Honor-Bound Lawman. Danica Favorite

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Название Honor-Bound Lawman
Автор произведения Danica Favorite
Жанр Вестерны
Издательство Вестерны
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474080446

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she might think he felt for her wasn’t real.

      Owen stood, then held his hands out to the girls. “All right, let’s go see about that rooster. Lena, you can put away the ax. For now.”

      As soon as Owen was out of earshot, Lena shook her head and muttered, “The man has no sense when it comes to those girls. He would do just about anything for them. It’s a shame their mother didn’t feel that way, too.”

      Owen had said talking about the girls’ mother was strictly off-limits. Hadn’t Lena just opened the door?

      “Owen doesn’t speak of her. Just that she is dead.”

      Lena nodded. “There is not much about her worth telling. I didn’t like her the first time we met, and I never started. I don’t know what Owen ever saw in her, except that she needed rescuing. In case you haven’t noticed, Owen likes to do the rescuing. Today the rooster, tomorrow it will be some other creature the girls have picked up. He might be a tough lawman, but his heart is as soft as they come.”

      It was as if Lena’s words were confirming what Laura had just told herself. Owen liked to rescue. And once more, he was rescuing Laura.

      “He does seem to have a tender heart,” Laura said, smiling at Lena. “I suppose that’s why they picked him for this job.”

      Lena grinned. “That, and he’s the best shot this side of the Mississippi. The other side, too, since most of them can’t shoot worth the lead in their bullets.”

      Laura couldn’t help but laugh at Lena’s idealized description of her brother. It was clear that Lena adored him, and just as Owen had vowed to protect Laura, Laura was certain that Lena would do just about anything to protect Owen.

      No, there was no hope for them romantically. Except in the few and far between daydreams she allowed herself to indulge in.

      Laura and Lena returned to the house, where Lena finished breakfast preparations.

      “I suppose if you want to help by setting the table, that would be fine. Usually, the girls do it, but since they’re out there with their father, tending the rooster, you might as well do it.”

      On one hand, Laura was slightly offended at being given a child’s job. But at least she was allowed to do something.

      They took the dishes out of the cupboard, and Laura set the table. When she finished, Lena was still busy in the kitchen, flipping pancakes. It wouldn’t do to bother her again. Laura remembered that just outside the front door, there was a field sprinkled with wildflowers. She’d spied an empty vase in the dining room. Perhaps a little color at the table wouldn’t go amiss.

      When Laura went outside, she was once again captivated by the beauty of the ranch. She could see Leadville in the distance, so far away, yet standing strong against the backdrop of the mountains towering above it. Though she didn’t have the same aversion to the city that Lena did, Laura had to admit that here the air was fresher and cleaner.

      A quaint white picket fence surrounded the ranch house. Laura let herself out the gates and made the short trek to the field she’d spied from her bedroom window. Here wildflowers abounded, making Laura’s own attempts at growing a few flowers around her house seem pathetic. As she picked flowers, she hummed one of the new tunes they learned in church.

      In the vastness of the open range, Laura felt a sense of the bigness of God. He’d made all this beautiful land, and here she was, enjoying it.

      She gathered flowers, continuing to hum the refrain. The only reason she stopped was the loud grumble her stomach gave. Satisfied at the variety of beautiful flowers she’d collected, Laura turned to go back to the ranch house. She hadn’t realized she’d wandered so far. But just as she began to make her way toward the house, she noticed Owen storming toward her.

      “Just what do you think you were doing, wandering off like that?”

      His harsh tone made Laura want to cringe. Once again, he was speaking to her in a way she was no longer used to. Though she supposed she should start getting used to it. The old Owen never spoke to her like this, and it reminded her so much of James. Angry and accusing, without concern for her feelings.

      “I was just gathering some flowers,” she said firmly. When James would treat her like that, she would cower and apologize for herself.

      But that was the old Laura. The new Laura had nothing to apologize for. She was her own woman, and she would not cower just because a man raised his voice at her.

      One more reason to tamp down any affectionate feelings she might have for Owen.

      “You can’t just wander around here, especially without telling anyone where you’re going. James and his men could be out there. Didn’t Lena tell you to stay inside the fence?”

      Laura tried to remember if Lena had said something, but she honestly wasn’t sure. It seemed like there was so much new information she’d been given over the past day, that she didn’t know.


      “I don’t want to hear it.” Owen grabbed her by the elbow and turned her in the direction of the house. “You have to stay in the yard. If we were in town, you would be confined to being indoors only. Don’t make me regret giving you even this little bit of freedom.”

      Laura jerked her arm out of Owen’s grip. “And I don’t need you manhandling me to get me to go back inside. I understand the danger. In the future, I will be more cautious. However, you don’t need to be so rough with me. I’m not a child.”

      Owen glared at her. “Then stop acting like one. I’m trying to save your life, and all you seem to do is gripe about the inconvenience it is to you. At least my children know not to leave the yard without letting someone know where they’re going.”

      “Is someone after them, too?”

      He paused, looking like he needed a moment to gather his thoughts. Perhaps they both did, with the way they were arguing. Then Owen looked at her with a gentler gaze.

      “No, no one is after them. But there are dangers aplenty out here. Though we don’t get too many bears, they have been known to come onto ranch property. And then there are the mountain lions, who follow the herds of deer that like to graze in my pastures. When we were in town, you mentioned being able to take care of yourself with your pistol. Did you even remember to bring it on your little stroll?”

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