Dead Don't Lie. Lynell Nicolello

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Название Dead Don't Lie
Автор произведения Lynell Nicolello
Жанр Короткие любовные романы
Издательство Короткие любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474001052

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to her favorite spot in Seattle—Pike Place Market. Heading straight to the end of the market, past the infamous fish-throwing stand, she turned right. She let the heavenly scent of lavender lead her, its invisible tether reeling her in. The soft aroma invaded her senses and melted the stress of the preceding weeks. She filled her lungs with the delicate fragrance. Tonight, after dinner at Kate and Ryan’s, she’d sit in a hot lavender bath and let the rest of the stress seep out of her pores.

      Arriving at the stall she sought, she smiled at Josie’s familiar face. Pixie-like with her petite figure and a voice to match it, the vendor’s eyes crinkled as she grinned at Evelyn.

      “How are you this evening, Detective?”

      Evelyn shook her head, still smiling. “Just Evelyn tonight. I’m officially off the clock and desperately need some lavender oil and bath salts.”

      She swung her small black bag to her front and riffled through its contents. Where was her wallet? She carried the smallest purse possible, yet always managed to misplace things. Would wonders never cease? Finally locating the item she was searching for, Evelyn looked up. Josie’s head was down as she leaned over the counter that overflowed with lavender and stretched to reach the bath salts.

      “Are you ever truly off the clock, Evelyn?” the tiny woman asked as she pawed though her lavender products. She put the oil and salt into a tiny opaque bag and held it out to Evelyn. “Somehow, I doubt it.”

      “Well, this—” Evelyn exchanged money for the bag and held it up, the soft scent floating up to her nose “—helps with my half-hearted attempt. Thank you.”

      “You’re most welcome.” Josie winked and turned to help the tall man who had strolled up to her small boxy stall.

      Evelyn left. She walked back through the marketplace, soaking up the late afternoon activity. She didn’t have to be anywhere for an hour or so and had every intention of enjoying her downtime. God knew she needed the break, and this was the perfect place for her to get it.

      She loved Pike Place Market. The hustle and bustle was strangely refreshing, and she came here as often as possible. People never seemed to have a care in the world as they purposely, yet leisurely, went from stall to stall searching for that perfect treasure. It was a place to enjoy, a place to discover. And nowhere else could she fade into the background so quickly and easily.

      * * *

      HE FOLLOWED BEHIND EVELYN, twirling a lavender sprig. Just far enough away that she wouldn’t notice him in the sea of people, but close enough to smell the lavender trail wafting behind her. He seethed as she ambled from one marketplace stall to the next. He’d wanted to move in, destroy her as she’d laughed and bantered with that vendor woman. He’d even stepped closer, his hands twitching in anticipation. But no, it wasn’t time.

      Not yet.

      So he’d bide his time, and watch, then make her feel pain she’d never known before. Then. Only then would he take her.

      His step lightened, the mental picture of her bleeding out at his feet pulsing through him. He stopped behind the column, held his breath and waited for her to finish at the wood-carver’s stall. She laughed. Anger burned in his eyes. How the hell can she be cheerful? She doesn’t deserve it. Not with what she’d done, and what she’d taken from him. He crushed the lavender sprig in his hand and threw it to the ground. She didn’t deserve happiness, but that would soon change.

      He’d see to that.


      KATE THREW THE wide glass door open. Evelyn smiled and held out the bright assortment of lilies, roses and baby’s breath that she’d picked up at Pike Place Market.

      “For you.”

      Kate’s face lit up. “Thanks, sweets. They’re beautiful. How do you manage to find these? I swear, I never have the same luck when I venture down there.”

      She put the flowers down on the foyer table, turned and pulled Evelyn into a massive bear hug. As they stood at the same height of five foot ten, it was easy for Kate to do. The affectionate contact surprised Evelyn every time she found herself in her friend’s tight embrace. She had accepted Kate’s need to hug her. But it wasn’t always like that. After her family’s death, Evelyn had kept everyone at arm’s length—literally.

      “I knew you wouldn’t say no.” Releasing her hold, Kate stepped back. Her curly red hair fell to one side as she tilted her head slightly. She clucked her tongue. “Wow, Ev. You look awful.”

      Evelyn laughed and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Thanks.”

      She was forever amazed at her friend’s bluntness. It was the trait that had initially drawn Evelyn to her. The moment Ryan introduced them, a tight bond had formed between them. Knowing where she stood with Kate had been a welcome place for Evelyn. And eight years later, she still appreciated Kate’s candor and friendship. Looking at the green-eyed beauty, one would never guess that she was a cutthroat, shoot-from-the-hip, take-no-shit assistant district attorney.

      “Just saying how it is,” Kate teased as she closed the door behind them.

      Kate moved across the foyer, entered the dining room and flipped the light switch. Evelyn followed behind her. The clear, blown-glass chandelier twinkled to life. The room had plush cream carpets and pale blue walls. The table settings were laid out on the pub-style table.

      For six.

      Evelyn, plus the O’Neil clan, made five.

      “Why are there six plates on that table?”

      She pushed down the frustration bubbling inside her. If she had known Kate planned to pull this tonight, she would have declined—and nothing would have stopped her. Damn Kate, always trying to set her up.

      “Are there?” Kate smiled innocently.

      “Tonight, of all nights? You know how much the Langdon case took out of me. And how much I hate you trying to set me up.” Evelyn fought to keep her voice level.

      Kate giggled.

      “Why are you laughing?”

      “Ryan owes me ten bucks.” Kate reached for the sixth place setting and gathered it into a neat pile. “Do you honestly think I would have made this a blind date? Tonight? Not in a million years. I haven’t seen either of you in weeks, and I want you all to myself. Besides, Ry thought it would be funny to see how long it took you to notice the number of place settings. I told him less than two minutes. He said ten. We bet, and I won.”

      Evelyn should have known better. Heat kissed her cheeks. Apparently she needed this evening with her friends more than she realized.

      Kate balanced the plate setting on one hand and reached for the flowers. She stopped, tilted her head. “Hear that?”

      Little feet clapped down the hardwood floors, tiny giggles bouncing off the hallway walls. Evelyn grinned. She dropped to her knees and waited for the assault to commence.

      Right on cue, Ava, Kate and Ryan’s six-year-old daughter, charged around the corner, long blond hair swinging wildly, and flung herself into Evelyn’s open arms.

      “You’re here! You’re here!”

      Ava tightened her grip around Evelyn and squeezed. Her little face pressed into the soft curve of Evelyn’s neck. She returned the child’s hug and quietly sighed. Kate knew her too well. This was exactly where Evelyn needed to be tonight.

      Here with this family...her adopted family.

      Ava pushed back from Evelyn’s embrace and, despite her lisp, babbled a mile a minute. Evelyn and Kate exchanged an amused look—the child was an attorney in the making. Evelyn turned her attention back to the chatty child as Kate headed toward the kitchen.

      “Ry, can you grab me a vase?”
