Wedding Vows: Say I Do: Matrimony with His Majesty / Invitation to the Prince's Palace / The Prince's Outback Bride. Rebecca Winters

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      After getting out on the ledge, he grasped the thick cord and started climbing hand over hand.

      It wasn’t as easy as it used to be. The years had taken a toll on his athletic prowess. If Chaz saw him now, he’d laugh his head off.

      One more burst of energy and he would be home free.

      “Darrell Collier?” he called out to her. “I’m coming up to you so be warned!”

      In the next instant he heard an answering scream. Luckily the thick castle walls would have muted her cry.

      “I hope you’re presentable because I’m almost there. We have to talk.”

      He threw his arm over the balcony wall and hoisted himself so only his head and shoulders were visible.

      She stood there clutching the lapels of her robe to her throat. “Are you out of your mind, Alex?”

      He could read several emotions coming from those violet eyes, but the dominant one was fear for his safety.

      “That all depends on your definition,” he drawled.

      She stamped her foot impatiently. “You’re going to fall!”

      “It wouldn’t be the first time.”

      “Be serious,” she begged. Her face had gone pale.

      “I’ve never been more serious in my life. I have to fly to Italy in a little while, so I won’t be able to see you or Phillip until tomorrow.”

      Her appealing body was trembling. “You could have phoned me with that information.”

      “I tried. When that didn’t work I knocked on your door.”

      She bit her lip. “I—I was asleep.”

      “Here at the window you mean?”

      Suddenly her color came flooding back into her cheeks. “This isn’t funny, Alex. You could plunge to your death. Please come inside,” she implored him.

      “You’re sure? I wouldn’t want you accusing me of taking advantage of you.”

      “Yes, I’m sure!” she practically shouted at him.

      “Since you asked me so nicely, I think I will.”

      Another lunge brought him within a foot of her. She backed away like a frightened fawn in the forest.

      She had every right to be nervous of him. At the moment he was feeling invincible. But it was the wrong decade, the wrong country, the wrong woman.

      “I’m not going to apologize for kissing you today. I thoroughly enjoyed it. You’re a beautiful woman. It was one of those incredible summer mornings, and I couldn’t resist.

      “That’s no excuse, but it’s the best explanation I can offer. As long as I’m engaged to Isabella, I swear it won’t happen again. That’s what I came to say. I want you to be able to trust me. If we don’t have that, we don’t have anything.”

      “I agree.” Her voice caught. “What happened was both our faults. Of course I trust you. I think the situation with Phillip threw us, but no longer.”

      Phillip had nothing to do with the chemistry between them, Alex reasoned to himself. But he decided to let her remark pass because he had tangible proof she desired him, too. She could deny it all she wanted, but the fact remained they were both on fire for each other with no help in sight.

      “You sound totally recovered.”

      “I am,” she assured him. After pausing for breath she asked, “Where’s Phillip now?”

      “With mother and the boys. Though she’s not ready to admit it yet, she’s having the time of her life getting to know her grandson. The boys are in shock. The reality of Phillip has already shaken Vito out of his morose state. As for Jules, he’s just plain delighted with his upstart cousin from across the Atlantic.”

      Her mouth curved upward, bewitching him. “Upstart is right.”

      “Darrell—” he said before she could say anything else. “I know how hard the situation is on you. I don’t expect you to remain in this limbo forever. Just give me until tomorrow. After being with Isabella, I’ll know a lot more.”

      She nodded. “It’s all right. I checked with Jack. He told me to use this time for my vacation.”

      Alex’s hands curled into fists. No doubt Jack was counting the hours until she flew back. What a fool her boss was to let her out of his sight.

      “Is there anything I can do for you before I leave? Anything at all?”

      She shook her gilt-blond head without looking at him. “I feel like I’m living in a dream. How could I possibly want anything more?”

      How indeed.

      “I’ll be in touch with you in the morning and we’ll go from there. Do me a favor and answer the phone so I don’t have to risk my life a second time in order to have a conversation with you?”

      She lifted anxious eyes to him. “I’m sorry. I promise to answer it.”

      Before he proved that he couldn’t keep a promise to her five minutes, let alone a lifetime, he slipped back over the side of the balcony.


      She sounded terrified for him, but he kept on going, not daring to let her cries stop him or heaven help them both.

      When he’d swung himself back inside the music room and had locked the window, he phoned the palace security guard out in the hall. “There’s a rope hanging from the balcony of the Saxony apartment to the outside of the music room. It’s a security risk and needs to be removed ASAP.”

      “I thought you didn’t want it cut down.”

      “I’ve changed my mind.” I don’t trust myself anymore.

      “Yes, Your Majesty.”


      “Hi, sweetheart!”

      “Jules and Vito are with me.”

      Glad she was showered and dressed in a blouse and skirt, she hurried into the drawing room of their apartment. The tenyear-old Vito looked like the rest of them. With so many similarities, they could all be brothers. It really was remarkable.

      “You’re Vito. I’m so happy to meet you.”

      “Hello, Ms. Collier.”

      “Call her Darrell,” Phillip told him.

      While they shook hands his darker blue eyes studied her with interest. “Jules and I have to go to the dentist. We’re going shopping, too. Can Phillip come with us? Mother says it’s okay. We’ll walk him back after dinner.”

      She looked at Phillip. “Would you like to go?”

      “Since Dad’s not here, sure.”

      “Then it’s fine with me.” She looked at the boys. “Tell your mother thank you.”

      “I will,” Vito replied, sounding too grown up for his age.

      As they started to leave she heard Jules say, “You’re lucky. Nobody ever gets to stay in this apartment.”

      “Why not?”

      “We don’t know. Mother says it’s a secret,” Jules explained.

      “Why don’t you just ask Dad?”

      Vito shook his head. “Mother said it wasn’t our business.”

      “Then I’ll ask him when he gets back from Italy.”

      Darrell thought she heard the word “cool” come from Jules before the outer door closed.
