Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones. Shelley Kaehr

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Название Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones
Автор произведения Shelley Kaehr
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780876048184

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      The appearance of the wheels and their work was like unto the colour of a beryl . . . Ezekiel 1:16

      And when I looked, behold the four wheels by the cherubims, one wheel by one cherub, and another wheel by another cherub: and the appearance of the wheels was as the colour of a beryl stone. Ezekiel 10:9

      Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering . . . the beryl . . . Ezekiel 28:13

      His body also was like the beryl . . . Daniel 10:6

      . . . the eighth, beryl . . . Revelation 21:20

      • Cayce Readings •

      Beryl was mentioned fourteen times in twelve documents.

      Q: Can you give the exact location where sufficient Beryl deposits can be found for the most economical and commercial production?

      A: Well, this would require a great deal of seeking out. . . . those in the Ural range, and in the Siberian country, show greater quantities . . . in the southern Andes Range or near that border line between the Chilean and the Peruvian . . . In those points, then, where the least change has taken place will be found the greater deposits of these beryl.


      Hence we find . . . the beryl, should be stones with the vibrations and under the influence that the entity may find carrying an incense to the finer self that makes for an awakening, an opening of the inner self for the receptiveness . . .


      In one reading, Cayce described how Spirit affected material reality:

      . . . the ceilings are beryl, the doors are beryl . . .


      In the temple were to be found enormous semi-circular columns of . . . beryl . . .

      364-13, Report #3

      . . . Wear, ever, a beryl, or scarab which would make for safety in the entity’s present experience.

      1719-1, Report #1

      . . . Also in the land now known as Abyssinia . . . there were those mines of the precious stones . . . beryl . . .


      . . . and inlaid with beryl . . .


      . . . there were uprisings in the land now known as the Egyptian . . . the entity’s activities, in the tomb or the small granary, or obelisks yet to be uncovered in the small or first pyramids of beryl.


      . . . the beryl—if it is kept about the body would be well.


      . . . beryl . . . and all those things that made for adornment . . .


      . . . the beryl . . . should be a portion of the entity’s dress, ever, either worn as an amulet, the ring, or such, will make for a safety in the entity’s present experience.


      More on Beryl

      Emerald is the most widely known variety of beryl. Because of its significance throughout history, we will discuss it in an upcoming section of the book.

      Pure beryl is actually colorless, but various impurities give this gem a variety of colors. Other beryl varieties are significant and interesting also. We’ll explore some of these briefly.


      The name of this gorgeous pale blue variety of beryl comes from the Latin words aqua and marinus, which mean “water of the sea.”

      Legend says aquamarines belonged to the treasure chests of mermaids. Sailors believed aquamarines would protect them from shipwrecks and even went so far as to carve statuettes of Neptune and Poseidon from aquamarine stones.

      The aquamarine has been a favorite of psychics and intuitives, assisting them in hearing messages from other realms and effectively communicating the information to clients. The blue color ties into the water element, as mentioned earlier with the blue agate. Aquamarine cleanses the emotional body and assists in releasing and expressing emotions.

      For those drawn to the sea, aquamarines will help you tap into past lives at sea. Once you recall those experiences, either you will heal from phobias of the water or gain a remembrance of activities and skills acquired during those aquatic lifetimes that will benefit your current incarnation.


      Named for the Greek words helios and doron, which mean “gift from the sun,” this greenish-yellow variety of beryl will connect you with solar energies. Heliodor strengthens the solar plexus chakra, making abundance, wealth, and power available to you.

      Sometimes confused with golden beryl, the heliodor refers to the greenish-yellow variety, while the pure golden beryl has a yellower color. The healing green hues support you to open your heart and stand in your power.

      If you need to garner strength or courage for any endeavor or project, heliodor is an excellent stone to use. Primarily found in Namibia, this stone also occurs in Brazil. The yellow color comes from iron, which is a grounding metal. Grounding is one of the reasons why the greenish-yellow beryl will strengthen your resolve to follow your heart and complete your projects in a timely manner.

      Lucid Beryl

      White lucid beryl, a colorless variety, does exactly what the name implies by assisting with lucid dreaming and tapping into the wellspring of information available in the unified field during sleep.


      Pink beryl, named after the famous banker J. P. Morgan, will connect you to the faerie realm and help you communicate with unseen helpers from that world. The pink color comes from the element manganese, a trace mineral.

      Epsom salts, or magnesium sulfate, is comprised of the essential element magnesium, which is often confused with manganese. I have long believed magnesium to be essential to healing. Epsom salts cleanses unwanted or negative energy from your field and leaves you feeling refreshed.

      Similarly, morganite lifts your energy above normal reality, giving you higher vision. Morganite also removes unwanted vibrations and attunes your inner hearing to higher realms.

      Red Beryl

      Extremely rare, red beryl from Utah and New Mexico gets its red color from manganese. A powerful energy for opening up to intuitive information, the red beryl will help you to connect with the spirit energies of the desert. Red beryl will also connect you to past lives lived as a Native American. If you have not yet experienced Native American powers in other incarnations, this beryl will allow you to connect with the wisdom of the elders in order to use that knowledge in your current life.



      Heliotrope, a.k.a. bloodstone, is the mineral and is a form of chalcedony.

      Found in: Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, India, Scotland, USA

      Named for: Heliotrope is derived from