Into the English World. Günther Albrecht

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Название Into the English World
Автор произведения Günther Albrecht
Жанр Языкознание
Издательство Языкознание
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9783534272976

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       Understanding the text. True or false? Tick the correct box.

       1. Eric is invited to a barbecue party.

       2. Julia is Eric’s girlfriend.

       3. She has just returned from her holiday.

       4. Eric is meeting his brothers and sisters.

       5. Every year Fred’s family comes together in Yorkshire or in the Hamptons.

       6. Sherril’s father-in-law got killed by a dragon.

       7. He was found sitting on his rocker.

true false

       Find the English phrases for these German words and expressions.

       8. Danke für die Einladung.

       9. Sie schläft am Tisch ein.

      10. gerahmte Fotos

       And what about you? Answer in full sentences.

      11. Have you got brothers and sisters? Where do they live?

      12. Do you often see them and where? If so, why? If not, why not?


      Das Pronomen (Fürwort), steht für ein Nomen (Hauptwort).

      In der Sendung wurden folgende Pronomen besprochen:

      • Subjektpronomen. Diese stehen stellvertretend für das Subjekt des Satzes.

      • Objektpronomen. Diese nehmen die Stellung des Objekts im Satz ein. Im Englischen sind direktes und indirektes Objekt gleich.

      • besitzanzeigende Adjektive und Possessivpronomen


       Replace the words in brackets by their pronouns or possessive adjectives.

       1. (Fred) has invited (Eric and Julia) to a garden party.

       2. (The BBQ) is taking place in (Fred’s) garden.

       3. (Julia) came to Munich just the night before.

       4. (Eric and Fred) should excuse (Julia) if (Julia) looks tired.

       5. “(Fred’s) parents live in Yorkshire”, Fred says, “but (Julia’s) parents are here in Munich.”

       6. The old VW, a beetle, is (Julia’s car), but the BMW motorbike is (Fred’s motorbike).

       7. (The two ladies’) brothers live in different cities.

       8. “(Fred’s and his brothers’ and sisters’) parents live in a house of their own,” Fred explains.

      • Reflexivpronomen

      Die Formen des Reflexivpronomensoneself“ (sich) verwendet man, wenn Subjekt und Objekt identisch sind.


      Die englischen Reflexivpronomen entsprechen auch dem deutschen selbst, z.B.

      Did he really do it himself?

      Eine große Zahl reflexiver Verben im Deutschen bleibt im Englischen ohne Reflexivpronomen, z.B.:


      • Pronomen der Gegenseitigkeit

      Wenn man im Deutschen dem Reflexivpronomen sich sinnvoll das Wort gegenseitig hinzufügen kann, werden im Englischen die Formen each other“ oder one another“ verwendet. (Es besteht praktisch kein Unterschied, „one another“ ist etwas förmlicher.)

Beispiele: They hate each other. They seldom quarrel with one another.


       I. Complete these dialogues using the correct form of “oneself”.

       1. May I introduce __________. My name is Julia.

      Hi, I’m Fred.

       2. We were on holidays.

      Did you enjoy __________?

       3. Thanks for the invitation.

      Don’t mention it. Come in and help __________ to some of the marinated steaks.

       4. Bye, Eric.

      Bye, Fred. Take care of __________.

       5. The razor blade is sharp.

      So don’t cut __________.

       II. Use either forms of “oneself” or “each other” in these mini-dialogues.

       1. We don’t know ____________, do we?

      No, we don’t. Perhaps we should introduce ____________ to ____________.

       2. I’m sure they’ll get on well with ____________.

      Yes, I’m sure they will.

       3. Did the boys hurt ____________ seriously in their fight?

      No, they didn’t.

       4. Don’t you recognize ____________ on the video?

      No! Is that really me?

       5. Are they having problems with ____________?

      Yes, I’m afraid they are.


      Fred, Eric and Jason are standing around the barbecue talking about food and a “proper” diet. Fred explains to them how he has prepared his delicious sauce for the steaks.

image image image

       Understanding the text. True or false? Tick the correct box.

       1. Men and women are standing around the BBQ.

       2. Fred bought the steaks at a supermarket.