Plays on the 5,6,7,8,9,10 people. Collection №4. Nikolay Lakutin

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Название Plays on the 5,6,7,8,9,10 people. Collection №4
Автор произведения Nikolay Lakutin
Жанр Драматургия
Издательство Драматургия
Год выпуска 2020
isbn 978-5-532-03553-9

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Intro to "Hymn of the jester»)

      All office workers are scared.

      The driver jumps up like a scalded man from the sofa, rushes, runs towards the cooler. His face is sleepy and swollen (you may need makeup).

      Yuri and Anton jump up from their chairs, grab their heads, frantically start pounding on the computer keyboard, disconnect some cables, hide game disks, some records and magazines under the table, jump on their chairs, "stick their noses" in laptops, create the appearance of work.

      Natalia with fright falls from her chair upside down, somewhere at the table, while only her painted leg remains in sight (to provide a soft safe fall).

      Philip enters the office, looking stern in a suit and holding a mobile phone. In the other hand is a work bag. Presses the phone button, the rumbling music stops abruptly (the panic music is the soundtrack set as Philip's mobile phone ring).

      Philip puts the phone to his ear.

      PHILIPP: (into the phone, sternly, loudly) Hello? Yes! Ya With me can agree on. What volumes are you interested in? (he listens, expresses rejection on his face) Why are you calling me with your hundred kilos, we are a wholesale company, working from a ton. Well, we can deliver five hundred kilograms in exceptional cases, but no one will bother with a hundred here. You are welcome. Just…

      Hangs up. Discontentedly looks at the situation in the office.

      The driver Gennadievich is drinking water from a single glass, squinting in the direction of Philip, trying to remain unnoticed.

      Accountant Natalia rummages under the table, trying to quickly put on shoes and quickly remove all unnecessary attributes of cosmetics.

      Yuri and Anton, as if by chance, distracted from the pile of work, pay attention to the fact that the Director is in the office.

      ANTON: (To Philip, as if surprised) Oh, Philip Georgievich! What brings you here? You're supposed to be on a business trip…

      YURI: (to Philip) Good afternoon, comrade Director, what a pleasant surprise. And here we are already missing you. The office is boring, no one knows how to joke like you, everyone is sitting rotten stunted, but the work is really in full swing, here… from Petropavlovsk, the order was knocked out for two hundred s …something like thousands. Snatched it can be said from the hands of competitors.

      PHILIPP: (To Yuri, sternly) What kind of order is this? Which they paid for ten days ago?

      YURI: (to Philip) Well… (improbably, wagging) they paid, then wanted to refuse, someone offered them better terms, but in the end, thanks to my assertiveness and eloquence, we did not lose the client. All for the good of the company, Philip Georgievich, we try and work!

      Philip looks at Anton.

      ANTON: (To Philip, nodding) yeah. All right. We work like hell.

      PHILIPP: (To Yuri and Anton) Well, I look, my eyes are so red. As if the day did not depart from the monitor. You at least have a rest sometimes, you can't do that either. There are, after all, regulations. No more than two hours in a row, then a fifteen – minute break. Have a Cup of tea, I brought it with me just in time for tea. I was released early, the negotiations were easy.

      Philip goes to the accountant's Desk, puts out sweets and cookies, and notices that Natalia is rummaging under the table.

      Philip leans across the table and looks down at the accountant.

      PHILIPP: (Natalya) Good afternoon, Natalia Viktorovna!

      Natalia looks out from under the table, confused.

      NATALIA: (playfully) Hello, Philip Georgievich. Well, what are you so immediately official, Natalia Viktorovna…

      PHILIP: (smiling) Yes, this is me, which can not be said in a joke conversation.

      All the employees in the office start laughing hard in an instant. The Director draws attention to the driver, who inadvertently gave himself away with a laugh.

      PHILIPP: (serious) I didn't understand. Gennadievich. What are you doing here? Are you a driver or what? You have a delivery schedule for two weeks in advance, everything is tight on time, and you are here to cool off…

      GENNADIEVICH: (stammering) Yes… Yes I literally stabilizability to drink went. All in deliveries, working hard, and no honor! Why are you so quick, Philip Georgievich?

      PHILIPP: (Gennadievich) Water means something to drink? And why is the muzzle all swollen out and dented? Not from a dream?

      Gennadievich makes a humble face, lowers his hands, lowers his head in agony.

      GENNADIEVICH: (plaintively) I'm starving, Philip Georgievich, I didn't want to tell you, but since you asked. My salary isn't that high, you know, and utilities are getting more expensive. I'm malnourished… result on the face. And dented – so it was in the transport company in the queue brawl was. I have a lot of cargo, so one of the guys in the queue got nervous. They dented me a little. I suffer, I don't regret my stomach, Philip Georgievich, but you treat me like this… like I'm… ashamed to say it…

      Colleagues shut their mouths, trying to cover themselves in every possible way and not give out their laughter from the driver's skillful twisting out of the situation. And yet,laughter sometimes slips from colleagues.

      PHILIPP: (to everyone, sorry) Okay, what's so funny? The man over there didn't get hurt for anything. Here's a bonus for you, Gennadievich, (takes a wad of money out of his pocket, counts it out, gives the driver a nice pile of cash) you're doing a good job, I'm sorry if I said something wrong.

      Gennadievich, as if reluctantly, hesitantly, accepts the money.

      GENNADIEVICH: (plaintively, to the Director) I'll go, I think, there really is still a lot to do.

      PHILIPP: (driver) Can we have a Cup of tea with you? You won't get enough of water. And so you see… plump… GENNADIEVICH

      : Thank you, Philip Georgievich, I'll have something to eat on the road, there's money now (shows everyone the bonus money, colleagues look at the driver with indignation). I'll go, I won't waste any time. We are all considered one family, we work in the same pot, if someone gives a slack, then we will all feel a drawdown.

      Philip is moved, wipes a tear from his eye, hugs the driver, pats him on the shoulder.

      PHILIPP: (driver) Come on, Gennadievich, take care of yourself. We need you and your family… Don't worry too much about it, either.

      Gennadievich nods to the Director in a friendly and respectful manner, and leaves the office with the grimace of a modest hero.

      PHILIPP: (to all the rest, cheerfully, positively) Well… a Cup of tea?

      Loud positive music is playing (recommended by Passion Fruit "The Ring Ding Dong Song").

      Colleagues on the rise begin to approach the table, cheerfully and joyfully dancing, carry their mugs, Philip unpacks Goodies, a pleasant organizational moment is coming.



      The apartment has an intimate atmosphere. Prepared a bed, a table with refreshments. Twilight.

      Yulechka in a short dressing gown defiles in a great mood, dancing. From the bathroom comes the sound of running water (shower).

      Yulechka longs for upcoming events, all this is reflected on her face. The girl straightens the bedclothes, gently and tenderly straightens the sheet.

      The sound of running water stops.

      The girl enthusiastically looks in the direction of the upcoming appearance of the desired man.

      A man in a large sombrero comes out in a long, beautiful dressing gown, his chest puffed out, and an important feigned gait. The man's face is not visible, as well as everything else, except for bare feet and hands, but it is clear that this is a man. And his intentions are not ambiguous.

      Yulechka gets out of bed, begins to passionately untie her dressing gown, when suddenly the doorbell rings.

      The characters freeze in their movements.
