Dark Dreams: HarperImpulse Paranormal Romance. Dawn Treadway

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Название Dark Dreams: HarperImpulse Paranormal Romance
Автор произведения Dawn Treadway
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780007594702

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became completely red as it was apparent she had been spying.

      “Damn it, Nias!” She turned to scowl at him.

      He began to laugh, as he found her delightful. Even caught spying on a room full of royal military Djinn, she had the courage to scold him. He actually enjoyed her bravery.

      “Nias, how nice of you to come out of your room and join us, we’ve been letting your friend here in on some of our plans for tomorrow,” Phaeton announced.

      “What, you knew I was there and you didn’t say anything?” I am so humiliated. With a beet-red face she turned, gave Nias one more dirty look, and introduced herself to the others. “Hi, I’m Jade Shear.”

      “Yes, I figured as much when I first heard you sit down, and could smell human. I am Phaeton, Sovereign of the Djinn, and Leader of the Sentry.” Nias had to roll his eyes at his introduction. Even though Nias had stepped down because he no longer wanted to be Sovereign, he and Phaeton continued to have a potent sibling rivalry; an endless struggle of power and ego. He thought back to their last conflict before they finally left Sheol under Nias’s leadership and the memory made him tense.

      Phaeton continued, “I thought I heard you come in last night, Nias, but I didn’t know if you had brought our guest. I am pleased to have both of you staying with us. Will you be here long? I know the two of you have a lot to get accomplished in the next few days. That is if Miss Shear has agreed to help us.” Phaeton looked to Jade to see what her answer to his query would be. Nias looked to her for the same reason, having no idea what she would say. He was curious to see how she would handle the situation. If nothing else, it would be amusing. “But before you respond to such a question let me introduce our family, this is our sister, Ella.”

      Nias saw the look in his sister’s eyes as she responded and said hello, albeit in a snarling, disapproving tone. “Ella! You will treat Jade with respect; she has been through hell in the past twenty-four hours!” Nias was shocked at his own outburst and reaction, as Ella looked a little stunned and Phaeton raised an eyebrow. One of the other men cleared his throat to break the silence.

      “I’m Locke. Not sure what my position is in this family. One day I realized, much to my consternation, that I had been adopted, or taken prisoner, much like yourself. I’m still not sure which. I’ve tried to escape, but they always manage to pull me back in somehow. I guess someday I’ll learn to tell them no, but it’s been several thousand years and I haven’t seemed to do it yet.” Locke stated all of this in his usual irascible tone. Nias smiled at him. They had been best friends for centuries. Locke was friendlier and much less guarded than the members of his own family. “I see Nias hasn’t managed to completely scare you off yet? His personality is a little abrasive. He seems to believe he is the one and only cat, and the rest of us are merely his toys.”

      “Locke, it is good to see you too. I’ve missed your lovely sense of humor,” Nias said with a good-natured needling.

      “Nias, I shouldn’t expect you to remember as you were only semiconscious at the time, but I saw you yesterday. So I can’t imagine you’ve missed me too much.”

      “Yes, my friend, I believe it’s been way too long.” And Nias gave his best friend a slight push at his shoulder.

      “I’m sorry for them, Jade. They have been best friends for so long they no longer feel it is necessary to treat each other civilly,” said Phaeton.

      “What do you mean by ‘she’s been through hell in the last twenty-four hours’?” Ella had recovered from her surprise and wanted to get back down to business. She was a no-nonsense kind of girl. She always did what she wanted, which at this point was command an entire division of the Sentry under Phaeton. Nias and Phaeton had a soft spot where their sister was concerned. It didn’t matter what she did, how many fiends she could kill in a night, how controlling and demanding her disposition, even the numbers of men, both human and Daemon, she took advantage of, made fall in love with her and cruelly disregarded. They would always treat her like their little sister, always be on her side in any disagreement. Anyone who dealt with the family knew this. No one messed with Ella; she messed with them.

      Although in this moment Nias felt the need to protect Jade, and this was getting to be an annoying habit of his. He wanted her to feel safe, always. He wanted her to be comfortable even with his enigmatic and derisive family. The hellion would probably try to run for the door any minute now and he would be the one responsible for bringing her back, but he had started to like having her around. Of course, there was always the lust. There was no way he was letting her go before he had taken her. Long and slow, she would spend several nights, or even weeks, in his bed, willingly, before he was letting her go anywhere.

      He also knew the family needed her to help him traverse Sheol. His feelings were starting to make him lose sight of the objective. He should sleep with her soon, he thought, so he could get his mind back to where it ought to be. She was somehow confusing his thoughts.

      “Hey, Nias, we would like to be informed of the past twenty-four hours, please,” Ella repeated, snapping him out of his thoughts.

      “Well, as it will probably clarify her answer to Phaeton’s question regarding whether she has agreed to help us, I would love to explain.”

      “Oh, no please, allow me,” Jade said forcefully. His family and friends looked a little shocked at how Jade seemed to treat Nias as an equal; they had never seen a woman he hadn’t won over and dominated immediately.

      “I was actually on a walk when I was kidnapped by pretty boy here.” Surprised glares came from all. “Not sure I have to even explain to you all my shock at the whole Daemon thing, so I tried to escape, got captured and sliced up by monsters, at which point Nias showed up, broke one of their necks with as much effort as it takes to break a pencil and sent others to kill the rest. I was torn up and, well, and then brought here.” Nias noticed her look at her feet and grab a curl between her twirling fingers as her voice faded a little at the end.

      “Excellent work on your kill, Nias, I had gotten a report of the extinction of a San Francisco nest earlier. What did you see of Hamartia? We are all concerned about her appearance here.”

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