The Clamour of Silence. Valerie Pybus

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Название The Clamour of Silence
Автор произведения Valerie Pybus
Жанр Короткие любовные романы
Издательство Короткие любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780987321749

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from their supporting poles, their illuminating arcs slowly emerged as the evening deepened and slipped into night.

      He turned off the main road to get to his destination, a man-made marina of ample proportions. He had not been there for some time. He slowed his vehicle to admire the manicured landscaping, the sense of space, so different from the area around his home in the eastern suburbs.

      From the road it was difficult to see the actual marina so the houses looked quite modest from the front. However, once inside, their opulence and style were evident.

      Ryan pulled up on the tree-lined street, collected the gift pack of chocolates and flowers from the back seat, and strode up the sandstone walkway. As he approached the well-illuminated house he could hear the unmistakable sounds of a party. Music sounded loudly, in the still of the evening, laughter, the tinkling of glasses, the cacophony of voices. A thought caught him, so powerful it momentarily stopped him from proceeding. The girl, Julia, she wouldn’t be able to hear those sounds! A twist in his gut, why had he never thought like that before about deaf people, it had just never occurred to him. He had taken all his faculties, his hearing his sense of smell his eyesight as no more than his right. He felt his eyes water with emotion. The urge to describe to her how music sank into his bones, melting them; the way the piercing notes of a violin brought ripples of ecstasy chasing up and down his spine until he hunched his shoulders to make them stop.

      A young woman, part of a catering organisation welcomed him in. Within seconds Margot bustled to his side.

      “Ryan how lovely to see you,” she gushed as she enveloped him in rattling jewellery and clouds of expensive perfume. Her cleavage dangerously low, as she pressed her body with enthusiasm against him. It was a well maintained body; she obviously spent a great deal of time and expense keeping it immaculate. Ryan gently removed her hands from his arms, stepping backwards to offer her his gifts.

      “Hope these are a brand you like Margot?”

      He said all the pleasantries he could muster to his hostess as she thanked him profusely and thrust a glass of champagne into his hand before she was distracted away. He scanned the room next to the entry searching for Julia the one woman he had thought about for days. He smiled at other guests, nodding politely his eyes searched endlessly hoping to catch a glimpse of her.

      It was a large house with a more than adequate back patio adjoining a swimming pool. Several clusters of people congregated around the luxurious outdoor furniture illuminated by cleverly placed lighting. He stood waiting for his eyes to adjust from the bright lights in the house. A group of people sat at a table outside the well-lit pool room. Bursts of laughter and sounds of happy voices attracted him. He walked over becoming aware of one central figure obviously the focus of attention. Instantly he saw that it was Julia, but not the Julia he had met in the restaurant. This was a radiantly beautiful Julia, her sea green dress fitted closely to a well-proportioned body. Her sophisticated coiffured hair was elegantly arranged in soft folds around her face, atop an Egyptian princess-like slender neck. Her small shell shaped ears adorned with diamond studs that flashed as she turned her head this way and that to lip-read the mouths of the various people surrounding her.

      Ryan saw that the conversation was orderly with each person waiting until the other finished to enable Julia to keep up with them. It was relaxed, none of the usual method of people talking over the top of each other or interrupting one another. He also observed that of the people surrounding Julia most of them were males!

      Julia was very much in charge, not only of herself but also of her surrounding admirers. As she connected to each person, she watched their expressions intently making them aware every word was vitally important, maintaining total eye contact, as if the speaker was the most special person in the group. The effect was flattering as each speaker relaxed and basked in her complete attention.

      Ryan continued to observe from the fringe of the group surrounding this captivating woman. Her total one-on-one concentration was uniquely different to the flippant asides that Ryan was used to in many of his social gatherings.

      The overwhelming sense of compassion and empathy he had felt minutes ago now seemed utterly ridiculous. Here was an attractive, vibrant woman, secure it seemed, in any environment.

      In his egotistical way he had thought perhaps she would not have many suitors, that men, in general might find her deafness unattractive. At the restaurant she had seemed quiet, beautiful but perhaps a little timid. He had been attracted to her in an I can be a protector for you fashion, that she would respond immediately to any overtures from him. It actually was a shock, to find that he was just one of a group around the table. He wondered if there would be an opportunity at all that evening to have a few private moments with her. As he pondered, in a small lull she glanced in his direction. At first she looked with the smallest question on her pretty face. Then she obviously remembered him and with the sweetest smile breathed the words ‘Hello there,’ toward him. He felt like a tongue-tied schoolboy. His heart catapulted up and down; his body absurdly tingled, his breath constricted in his chest. He wanted to get nearer to her, but she was metres away separated by other people. The men in the group obviously found her as attractive as he did.

      Ryan was always popular at soirees and parties much in demand by various hostesses. He had film-star good looks, an intelligent man with his own modern pad in a much in-demand part of Sydney. He was in line for a partnership in his futures’ firm, an immensely good catch on the marriage circuit. He had lots of female ‘friends’ he could engage for dinner. Several were happy to share brief holidays with him or the occasional weekends. They went to lengths to insist that they expected no commitments in return. If Ryan had looked beneath the light hearted banter he would have realised that this was an all female ploy to stay in his life and be there if he ever felt like settling down.

      Inadvertently he had built the ‘playboy’ image and hid behind it. He was helped in this regard by his mother, Delma, who played a discreet part in his life until she heard the name of any particular girlfriend mentioned for a period of longer than a couple of months.

      A dinner party would be organised, either in her lovely house or an intimate meal at one or other of the more up market restaurants. At other times the young lady in question would be warmly welcomed. Later invited to attend a coffee sharing, ‘mother getting to know you sort of affair.’ Within a short space of time these ‘friends’ would drift away.

      He had to get to know this woman. She fascinated him. He would wait, he felt sure an opportunity would arise whereby he could get her attention and ask her out to dinner. He stood there thinking about where he could take her, what sort of place would interest her? Would she like a sky top view of the city from a revolving restaurant? Perhaps a panoramic view of the south coast? He knew some popular places where diners could observe the sea in all its tranquility or at other times watch its onslaught against the rocky shorelines. As he stood quietly planning, he realised he wanted to take her everywhere. He wanted to see the expressions on her face, the way a smile dimpled on part of her mouth as she prepared to smile, as if the laughter was exploding from within and could not wait to express itself.


      Julia had wondered if the tall handsome man from the restaurant would show at Margot’s party. What was his name? Ryan, she remembered it was a name she had always liked. She remembered also his way of walking, smooth, lithe, and athletic. He was a head turner, the women at their table in the restaurant had all become animated, smiling, even the newly engaged Suzanne.

      As she kept up her banter with the people around her she also kept an eye on the door leading into the house.

      Suddenly there he was! It was almost as if her thoughts had, somehow genie-like, materialised his presence. Taller, better looking in casual clothes than when she first saw him. He stood quietly watching her group. He made no attempt to join them although she hoped that he would.

      Ryan, waiting for an opportunity to speak to Julia, suddenly became aware of an abundance of over-powering perfume. Margot was insinuating her body next to him, her ample breast pressing against his upper arm. She gushed breathlessly, “What a lovely gift, Ryan, those delicious chocolates, you are so thoughtful.”

      She laid