The River House. Carla Neggers

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Название The River House
Автор произведения Carla Neggers
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474074759

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more hot chocolate if that appeals to you on a hot day.”

      “I think I’ll walk down to Carriage Hill first.”

      “The back door’s open. I’d go with you, but I’ve been a bit wobbly today. I’m sure it’s the heat. Dylan will be back soon. Gabe picked him and Russ Colton up from the airport. I can’t remember the last time he was in town. Mark and Jess’s wedding, I think.”

      Felicity managed to get control of herself. She didn’t swear out loud or even under her breath, but she was not prepared to see Gabe tonight—and she’d just accepted Olivia’s invitation to dinner. “It’ll be cooler on Saturday,” she said, getting to her feet. “I’ll scoot down to the inn.”

      “Maggie and I can answer any questions once you’ve had a look.”

      “Great. Thanks.”

      Olivia abandoned her hot chocolate and rose, visibly stiff. A hand on her lower back, she walked with Felicity through the main room and out the front entrance. Buster, her German shepherd mix, had materialized on the stone walk, lazing in the shade. He wagged his tail but otherwise didn’t stir. “It was just Buster and me out here at first,” Olivia said. “I liked that idea. Then Dylan came along...” She smiled, her hazel eyes warm with emotion. “It’s not just Buster and me anymore.”

      “I’m happy for you, Olivia.”

      “Thank you.” She patted her middle. “Pretty soon Buster will have to get used to a baby on our dead-end road.”

      She and Dylan also had kept his house on Coronado Island in San Diego. They might be starting new businesses and living relatively normal lives in Knights Bridge, but they were worth a considerable fortune. Felicity motioned vaguely down Carriage Hill Road. “Back in a few minutes.”

      “Have you seen Gabe lately?” Olivia asked as Felicity descended the steps to the stone walk. “You two used to hang out together.”

      “It’s been a few years.”

      She debated saying more but instead continued past Buster. She heard Olivia gasp behind her and spun around. “Olivia—are you all right?”

      Olivia swayed and reached out a hand, as if to balance herself, but there was nothing to grab hold of. Felicity launched herself up the steps, getting to Olivia just as she crumpled. She hooked an arm around her and eased her onto the landing. Felicity quickly checked for blood or amniotic fluid but didn’t see any. Had the heat gotten to her? They’d only been outside a few minutes, but Felicity didn’t know where Olivia had been that day or what she’d been doing.

      She fumbled for her phone to call 911, but Olivia stirred and tried to sit up. “I’m okay,” she mumbled.

      “You fainted,” Felicity said. “I’ll call for an ambulance.”

      “What? Oh, damn. No. Really. I just...” She tried to sit up. “I didn’t pass out. It was close, but I just got wobbly and couldn’t... Don’t call an ambulance. I’m okay, I promise.”

      “I can call your doctor.”

      “I’ll call her. I just need a minute.”

      “And Dylan?”

      “He’s on his way. There’s no need to worry him. Can you get me a glass of water? I think that’s all I need. I’ll be fine here.” She smiled weakly, leaning against the doorjamb. “I have Buster.”

      The big dog had roused himself from his spot in the shade and was lumbering to her. Olivia patted him. She was clearly feeling better, but Felicity still had misgivings about not calling for help. “I’ll fetch you some water, but if you feel at all faint, call 911.” She folded her phone into Olivia’s hand. “And if there’s even the slightest question when I get back, I’m calling.”

      Felicity raced inside, leaving the door open. She filled a glass with water from the tap, moistened a dish towel and charged back out to Olivia with both. Olivia was sitting up, Buster sprawled at her side. Her color looked better, and she didn’t seem as unsteady. “Water or towel first?” Felicity asked her.

      “Water.” Olivia smiled as Felicity handed her the water. She took a few tentative sips. “I let myself get dehydrated.”

      “I can call your doctor. Really, I don’t mind.”

      “I’ll call in a minute.” Olivia set the glass on the landing next to her and accepted the cool, wet towel from Felicity, placing it on the back of her neck. “That feels so good. You can go onto Carriage Hill. I’m fine.”

      Felicity shook her head. “It’ll keep. I’ll stay with you until Maggie gets here.”

      Olivia nodded and picked up her water glass again. The barn was air-conditioned, but she obviously needed to get her feet under her before she tried to stand up. She finished drinking her water. In a few more minutes, she started to get to her feet. Felicity eased next to her, but Olivia didn’t need her assistance. They headed inside. Olivia sank onto the sectional and ran both hands through her hair, exhaling. “That was no fun,” she said. “I have a bit of a headache, but all in all I feel fine.”

      “But you’ll call your doctor while I’m getting you more water.”

      She smiled. “I will call my doctor now.”

      When Felicity returned with two fresh glasses of water—one for each of them—Olivia was more or less back to normal. She set her phone on a side table. “I spoke with my doctor’s office about my spell.” She stretched out her legs, settling in on the sectional. “All set. Plenty of fluids. Rest. Call if there’s a problem.”

      “And Dylan? Are you sure you don’t want to call him?”

      “I’m sure,” Olivia said without hesitation. “I’ll tell him when he’s back. I’m fine. Thank you for keeping me from splitting my head open on the steps.”

      Felicity sat on a chair across from her, Buster flopped on the floor between them. “You’re welcome.”

      “Sorry if I scared you.” She crossed her ankles and uncrossed them with a small moan. “Not a good position. I’ve months to go with this pregnancy, too.” She patted her middle. “What do you think, boy or girl?”


      “There’s probably a pool in town. Sex, height, weight, date of birth.” She yawned, covering her mouth with the back of her hand. “Oh, my. I’m sleepy. I think I’ll stay right here for now. I’ll be fine if you want to scoot down to Carriage Hill now.”

      “It’s okay. I have other work I can do until Maggie gets here.”

      “If you’re sure—” Olivia stopped, drank more water and smiled. “Thank you, Felicity. I’d appreciate the company. Best to be on the safe side.”

      Felicity settled in at the table. Now it was just a question of who got there first, Maggie Sloan or Dylan, Russ and Gabe.


      Maggie Sloan arrived first, with dinner and brownies. “I thought you might want to try my brownies since they’re on the menu now for Saturday,” she said, setting a picnic basket on the counter in the barn’s kitchen. She grinned at Felicity. “That’s my excuse, anyway.”

      “As if you need an excuse to make brownies,” Olivia said, now sitting at the table.

      Felicity shut her laptop at the end of the table. “I’ve heard stories about your brownies, Maggie.”

      “They’re one of my signature desserts. It’s hard to mess up a brownie, but I do love my recipe.” She lifted a foil-wrapped package from her basket. “I say we start with sharing a brownie. Plan?”

      Olivia laughed, clearly fully recovered. “An