Wedding Party Collection: Here Comes The Groom: The Bridegroom's Vow / The Billionaire Bridegroom. Rebecca Winters

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Название Wedding Party Collection: Here Comes The Groom: The Bridegroom's Vow / The Billionaire Bridegroom
Автор произведения Rebecca Winters
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474069113

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to announce our plans.”

      “I won’t say anything, not even to Mother.”

      “I’ve always been able to trust you. Thanks again for being willing to stand in for me at the parade. We’ll meet at the villa tomorrow before the family dinner. I want to see you in that costume.”

      “She had it made for you.”

      “True, but we’re blood, so it’s the same thing.”

      “You’re sure you’re going to be all right?” The concern in his voice spoke volumes.

      “Alexandra is better than any nurse. She won’t let anything happen to me.”

      “That’s good. Just be careful. I love you, Uncle.”

      “I love you, too, Leon. More than you know.”

      He rang off, then sank back against the pillow.

      Seeds had been sown. Only time would tell if they’d fallen on fertile ground.

      As for the woman lying within touching distance, her days of being known as Ms. Hamilton were almost over.

      If it weren’t for the fair, he’d snatch her away this very night to somewhere they could lose themselves in each other for days and nights on end. It was going to be a long night.

      The next morning after breakfast at the lodge dining room and a quick inspection of the impeccable silk exhibits in Soufli, the flight back to Thessalonica in the helicopter provided its own set of thrills for Alex.

      Under Dimitrios’s guidance, the pilot flew low over castles and churches dotting the ancient landscape, giving her a history lesson she would always cherish. But when it came in for a landing on top of the Pandakis building, Alex was the one who suddenly felt strange.

      Dimitrios got out of his seat, ready to assist her. She undid her seat belt and started to stand up, then weaved in place.

      His powerful arms immediately went around her. “What’s wrong?” he demanded anxiously.

      “Would you believe I’m the one feeling dizzy?”

      “You’re having a bout of vertigo. It sometimes happens when you’re not used to landing above ground. I’ll carry you inside.”

      “No, please!” she cried in a hushed tone. Last night she’d tasted a little bit of heaven. But it was morning now, and everything had gone back to reality. “Just let me hold onto your arm and I’ll be fine in a minute.”

      “Would you prefer to wait here until it subsides?”

      “No— I think maybe that’s what’s wrong. Knowing we’re up so high and—”

      “Come on. Let’s get you inside the building.”

      She clung to him while he half pulled her along. Part of the time she kept her eyes closed. He helped her down the stairs from the roof to his suite of offices on the top floor.

      Being inside helped a lot.

      “Better?” he whispered close to her cheek.

      “Much.” Just don’t touch me anymore.

      “Drink this.”

      He’d stopped at the water dispenser and put a cup of it to her lips. It tasted good. She drank the whole thing. As she handed it back, their eyes met. His searching gaze revealed a depth of concern that shook her to the foundations.

      “Thank you.” Her voice trembled.

      She felt him take a deep breath. “You’re welcome. Your color’s come back. Are you ready to go the rest of the way? It’s only a few steps further.”

      “I think I can do it without your help now.”

      He ignored her comment and assisted her inside his office where his staff waited to be introduced to her.

      “This is probably the most embarrassing moment of my life.”

      He ushered her to the couch where she could sit down. “But think what it’s doing for Stavros, who has been under the impression you’re superhuman.”

      Alex chuckled in spite of the situation. Within minutes everyone had taken turns greeting her so cordially, she felt right at home. Stavros showed up last of all with a glass of lemonade for her.

      He sat down next to her. “I have a confession to make, my dear,” he said in excellent English. “I’ve never liked flying in the damn thing.”

      “Now he tells me!” Dimitrios pretended to be upset, but his eyes were smiling. When they did that, he was virtually irresistible to Alex.

      She drank half the lemonade before she said, “I think if I just don’t have to land on a roof again, I’ll be all right.”

      “Good for you,” Stavros murmured. He looked at Dimitrios. “You’re hovering.”

      “He does that on occasion,” Alex couldn’t help adding. Already she liked the older man who’d been with the Pandakis firm for so many years.

      Now it was Stavros whose eyes were smiling. “There’s a lot of work waiting for you, Dimitrios. If you want to get busy, I’ll show Ms. Hamilton into her office.”

      She’d never known anyone who spoke to Dimitrios that way. It showed the measure of affection, even love between the two men who treated each other as equals.

      Dimitrios muttered something about his secretaries being partners in crime before he wheeled away and strode toward his private office, taking her heart with him.

      After finishing her lemonade, she felt restored and was able to get up and follow Stavros without problem. The fabulous office that would be her headquarters during the fair was obviously someone else’s inner sanctum. He didn’t tell her which of the Pandakis cousins had been asked to make the sacrifice.

      For the next hour they got down to business. Toward the end of their meeting, she acted on a suggestion Dimitrios had made in regard to Stavros.

      “Before I leave, can I be frank with you?”

      “Of course.”

      “I’m not much of a people person. I would prefer to work behind the scenes from here to make sure every event goes off as planned. You’re the mainstay of the corporation, and the only one who can handle the VIPs flying in for the fair. Would you take over in that department? Please?”

      He looked surprised. “If that’s what you wish.”

      “It is. To be honest, if I thought I had to entertain foreign dignitaries, I’d probably have a nervous breakdown.”

      “Dimitrios told me you’re not the type to fall apart on him.”

      “I have to retain a few secrets to stay in with the boss.”

      The older man’s hearty laugh delighted her.

      “If I’d known this was going to be a party, I wouldn’t have left.”

      At the sound of Dimitrios’s vibrant voice, Alex got up from the desk. Stavros remained in his swivel chair, eyeing her employer in amusement.

      “Ms. Hamilton and I have been sorting things out. She’s afraid for me to tamper with her work agenda, so it looks like I’m going to be the fair’s goodwill ambassador.”

      “Whatever makes the two of you happy. Now I’m afraid it’s getting late. We have to go, Alexandra.”

      She turned to Stavros. “I’ll see you later then. Thank you for everything.”

      “It’s been my pleasure.”

      Dimitrios cupped her elbow and ushered her out to the elevator. On their ride down to the lobby he seemed to be staring into her soul.

      “Did you know that Stavros rarely laughs like