The Baby Discovery. Rebecca Winters

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Название The Baby Discovery
Автор произведения Rebecca Winters
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781408945629

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I’ll leave now and be home before you know it.”

      Five minutes later Zane pulled into the parking lot of the hospital. Though he hadn’t expected to remain under police suspicion too much longer, it was a relief to walk through the main entrance knowing they’d crossed him off their list.

      There were three babies in the sick nursery. Two sets of exhausted-looking parents who’d been in there earlier were still doting on their offspring.

      When Zane’s gaze flicked to the other side of the semidark room and fell on one lone crib, it felt like a giant hand had just squeezed out his heart’s blood. He rushed over to the baby.

      “I’m here, Johnny. I’m here.”

      He threw off his jacket and helped himself to a pair of gloves from a nearby cart. Snagging a rolling stool with his boot, he planted himself at the side of the crib.

      “I came as soon as I could.” Carefully he put his hands through the holes and caught the baby’s tiny fingers. They curled around his with astonishing strength and his little legs kicked harder.

      “It looks like you’ve missed me, too.” The thought that the baby recognized him thrilled him to the core of his being. “Remember those men you met? They’re home doing the dishes so I could come and be with you.

      “No man ever had better friends. I’ll bring them over tomorrow so the three of you can get well acquainted. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

      He molded his palm to the baby’s chest. “It’s warm and snug in there, but I bet it’s boring.”

      As if the baby understood, he suddenly yawned, endearing himself to Zane that much more.

      An hour passed before he was even aware of it. When he happened to look up and saw that it was after eleven, he realized that if he didn’t leave now, the guys would probably turn in.

      “I have to go, Johnny, but I’ll come back in the morning.” It was a wrench to tear himself away. “Be a good boy and get well for me while I’m gone.”

      After discarding the gloves, he grabbed his jacket. With a nod for the nurse on duty, he exited the room only to collide with a woman intent on entering the nursery.

      His hands automatically went out to steady her. She must have washed her hair with some kind of peach shampoo. The scent was intoxicating.

      “I’m sorry!” she cried. “It’s my fault for bumping into you.”

      When she lifted her head, he discovered it was Ms. Richins who’d been in too big a hurry to watch where she was going. Since he’d planned to talk to her in the ER before going out to the parking lot, nothing could have pleased him more.

      He stared into her dark-fringed eyes, fascinated by their velvety brown color. “I’m glad you did. I think little Johnny’s lonely for company.”

      After a pause, “I’m still on duty in the ER, but thought I’d dash up here for a minute and check on him. Does he seem improved to you?”

      Considering she was a nurse, her hopeful question was one for the books. But from the moment he’d met her, he’d also been aware that she was a warm, caring woman. Evidently he wasn’t the only person who’d fallen under the baby’s spell.

      “It’s probably my imagination, but I thought he was a little more active tonight.”

      “That’s a good sign.”

      “Is it?” His heart lurched.

      “I’ll know better when I look at him.”

      “Let’s do it together.”

      She lowered her eyes. “I thought you were leaving.”

      He wasn’t sure how to take her remark. “Actually I was on my way downstairs to talk to you about his condition.”

      By tacit agreement they entered the nursery. She made a beeline for the crib.

      “Hello, little sweetheart.” She tapped a knuckle against the transparent top. “What have you been doing tonight?”

      At the sound of her voice, Zane noticed how Johnny turned his head toward her. His arms and legs wiggled. Anyone watching her smile at the baby could be forgiven for thinking she was the mother.

      “My goodness—you are more animated! That’s wonderful! I wish I could stay with you.”

      Zane knew exactly how she felt.

      “Keep fighting, sweetheart.”

      “Hi,” a female voice spoke behind them. Zane turned his head. It was one of the other mothers. She was alone and looked washed-out. Apparently her husband had left. “The waiting gets hard, doesn’t it.”

      “Very,” Zane murmured.

      “You two surely have a cute baby there. He looks perfect. Sam and I were wondering what was wrong with him?”

      In the next instant Ms. Richins had backed away from the crib. Maybe it was a trick of light, but he thought there was more color in her face than before.

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