Rome. Jay Crownover

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Название Rome
Автор произведения Jay Crownover
Жанр Книги о войне
Издательство Книги о войне
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780007536320

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force of my will alone. I was peeling my ruined T-shirt off over my head when the curtain moved back and a really pretty nurse holding a chart came in. She had her head bent over whatever she was reading and it gave me the opportunity to check her out. She had long copper hair twisted in a braid away from a truly lovely face. She looked a couple of years younger than me, and I couldn’t help but appreciate that she was rocking some kick-ass curves under those boring scrubs all medical professionals seemed to wear.


      She looked up at the sound of my voice and blinked wide, dove-gray eyes at me. I don’t know if it was the sight of my naked chest or the fact that I was now covered head to waist in blood that had her looking apprehensive.

      “Hello, Mr. Archer. It looks like you had a rough night.”

      “I’ve had better, that’s for sure.”

      She snapped on some latex gloves and came over to stand beside me.

      “Let’s have a look at what kind of trouble you got yourself into, shall we?”

      She poked and prodded at my head and I tried not to stare at her boobs. She really was a pretty girl and it made the sting of her jabbing at my newest battle wounds hurt just a little less.

      “What’s your name?” I didn’t really need to know it, I probably would never see her again after I got stitched up, but her eyes were just so soft and pretty I couldn’t help but ask.

      She gave me a friendly smile and looked like she was about to oblige me when the flimsy curtain was yanked back and Nash came barreling through. His cornflower-blue eyes were on fire with a mixture of anger and concern. The flames tattooed on the side of his head were standing out as the vein under them throbbed in irritation.

      “Do you have any idea the kind of hell I’m going to get from Rule when he finds out about this? Goddamn it, Rome, what the fuck is wrong with you lately?”

      I was going to respond when his attention switched from me to the lovely nurse who was staring at him with her mouth hanging slightly open. I was used to Nash’s dramatic look and larger-than-life presence. He and Rule had always drawn a lot of attention, so it never fazed me, but the pretty little nurse suddenly looked like she was seeing a ghost and it looked like Nash was trying to place where he might have seen her before as well.

      “I just need to get stitched up and then you can yell at me on the way home.”

      The nurse cleared her throat and tossed her now-bloodstained gloves in the trash. “You’re probably looking at staples for the laceration in your head. It’s pretty nasty and deeper than it looks. The slice on the side is pretty clean, so you might get away with just a topical, liquid suture on it. The doc will be in shortly.”

      Her entire demeanor changed with Nash in the room. I could tell he noticed something was off with her as well. He scrunched up his nose and stared at her until she was uncomfortable enough to look up at him.

      “Do we know each other?”

      She shook her head so hard that she dislodged the pen she had tucked behind her ear.

      “No. No I don’t think we do.”

      He scratched his chin and narrowed his eyes at her. “Are you sure? You look really familiar to me.”

      She shrugged and fiddled with the stethoscope that dangled around her neck. She was hot, and if I was so inclined, I could see working up some really nice nurse fantasies where she was the main attraction.

      “I get that a lot. I must just have one of those faces. I have to run. No rest for the wicked.” She gave me a little grin and disappeared around the corner, leaving both of us staring after her, me in pure male appreciation, Nash in puzzlement.

      “I swear I know that chick from somewhere.”

      “She one of your one-hit wonders?”

      “No. Maybe Rule’s pre-Shaw?”

      I snorted and contemplated the ceiling while my head and side continued to burn. “She seems too smart to fall into that category.”

      “Maybe. It’s going to drive me nuts until I figure it out. What the hell happened to you tonight? Picking a fight with Rule wasn’t enough, you had to take on a whole biker bar?”

      “’Merica!” I gave a bitter laugh at my lame joke.

      He scowled at me and took a seat on the doctor’s wheelie chair, dwarfing the thing.

      “Seriously, Rome. You need to knock this shit off.”

      I didn’t have to answer because the doctor chose that moment to come in. He was a guy in his fifties who clearly was at the end of a long shift because he was no-nonsense as all get-out and wasted no time in fixing me right up. When he was done he gave me a serious look and told me I might want to lay off the booze considering my blood test came back potent enough to start fires, and all I could do was silently agree.

      He scribbled a prescription for painkillers that I hoped I wouldn’t need to fill since I was already struggling with my reliance on another dangerous substance, and told me the nurse would be back in a few minutes to discharge me. I was stoked about having one more chance to get my flirt going, but as soon as she stuck her head back in, it was clear she was all business and wanted nothing more than to see us go.

      “Take care of yourself, Mr. Archer, and thank you for your service to our country.”

      She spun around to leave when Nash suddenly hopped to his feet and snapped his fingers. It made the nurse wince and made me frown.

      “I knew I knew you! We went to high school together, didn’t we? Aren’t you Saint Ford?”

      We could have heard a pin drop she went so still and got so quiet. She stared at him like he had just crawled out of the sewer.

      “I am. I’m surprised you recognized me, most people don’t.”

      He tilted his head to the side and gave her a considering look. “Why did you say we didn’t know each other, then?”

      She cleared her throat and fiddled with the end of her braid. She was clearly very uncomfortable with the conversation.

      “Because high school was a million years ago and I was a very different person then. It’s not a time that comes with the fondest memories; in fact I prefer to pretend it never even happened. I’m sure that’s not something a guy like you can understand. Have a nice night; try to avoid any more knife-wielding bikers if you can, Mr. Archer.”

      She swept out in a haughty cloud, leaving both of us dumbfounded and gaping at each other.

      “Whoa. Were you a dick to her in school or something? That was a whole lot of hostility for something that happened so long ago.”

      He shrugged and helped me get up onto my feet. I wobbled a bit from the mixture of alcohol and blood loss, so he didn’t let go until I was steady.

      “Probably. Rule, Jet, and I were a bunch of punks. Remy was the nice one.”

      “What do you mean, ‘were’? You probably teased her for being fat or something.”

      He had the good grace to look ashamed. “That is entirely possible. I wasn’t exactly in a great place when I was in high school either. There was too much stuff going on with my mom and that idiot she married for me to really give a crap about anything or anyone else. Man, that blows. She’s a total babe now.”

      I didn’t even consider putting my blood-soaked shirt back on as I hobbled out of the emergency room.

      “She sure is.”

      We got to Nash’s fully restored ’73 Dodge Charger and I slumped down in the seat. It wasn’t the worst Independence Day I could remember having, but it sure wasn’t one of the best either. All I wanted to do was crawl into bed and forget about everything, not that that seemed to be working out for me so great as of late.
