Rebecca Winters

Список книг автора Rebecca Winters

    Os meus três amores - Tal como sou

    Rebecca Winters

    Os meus três amoresTeresa CarpenterA vida de Rachel Adams mudou de repente quando a nomearam tutora de dois pequenos órfãos. Era muito difícil transformar-se da noite para o dia na mãe de dois bebés muito exigentes… e que não demoraram a roubar-lhe o coração.Então apareceu o outro tutor dos meninos, Ford Sullivan. Era evidente que Rachel estava a fazer um verdadeiro esforço para cuidar bem dos bebés e que não olhava para Ford com bons olhos. Contudo, depressa, se aperceberam de que o melhor para os bebés era que unissem as suas forças.Tal como souRebecca WintersTracey Von Axel era uma rapariga de classe alta, famosa por gostar de andar a passear pelas lojas e por gostar de ir a festas. Mas decidira mudar de vida e demonstrar que era capaz de administrar o império familiar.Nikos Lazaridis era um velho amigo da família que aceitara ajudá-la, mas o milionário grego queria fazê-lo… tirando-a da sala de reuniões e começando pelo mais básico. O que Nikos não sabia era que ele também ia ter de superar uma prova difícil…

    Fruto prohibido

    Rebecca Winters

    Fran Mallory estaba impresionada por la intensidad de su atracción por el magnético Andre Benet. Intimar con él estaba estrictamente prohibido, pero tal vez ese era el encanto de Andre. Podía pasar tanto tiempo como quisiera con él… y estaba segura de que su corazón permanecería intacto.Andre Benet no estaba buscando una relación, por eso permitió que Fran creyera que la relación entre ellos era completamente imposible. Ahora era incapaz de resistir más su deseo por ella. Pero ¿se sentiría Fran tan segura cuando él se convirtiera en un posible marido para ella?

    Sin recuerdos

    Rebecca Winters

    Diana Rawlins salió del hospital con amnesia y un bebé en los brazos, pero no sabía qué había ocurrido. Su marido, Cal, estaba decidido a llegar al fondo del misterio, sobre todo porque una de las cosas que su mujer no recordaba era que estaban casados.A Diana sólo parecía interesarle su bebé, pero Cal sabía que era imposible que fuera de ella. Sin embargo, no estaba dispuesto a perder a su esposa. Si el bebé era la llave para llegar al corazón de Diana, lucharía para que ella volviera a enamorarse de él y para que pudiera quedarse con el niño.

    Renuncia por amor

    Rebecca Winters

    Alik Jarman acababa de conocer a su hijo de seis semanas y no pensaba dejarlo escapar. Decidió pedirle a la madre del bebé, quien le había roto el corazón hacía apenas un año, que se instalara durante un mes en su casa con el niño.Blaire jamás le había dicho la verdadera razón por la que había suspendido la boda y comprendió que debía negarse a ir a vivir con él. Sin embargo, al ver cómo disfrutaba Alik de la compañía de su hijo, se sintió incapaz de decirle que no… y tampoco pudo evitar alimentar la esperanza de que, algún día, formarían una verdadera familia.

    Un príncipe en el desierto - La mujer más adecuada

    Rebecca Winters

    Un príncipe en el desiertoVisitar el bello desierto de Nafud era la oportunidad que Lauren Viret tenía para conseguir que el espíritu y los secretos de su abuela descansaran para siempre. En pleno desierto, quedó atrapada por una tormenta de arena y un extraño muy atractivo la rescató.El príncipe Rashad pensaba que la bella norteamericana a la que le había salvado la vida ocultaba algo… ¡Y debía vigilarla! Lo que no esperaba era quedarse cautivado por ella. Las noches mágicas del desierto desvelarían la verdad.La mujer más adecuadaAlly Parker había acudido a Italia buscando respuestas a varias preguntas sobre su pasado y solo Gino, duque de Montefalco, podía responderlas. En cuanto el guapísimo duque italiano la llevó a su mágica residencia campestre, Ally empezó a enamorarse de él. Pero los secretos y pecados del pasado podrían impedir que Gino convirtiese a Ally en la prometida de Montefalco…

    Love Story Next Door!

    Rebecca Winters

    Cinderella On His DoorstepDana Lofgren is determined to find the ideal location for her father’s new film – and finally make him proud. She knows Château Belles Fleurs in France would be perfect…she just needs to convince Alex, the château’s very attractive owner!Mr Right, Next Door!Financial executive Sophie is a workaholic. But her gorgeous neighbour Grant is about to teach her how to live for the moment. The ex-architect knows that if he can persuade Sophie to let loose, the moments they share together could be life-changing!Soldier on Her DoorstepSoldier Alex promised his dying comrade he’d look after his wife and daughter. Alex was prepared for tears, but not for the beautiful woman who answered the door – or the little girl hiding behind her. Could Lisa and Lilly help to heal this hero’s heart?

    Home to Wyoming

    Rebecca Winters

    Wounded in love and war, ex-Marine Buck Summerhayes wants to put the past behind him. He finds peace working at the Teton Valley Dude Ranch, a special place for families of fallen soldiers.Maybe one day, he’ll have a family of his own—right now he can’t afford to indulge in dreams. Alexis Wilson is no dream. Tasked with overseeing Alex and her young ward during their visit to the ranch, Buck finds himself falling for both the woman and the little girl. Like Buck, Alex has had more than her share of heartache. But maybe between them, they can build a future that’s still full of possibilities.

    Husband for a Year

    Rebecca Winters

    Stefanie had been the ideal temporary wife to powerful Gabe Wainwright.Only, now that their one-year contract was up, he found himself strangely reluctant to stop being her husband…. Stefanie knew Gabe was a man of his word, and he'd stuck to the in-name-only deal to the letter. But how she wished he hadn't! Still, maybe it wasn't too late to negotiate a new wedding contract – this time, forever!

    A Bride for the Island Prince / The Last Goodbye

    Rebecca Winters

    A Bride for The Island Prince Prince Alexius will do anything to help his four-year-old daughter learn to speak – which is why the intensely reserved royal finds himself opening up to bubbly speech therapist Dottie. She’s a breath of fresh air in the palace, and motherless Zoe blossoms in her care – as does the reluctant attraction Alex feels towards his new employee! The Last GoodbyeAlly knows the settling kind when she meets him. And Tyler is definitely one. Ordinarily this never-in-one-place-long girl would stay far away. Maybe it’s the way he looks in jeans, or the way he looks at her, but suddenly Ally is breaking her own rules. All that temptation…well, there’s only so much resistance one girl can have.

    Cinderella on His Doorstep / Accidentally Expecting!

    Rebecca Winters

    CINDERELLA ON HIS DOORSTEP Rebecca Winters Once upon a time there lived a girl who felt invisible and shied away from the limelight. Until she arrived on location at Château Belles Fleurs and became the star of her own real-life fairytale. Who will Dana’s leading man be?ACCIDENTALLY EXPECTING! Lucy Gordon On holiday in Italy, Ferne is dazzled by charming Dante Rinucci and his carpe diem zest for life. She doesn’t realise that every day could be his last. But Ferne’s surprise pregnancy, and the chance to be a dad, could save Dante…