Dark Dreams: HarperImpulse Paranormal Romance. Dawn Treadway

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Название Dark Dreams: HarperImpulse Paranormal Romance
Автор произведения Dawn Treadway
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780007594702

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rel="nofollow" href="#litres_trial_promo">Chapter 27


       Chapter 28


       Chapter 29


       Chapter 30


       Chapter 31


       Chapter 32


       Chapter 33






       Dawn Treadway & Aaron Speca


       About HarperImpulse


       About the Publisher

       Chapter 1

      Jade Shear could feel the spark of emotion ignite; like a caged electrical storm it slithered up her skin and spread throughout her body. “No, damn it, not again,” she cursed into the air. Jade’s eyes strained shut as her long, French-manicured fingernails drew into fists.

      Opening her stinging eyes she watched her customers begin to twitch and look around nervously. It was as if, suddenly, something ominous had just descended. She felt a wave of anxiety sweeping through their emotions even before the patrons themselves were aware of it. She let out an audible sigh and began trying to suppress the assault on her senses.

      The patron’s responses were varied. Some began to look lost; others, more strongly affected, looked almost angry.

      Jade opened her fists and tried to stabilize herself inside the circular wooden countertop forming the epicenter of her store. The emotion around her relentlessly crawled through her body, like a horde of ants on a mass exodus through the inside of her spine and limbs. She leaned forward and steadied herself, inhaling deeply. She closed her eyes, grabbing a thick, red curl between her fingers and began to twist. Fixating her mind she began deflecting the patrons’ feelings, pushing them away. Get out of my head!

      Her eyes opened and Jade swore she saw a man-sized shadow move behind one of the crowded bookshelves in her peripheral vision. It disappeared so quickly she thought, for sure, it was her imagination.

      “Hey, gorgeous, thought it was your day off!” Matt lilted accusatorily and sauntered toward the register. Nothing ever seemed to ruin his good mood. It was one reason she could stand to be around him. The other was that he was one of the few men she could be near and not read lascivious feelings about her pouring off of him. “You all right, sweets? You look like you need a drink.” His perfectly arched brows rose slightly for a moment. “And a hairbrush.” He chuckled and tried to tame her hair.

      “Can you please not start with me?” Jade tried to shake out the last bits of the obtrusive emotions around her. She actually loved when Matt “started” with her.

      “Now, darlin’, what in the world would be fun about that?” He moved his hand like a wand through the air when he spoke, a gesture he always seemed to make appropriate. Whether recapping a bad date he’d been on, appraising someone’s outfit, or generally talking trash about another of Jade’s employees, there was always “the hand” emphasizing his dramatic points.

      He continued, without waiting for a response. “Girl, you need to stop with the workaholic spinster act.” He gave her a cursory disapproving glance from her disheveled hair down to her beautifully attired feet. She saw a small smile escape when he eyed her footwear. “Get out of here, go dig up a life, girl, get laid, fall down drunk somewhere.” He let loose with yet another wave of his hand around the store. “You know this place is fine. I’ve got the wheel. I make a fabulous captain.” Matt laughed; the man certainly loved to amuse himself.

      “I just need a book or two, then I’m out. I won’t stay,” Jade swore, even as she scanned the shop for other things she could be working on.

      “Okay, mama, but I’m watching you.” The characteristic hand wave ended with an accusatory finger pointed at her.

      A gust of hot air blew up from the floor behind her. It seemed to come from nowhere. Jade inhaled as the fragrance of dark sandalwood and a dirty masculinity wafted into her nostrils. Her eyes closed and as she breathed in, her mind was abruptly flooded with the image of all the sex she wasn’t having.

      Matt’s lowered voice invaded the darkness of her shut eyelids. “Oh, my Lord, no, I am not looking at you, not anymore, now I’m watching that!” She opened her eyes and saw the look in Matt’s eyes glaze over slightly as he motioned to something, or someone, behind her that had now consumed his attentions.

      “Do not turn around quickly, but girl, turn the hell around. Slowly, I said, do not startle it and make it run away,” Matt hissed as he placed a hand on her shoulder.

      “What are you talking about now? Is there some kind of animal in my shop?” Jade turned and not twenty feet away, he stood.

      Legs crossed, a gorgeous man leaned against a bookshelf, his cocked head resting against it in a lazy pose. A long stream of dark, almost black, hair fell below his extremely well-built shoulders, contrasting with the lighter red of the cherry wood. This man was making no attempt to hide the fact he was staring right at her, assessing her. She felt some disdain for his audacity, but honestly his stare caused her to catch her breath, and then consciously begin breathing again. Rather than turn away, she stole another peek. Jade’s eyes met his and they seemed to grab and pull her in. His eyes contained darkness, but she saw that they were actually an intense gold laced by black lashes. As she trailed down his body, large muscled arms exploded out of the sleeves of his black t-shirt.

      His emotion came upon her unbidden and she felt a sudden wave of lust crash over her. She unintentionally released a breathy sigh and clenched her teeth as the pure animal nature of him surrounded her in an all-encompassing cloud of arousal. Between this force and her body stood only a flimsy white tank and it apparently was going to provide her no protection. Her breasts and nipples tightened and became overly sensitive to even the slightest movements she made. The lower regions of her body went moist and warm and she crossed her legs; the clenching, however, made the feeling even stronger.

      “Holy cow,” fell softly out of her mouth.

      And Matt concurred, “Yes, ho-oly cow, girl.” Her mouth had apparently remained open because, keeping his gaze stuck on the tall hunk of man before them, Matt put his hand under her chin and popped it closed.

      Trying to shake off the lusty arousal, she turned and tried to take on the look of the professional establishment owner she was, and took a tentative step in his direction.

      Of course, that didn’t work out; instead she tripped on the edge of the Turkish rug beneath her, twisting her foot and breaking the heel off her favorite Jimmy Choo knee-high boots.

      “Damn it,” she said under her breath, “I