Playing to Win. Roger L. Martin

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Название Playing to Win
Автор произведения Roger L. Martin
Жанр Экономика
Издательство Экономика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781422187401

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new core capabilities to support important, forward-looking where-to-play and how-to-win choices, too. Considering the dynamic feedback loop between all five choices, strategy isn’t easy. But it is doable. A clear and powerful framework for thinking about choices is a helpful start for managers and other leaders intent on improving the strategy for their business or function.

      Strategy needn’t be the purview of a small set of experts. It can be demystified into a set of five important questions that can (and should) be asked at every level of the business: What is your winning aspiration? Where should you play? How can you win there? What capabilities do you need? What management systems would support it all? These choices, which can be understood as a strategic choice cascade, can be captured on a single page. They can create a shared understanding of your company’s strategy and what must be done to achieve it. The essence of each choice and how to think about the choices (separately and together) will be the subject of the next five chapters, beginning with the first question: what is the winning aspiration?


      At the end of each chapter, we will share a few quick bits of advice—the things you should do or should avoid doing as you apply the lessons of the chapter to your own business.

      images Do remember that strategy is about winning choices. It is a coordinated and integrated set of five very specific choices. As you define your strategy, choose what you will do and what you will not do.

      images Do make your way through all five choices. Don’t stop after defining winning, after choosing where to play and how to win, or even after assessing your capabilities. All five questions must be answered if you are to create a viable, actionable, and sustainable strategy.

      images Do think of strategy as an iterative process; as you uncover insights at one stage in the cascade, you may well need to revisit choices elsewhere in the cascade.

      images Do understand that strategy happens at multiple levels in the organization. An organization can be thought of as a set of nested cascades. Keep the other cascades in mind while working on yours.

      images Do remember that there is no one perfect strategy; find the distinctive choices that work for you.

      Chapter Two

      What Is Winning

      Aspirations are the guiding purpose of an enterprise. Think of the Starbucks mission statement: “To inspire and nurture the human spirit—one person, one cup, and one neighborhood at a time.” Or Nike’s: “To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete* in the world.” (The additional note, indicated by the asterisk, reads: “*If you have a body, you’re an athlete.”) And McDonald’s: “Be our customers’ favorite place and way to eat.” Each is a statement of what the company seeks to be and a reflection of its reason to exist. But a lofty mission isn’t a strategy. It is merely a starting point.

      The first box in the strategic choice cascade—what is our winning aspiration?—defines the purpose of your enterprise, its guiding mission and aspiration, in strategic terms. What does winning look like for this organization? What, specifically, is its strategic aspiration? These answers are the foundation of your discussion of strategy; they set the context for all the strategic choices that follow.

      There are many ways the higher-order aspiration of a company can be expressed. As a rule of thumb, though, start with people (consumers and customers) rather than money (stock price). Peter Drucker argued that the purpose of an organization is to create a customer, and it’s still true today. Consider the mission statements noted above. Starbucks, Nike, and McDonald’s, each massively successful in its own way, frame their ambitions around their customers. And note the tenor of those aspirations: Nike wants to serve every athlete (not just some of them); McDonald’s wants to be its customers’ favorite place to eat (not just a convenient choice for families on the go). Each company doesn’t just want to serve customers; it wants to win with them. And that is the single most crucial dimension of a company’s aspiration: a company must play to win. To play merely to participate is self-defeating. It is a recipe for mediocrity. Winning is what matters—and it is the ultimate criterion of a successful strategy. Once the aspiration to win is set, the rest of the strategic questions relate directly to finding ways to deliver the win.

      Why is it so important to make winning an explicit aspiration? Winning is worthwhile; a significant proportion (and often a disproportionate share) of industry value-creation accrues to the industry leader. But winning is also hard. It takes hard choices, dedicated effort, and substantial investment. Lots of companies try to win and still can’t do it. So imagine, then, the likelihood of winning without explicitly setting out to do so. When a company sets out to participate, rather than win, it will inevitably fail to make the tough choices and the significant investments that would make winning even a remote possibility. A too-modest aspiration is far more dangerous than a too-lofty one. Too many companies eventually die a death of modest aspirations.

      Playing to Play

      Consider one of the costliest strategic gambles of the last century: General Motors’ decision to launch Saturn. The context is important, of course. In the 1950s, at the end of legendary chairman Alfred P. Sloan’s tenure, GM had more employees than did any other company in the world and owned more than half of the US automotive market. It was the biggest of the Big Three and, for a time, the greatest and most powerful company on earth. But Sloan retired. Tastes changed, partly in response to the oil shocks of the 1970s. An incursion of cheaper, fuel-efficient imports began to make GM’s lineup look old-fashioned and unaffordable.

      By the 1980s, GM’s core US brands—including Oldsmobile, Chevy, and Buick—were in decline. Younger car buyers were turning to Toyota, Honda, and Nissan, choosing these automakers’ smaller and more economical models. Costs were a growing concern too; as GM’s unionized workforce aged, generous retiree benefits contributed to higher and higher legacy costs—and those costs were passed on to car buyers. Meanwhile, relations with the United Auto Workers were poor and not getting any better, as GM restructured operations, closed plants, shifted resources, and laid off tens of thousands of workers.

      In 1990, at a strategic crossroads, GM made a bold choice. It launched a new brand to compete in the small-car market. Saturn—“a different kind of company, a different kind of car”—would be GM’s first new brand in almost seventy years, and it marked the first time GM would use a subsidiary, rather than a division, to make and sell cars. The goal, per then chairman Roger Smith, was to “sell a car at the lower end of the market and still make money.”1 In short, Saturn was GM’s answer to the Japanese imports that threatened to dominate the small-car market; it was a defensive strategy, a way of playing in the small-car segment, designed to protect what remained of the ground GM was losing.

      GM set up a separate Saturn head office. It negotiated a simplified, flexible deal with the United Auto Workers for Saturn’s Spring Hill plant, guaranteeing workers greater control and profit sharing in exchange for lower base wages. Saturn also took a remarkably different approach to customer service, beginning with a no-haggle, one-price policy at all its dealerships. At Saturn, “customers received personal attention usually found only in luxury showrooms … As a matter of policy, employees would drop what they were doing and cheer in the showroom when a customer received the keys to a new Saturn.”2 Launched with much fanfare, Saturn looked to be GM’s silver bullet—the innovative strategic initiative that would finally turn things around.

      As it turns out, Saturn did not turn things around. Some twenty years and, by analyst estimates, $20 billion in losses later, Saturn is gone. The division was shuttered and all of its dealerships closed by the end of 2010. GM, emerging from Chapter 11 bankruptcy, is now a shadow of its former self, and its US market share is less than 20 percent.3