Relaxed & Stress-Free Living & Working with Mindfulness. Simone Janson

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Название Relaxed & Stress-Free Living & Working with Mindfulness
Автор произведения Simone Janson
Жанр Экономика
Издательство Экономика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9783965962279

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      Our perception needs a connection to the heart and mind. Only as a "heart thinker" can I change my world. I myself accepted the situation - despite not understanding it - and was determined to master it by placing love at the center of my activities. Finally I loved my wife (still). And I loved my sons more than anything.

      I am convinced that I owe it to this decision to love, that today I am allowed to live happily with my sons and in a new partnership. Because: love is stronger than the end of the world.

      10 tips for the recipe for success love

      Love for yourself and others is equally important for success in career and life. But what can you do specifically? 10 tips for the recipe for success love:

      1 Do not look for a culprit! If something goes wrong professionally or privately, we quickly look for a guilty party that we can be held accountable for. However, we ourselves are involved in our decisions and often have “caused” the causes.

      2 Accept changes: The end is already included in the start of a relationship - at the latest when a partner dies. Often, however, the “best before” date has expired earlier. Even people in a partnership do not always develop synchronously. Often one of the two stops or one overtakes the other, e.g. B. through increased awareness or new, completely different goals.

      3 Forgive and let go: This does not succeed from the beginning and certainly not as long as we still have hope for a common solution in us. But when everything seems broken, we have the right to purify our hearts and rebuild our future. Even at work, a reorientation can release fresh forces. Ignoring your own strengths, the working day can be torment despite good pay.

      4 Reverse negative experiences: Anyone who has mastered a conflict situation can recognize (as often only in retrospect) how well-negatively perceived situations or people have themselves on one. Only by dealing with this can one develop further, learn something to it and lay the foundation stone for new successes.

      5 Impulses for reflection: Let yourself be touched. For example, reading my novel in which I tell the story of a great love and dramatic separation, the bond between fathers and children and a new beginning.

      6 Allow fears: Dare to talk about personal concerns, even at work. Sick stress and private crises become a kind of “food supplement” that we eat into ourselves and that slowly but surely kills us. Studies show that personal stress can kill us up to five years earlier. Balance and harmony are not achieved by suppressing them.

      7 Proceed as planned: How hard and opaque life may be to the individual at times, there is always a way to get clarity. We can create a plan in every situation, determine and implement the first steps. With this approach I have coped with the greatest crisis of my life.

      8 Trust in the future: We live in sensitive times. Some speak of the sunset and others emphasize that the best and greatest opportunities for a new beginning on this earth are given to us. Our anticipation is like intense love for our future.

      9 Behind the clouds the sun shines: Life is not straight. After a defeat, only the resurrection helps. This starts with the thoughts. No one has to think bad to the end. Think of something beautiful, ask your heart. A sunbeam already takes its power from the darkest cloud.

      10 Discover the power of love: Love gives us strength and gives us wings. Even a slight beating of wings fills us fresh wind. Wings help flutter over a fence or even rise above the things, circling above them and judging them from a new perspective.


      Discover love again and feel its power. Each for himself and with others:

       Our love for the (marriage) partner

       Our love for our children

       Our love of life every day

       Our love for nature and all beings

       Our love for our daily tasks

       Our love for work, for work, for customers

       Our love for ourselves and for our goals

       Our love of faith in the good in our lives

       And use this energy daily to success at all levels in private life and in the job!

      Finding friends, realizing potential: trust creates dedication

      // By Jörg Romstötter

      Screen work, hectic and the stay in rooms make us mentally and physically flat. We can fully exploit our potential in a very simple way.

      We are sentiments that are eager for fellowship

      We are missing something if we can not identify with a community. But this also requires trust. However, companies are wasting enormous potential.

      City marathon, football World Cup and Oktoberfest. We love to run in one direction and bawl in one direction, and perhaps drunk with love. Completely normal and absolutely healthy for our species. We need this.

      We must be emotional to the limit and beyond. We must be allowed to belong. We must be able to identify with a bunch of other Homo Sapiens. We will flourish when this group recognizes and needs us. We get into ecstasy when we are allowed to expend ourselves for this bunch.

      The heritage of evolution

      You do not believe that? These views do not fit into our enlightened and so individual time? That we have long since filed?

      Why are physicians then agreed that mass phenomenon overweight is the evolution-induced impossibility of adapting to changed circumstances in such a short time. (Here we speak of a period of over 10.000 years!). Seems felt long enough, but our systems look the seemingly different.

      Without fellowship we are unhappy

      On the other hand, we are demanding an exact adaptation to the day. We can think of what we do, but we can not feel it yet. Man is a sentient being that echoes for spirituality, higher meaning and intimate communion. Without this community he can not develop optimally.

      That's why so many children - and now adults - are not getting along in life. They lack a stable and appropriately sized family. An environment that you can rely on in any case. No technical device, no consumer product, and no individualistic on-the-go-gel can ever deliver what we really need emotionally. We are not turtles crawling into the open sea after hatching.

      Company, the new tribes

      In favor of an unprecedented economic development, we have given up the emotional social structure, which is the fundamental motive for any economic progress. It was the habitation of the clans, the beginning of the tribes, which have always prompted man to discover continents and to lead wars. In us, many decades of archaic blossoming of individual abilities are in favor of the community. From time immemorial, the community counted more than the individual.

      Whose triumph promoted the community and distinguished him as an individual. It was in the community's best interest that everyone find their “calling”. That everyone's strengths blossomed. The better this succeeded, the more the community benefited. Today we leave that up to the individual. It doesn't really work. In order for us to develop optimally, we need emotionally close people who have a real interest in demonstrating our greatest strengths.

      The misunderstood power of the tribe leads to a shock epidemic

      The fact that employees mostly show little real dedication in their work is also the result of the hire-and-fire culture. Anyone who has been released has not just lost a job, he was expelled from a community. This was the time of our history of mankind worse than the death penalty.
