You're All I Need. Karen White-Owens

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Название You're All I Need
Автор произведения Karen White-Owens
Жанр Короткие любовные романы
Издательство Короткие любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780758263049

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you know?”

      “They were all over each other, on the dance floor and at their table. They never noticed me because they were getting busy.”

      Suddenly, Tia’s belly twisted into a thousand knots. She tried to breathe but failed miserably. Tia knew deep in her heart that Nia was telling the truth. Tia always knew when Nia was lying. She couldn’t hide from Tia her little telltale gestures that others overlooked or failed to notice.

      What could she say? There wasn’t an excuse she could make for Darnell or his behavior.

      As if Nia needed to close the deal, she added, “It’s not the first time I’ve seen him out and about, Tia. Darnell is never alone.”

      Tia pulled herself together, and over her pounding heart asked, “If you’ve spotted him out with other women at other times, why haven’t you said something before now? What were you waiting for? What made you decide to tell me this time?”

      “I’m sick of him thinking he can do what he wants.” Nia reached across the table and took her sister’s hand. Tia tried to pull her hand free, but Nia refused to let go. “He’s a no-good piece of crap. I hate the way he treats you. Tia, you are a beautiful, intelligent woman who deserves a whole lot better than this idiot can give you. I want that for you. I’m sick of him messing over my sister.”

      Tia’s head was swimming with images of Darnell with other girls. Nia’s confession supported the idea that things were not going well between her and Darnell, but she never really expected him to be involved with another woman. Infidelity never entered her head. She’d always believed they would talk things out and then agree to go their separate ways. Theirs would be a cool and civilized breakup. Damn him! Now he’s put her in a position where she’ll have to confront him and put her emotions out there for him to tramp all over.

      “Tia-Mia, I’m sorry.” She swallowed hard and then continued. “At first, I wasn’t going to say anything, but the more I thought about it, the madder I got. I realized you needed to know what was going on around you. Enough is enough.”

      “You’re right. It is enough. Thank you for telling me.”

      “What are you going to do?” Nia asked. A worried frown had taken over her face.

      Tia shrugged and answered in a dead tone, “Confront him.”


      Lunch ended on a low note. With her appetite shot, Tia pushed the plate full of salad away.

      “I’m done.” Tia rose from her chair and started for the door. At the restaurant’s exit, she waited while Nia settled the bill. A chill iced Tia’s skin. She wrapped her arms around her middle and turned away, heading out of the restaurant and through the Renaissance Center to her office. Nia raced along beside her. Deep in thought, Tia barely heard her twin’s insistent chatter.

      “Do you need me to be at your place when you talk to Darnell?” Nia asked as they strolled through the GM Wintergarden.

      Tia shook her head.

      Normally the glass, chrome, and greenery that lined this portion of the Renaissance Center provided a sense of beauty and peace for Tia. Today, nothing soothed the feelings of betrayal and embarrassment Darnell had sparked.

      She pressed her lips together and concentrated on moving up a series of escalators to the tower elevators. She smiled at the security person guarding the entrance to the executive wing of Gautier International Motors. Tia flashed her badge before turning to her twin. “Thanks for lunch. I’ll talk to you later.”

      “What? No. We’re not finished.” Nia turned to the guard and picked up the pen from the clipboard. “I’m coming upstairs with you.” With an exaggerated wave of her hand and a flirtatious wink at the guard, Nia signed her name across several lines. If the situation hadn’t been so grave, Tia would have laughed. Her twin was such a diva. Nia loved every moment of it.

      “Don’t you have a home to go to?” Tia asked wearily.

      “Of course. But right now I need to help my sister.” Nia strolled toward the tower elevator.

      “Suit yourself. Remember, I’m at work and I have things to do. I can’t entertain you for the rest of the afternoon.”

      “I don’t need you to amuse me.”

      Tired and wanting a little peace, Tia turned to her sister. “Then why are you coming back to my office?”

      Waving a hand in the air, Nia answered, “To talk with you. To make sure you settle things with Darnell.”

      A sudden and almost urgent thought made Tia halt in her steps. Her head began to throb with the stab of a coming migraine. Did Junior know? Was that why Junior disliked Darnell so much? Had her oldest brother seen Darnell in a compromising position? Was he aware of something that he wanted to protect her from? If Junior knew, had he confided in their parents? Tia shut her eyes against the humiliation of having her family so involved with the most intimate parts of her life.

      “Did you tell anybody about Darnell, Nia?”

      “No. I came directly to you.”

      A sigh of relief escaped her lips. Thank goodness. The last thing she needed or wanted was a call from her mother, digging for details.

      On the elevator, Nia’s watchful gaze was constantly on Tia. Nia bit her bottom lip. Tia could tell that she wanted to say more, push a little further, but didn’t know how her twin would react.

      The pair made their way across the carpeted floor to Tia’s workstation. Once they arrived, Tia sank into her chair after dropping her purse into the bottom drawer of her desk.

      Nia rounded the desk, perched on the edge of the Formica surface, and folded her arms across her chest. “If you need me, call.”

      Shaking her head, Tia rubbed a weary hand across her throbbing forehead. “Thanks for the support. I’m okay.”

      “You can’t let this situation go on any longer.”

      “I don’t plan to.”

      “So you’re going to kick him to the curb?” Nia asked with a happy gleam in her eyes.

      “After I talk to him.”

      “For what? So that he can lie and sweet-talk his way back into your good graces?”

      “Okay. I’ve had it. That’s enough.”

      “No. It’s not. I won’t let you throw your life away on that lying sack of crap. He doesn’t deserve you.”

      Nia gently caressed her sister’s arm. “I know you are tired, hon, but we’ve got to work this situation out.”

      “I’ve got a lot to think about. I plan to get through the rest of the day, and I’ll worry about Darnell later.” Tia noticed the blinking light on her telephone. Someone had called.

      “You’re not going to keep seeing that ass, are you?”

      “I don’t know what I’m going to do yet. Please, let it go.”

      Nia took her sister’s hand. “I can’t.”

      “Do the words personal business mean anything to you?”

      “Yeah, but you don’t get personal business when I’m the one who saw the jerk out with other women.”

      Tia sighed and studied her sister before asking, “What part of ‘I need time to think things through’ don’t you understand? Why can’t you let me do what needs to be done my way?”

      “I can’t, Tia. You are one of the smartest, most caring women I know.” Nia’s tone held a note of pride and then a touch of scorn. “But you are tenderhearted. You care way too much for that buffoon. You gave him your heart, and Darnell danced away with it.”

      “How about this? I’ll