Oh, come on! You had to notice.”

      “Notice what?”

      “The way he was looking at you. Or more accurately, how he couldn’t look away.”

      “All I noticed was how to make sure I gave him all the information he needed to get himself situated. He just needed more info about how the company operates.”

      Jocelyn looked skeptical. “Right. Just admit it.”

      “I don’t see the point.” The last thing she wanted to talk about, in her office no less, was the way men looked at her. The way Justin had looked at her. Recalling the way his eyes had roamed over her sent a shiver down her spine even now.

      “Does there have to be a point to everything?”

      Carli couldn’t help but smile. Had she ever been that lighthearted? She couldn’t remember a time. Not even as a child. There was always too much to do. Always a mess to clean up or a sibling to look after.

      “I’d just like to figure out why he’s really here. After all these years,” she said, trying to change the subject back to business.

      Jocelyn shrugged slightly. “I thought it was just because James is going to be away for a while. And that Mr. Hammond, as both their father and CEO, decided it would be a good time to bring him on board with his older brother otherwise occupied.”

      Carli knew that’s how things looked on the surface. But it still didn’t explain Justin’s sudden appearance. She was more than capable of holding down the fort while James Hammond was away. That wasn’t self-aggrandizing or conceit. The eldest Mr. Hammond had expressed the notion in countless ways over the years.

      “I’m glad he is here!” Jocelyn exclaimed. “Things were getting way too droll around this place. We needed some excitement.”

      “You just like looking at him.”

      “No doubt!” Jocelyn actually giggled. “I mean, what’s not to like? He’s downright dreamy. I’ve been watching him for years in all the tabloids. With one exotic model after another. Or that actress, what’s her name. She was in that romantic comedy last year. I hear he’s single now though.”


      “Personally, I’m of the opinion that he should try to find someone with more substance. I mean, what are the chances he would ever fall for an everyday, average woman though, right? Men like that never do. He’s way too glamourous and worldly for that. Wouldn’t you agree?”

      Carli’s request to finally terminate this conversation died on her lips when she noticed someone had arrived at her open door. The blood left her brain when she