The Riviera. Karen Aldous

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Название The Riviera
Автор произведения Karen Aldous
Жанр Контркультура
Издательство Контркультура
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474036504

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still worried, but you’re to be congratulated for the way you’ve handled this.’

      ‘What do you mean? I don’t think I’m handling it at all.’

      Cal, trying to ignore the cold gnawing into his bones, crawled back on his elbows. He was tiring and he had to keep his son interested. He thought for a moment.

      ‘You’ve gone through a hard time and not overreacted, number one. You made a decision to return home, admittedly not indoors, but you made sure you didn’t put yourself in danger – admirable. And, in the last two hours, you’ve not only put your total trust in me but you’ve spoken about the problem, calmly. In my eyes, and my experience, that’s impressive so, another high-five!’

      Jack’s lips curled upwards as he slapped his father’s palm and then he pouted his lips proudly. ‘Yes. I suppose I have.’

      Brushing Jack’s hair affectionately Cal said. ‘So, tell me, what are your options?’

      ‘Well, I think we should go in and discuss it because you must be freezing.’

      Pausing for a few seconds to look to his son for confirmation, Cal wiped his brow.

      ‘Great idea. Follow me.’ Cal’s muscles grumbled at his command. ‘Well, once I can reactivate these bones.’ Cal unfolded his chilled body.

      Jack jumped up. ‘Ah, come on, I’ll help you. I know you’re my dad but I didn’t think you were that old. Pops, I can understand, he’s old. Not you.’

      ‘Ahem. I wasn’t in a sleeping bag and it’s bloody cold,’ Cal said, wriggling himself slowly backwards.

      Jack scooted nimbly around him and guided his father’s legs to a step. ‘There, wait until you’re balanced.’

      Gradually Cal felt the blood shimmy to his feet. ‘Thank God,’ he said beginning the descent. He jumped the last step and held the ladder firm to steady his wobbly legs.

      ‘Hold on,’ Jack barked, securing his trousers. ‘You go and keep mom from the lobby and hall. Tell her we’re going to hang out in the snug and I’ll wait outside and sneak past. Don’t let her come out, please?’

      ‘Cool. Ready.’

      Cal couldn’t believe what just happened. He was convinced they’d be there all night. He peered up to the house. As expected, Kelly was at the kitchen door ready to pounce. He operated his legs in motion and marched in to her and led her inside the kitchen. She took some convincing to stay. She had Reuben bathing the children just so she could hover in case Jack came in, she’d told him. He wasn’t exactly comfortable but he stressed he’d promised Jack that was the deal and couldn’t risk him turning back. She finally relented when Cal assured her that her son was in good humour but wasn’t ready to face being questioned. She even insisted they have a warm meal she’d prepared. He did wonder if his vocation would have been easier in the diplomatic corps.

      Feeling progress was at last being made, and getting a whiff of fresh herbs, he thought of Lizzie. How he wished she was here. He could really do with a warm hug and a good night’s sleep with her in his arms. His night was not over yet however and as he took a mug of coffee and a mug of chocolate from the glistening counter, he told Kelly to close the door behind him.

      ‘Just call if he wants to speak to me,’ she said. ‘I promise not to ask him anything. I just want to give him a hug, tell him.’

      ‘I will.’

      After he gave the nod to Jack, he followed him up the stairs and into the snug. They were soon wrapped in soft fluffy throws and fast asleep.

      Lizzie hadn’t been able to sleep much without Cal snuggled up beside her. She’d spent her nights wisely however and looked up and planned all of her and Thierry’s travel arrangements. The thought of travelling such a long distance alone with her son was a bit daunting. When they flew at New Year, Cal was amazing at keeping Thierry busy so she just hoped she had enough to keep him occupied for what would amount to about fourteen hours. She had hoped she could entice him with the prospect of a ferry ride at the other end. He would really look forward to that but the short flight to Nantucket was much quicker, and easier. She would have to find a boat ride during their stay. Seeing Cal again would be the carrot if he became irritable. She’d decided she wouldn’t mention that they would see Cal until he’d had a sleep on the flight otherwise he would get overexcited the whole journey. She just hoped her plan worked.

      With just a few hours to go before setting off for their flight, Lizzie picked up her Kindle again. She read the first paragraph but her mind was still wandering back to Cal. How blessed was she to have him? It was still crazy to think back to last summer, Thierry’s third birthday. The day she’d found out Cal wasn’t her mother’s lover. After months of being convinced they were a couple, it had come as a real shock. A lovely shock though. Cal and she could admit how much they were attracted to one another. How she recalled being blown away by the fact. She’d made a real fool of herself tripping over and dropping things, not to mention almost dropping the beautiful Thomas Tank birthday cake. Then the night they’d first made love at his cottage. It was what dreams were made of. They were both so hungry for each other, and yet it was such a naturally sensual experience. Stop. Stop – you’ll drive yourself mad.

      With very little sleep, Lizzie popped into the office first thing. Sophie was already working with a client. It was becoming quite normal for early and late appointments for Botox and filler treatments. Even lunchtimes. Lizzie just hoped her friend wouldn’t burn out. As the client left, Lizzie slipped in.

      ‘Don’t you ever sleep?’ she jested.

      Sophie turned in surprise. ‘Oh, hi Lizzie. I don’t mind. Charles is working virtually twenty hours a day so I might as well be here.’

      ‘I don’t know why he doesn’t just move in with you.’

      ‘Well, that was the plan, but quite when he actually gets around to it, I’ve no idea. I’m hoping Easter when I get back from the US. I expect I will end up organising it.’

      ‘Have you completed on it yet?’

      ‘Two weeks then it’s officially mine. Exciting! I’ll get a few bits sorted. I need to speak to Jean-Luc. Anyway, aren’t you supposed to be going to the airport?’

      ‘Yes, just popped in to say bye. I’ve brought these in for Josephine too. She’s interviewing a couple of guys tomorrow. One I saw yesterday was good.’

      ‘Oh brilliant. Well you don’t want to worry about that now.’

      ‘Did you speak to Charles about going with you to America?’

      ‘Briefly. He’s preoccupied. I will though – now I’m armed with all that info you found.’

      ‘Good. Well, don’t burn yourself out while I’m away,’ Lizzie said hugging her friend. ‘And I’ll see you when I get back. Ring me if you need anything.’

      Lizzie skipped back to her apartment. This time tomorrow she would be with Cal.

      The brief stop-over wait was tedious but once on their flight to Boston, Lizzie was beamingly chuffed with herself for her forward planning. Thierry was a little treasure; colouring, doing miniature puzzles and playing games on his Leapfrog tablet. She did have to rein him in a bit when he began taking photographs of other passengers though. One lady sleeping with her mouth wide open would not have appreciated it! Once he’d tired himself out, Thierry slept. She had to wake him but that was easy. All she did was tell him that Cal would be meeting them.

      After the long wait at security and two full packs of sweets consumed, they finally reached the arrivals lounge. Thierry was sat on the loaded luggage trolley as Lizzie wheeled it out when suddenly, Cal jumped out from the crowd.

      ‘Whoa!!’ Her heart leaped! ‘Cal.’

      ‘Cal,’ Thierry echoed instinctively, his arms reaching up to him. ‘It’s Cal, Mummy.’

      Cal reached out for Thierry