Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones. Shelley Kaehr

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Название Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones
Автор произведения Shelley Kaehr
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780876048184

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buying them! Some of the stones are translucent, and some are not. Different stones will bring different feelings to people. In the above section of this reading, Source discusses a translucent stone because light passes through it, intensifying the healing.

      Many stones vibrate to notes on a musical scale or to colors in the rainbow spectrum. When light passes through the gem, the healing properties are indeed better utilized by the body.

      Clear crystal is especially receptive to light, which we will discuss later in the book. Crystals are powerful to work with because they can be used alongside any other stone to amplify the energy and speed up the healing.

      I recommend using clear quartz crystals with any of the physically denser stones so that the light will pass through your piece and enter the stone you want to work with, amplifying the desired effects. Try this combination and watch your results improve!

      In combining crystals with other stones, you will be more likely to feel the energy. Not everybody is sensitive to healing energy. Some of you are visual, some are auditory, and others are touchy-feely types. The fact that you cannot feel a stone working for you does not necessarily mean that it isn’t working.

      I have perused many readings where Cayce recommended stones for people, and they wrote letters back to him saying they felt more mentally at peace while using the rocks but did not necessarily experience any actual energy from them. That is fine!

      Just know and believe that it works. Trust that if you are guided to a stone and actually use it, you will benefit from the energy whether that information is in your conscious awareness or not.

      How Do I Use Gemstones?

      Q: Should this touch the skin wearing it?

      A: To be sure. Usually worn, of course, around the neck or over the body, close to the vibrations from the heart or from the breast itself in its vibrations.


      Again, the Source tells us what I’ve been advising—that yes, the stone should touch your body. The vibrational frequencies of any stone will affect you more if they contact the skin. Nonetheless, wearing them this way for one reason or another is not always possible.

      Many of my clients are men who will not be caught dead wearing necklaces or jewelry, so they often carry around tumbled pocket stones in their hands or pockets. Tumbled stones are great because they can be taken out from time to time and rubbed during the day like worry stones. Whether or not you touch the stones physically, they stay in your energy field and positively influence it. Any time a stone is near you, even if it touches cloth, it affects your energy field. If possible, wear stones against your skin and, as mentioned above, over the heart center so that the vibrational benefits will move throughout the entire body.

      What Is the Best Place on the

      Body to Place or Wear a Stone?

      . . . You are used to influence the stone to an effect, either upon those to whom it may be given or to bring for self the ability to aid in its abilities as raising the vibrations for self. Hence would come over this particular portion, or if desired, for the better training of self—held over that portion of the hollow on the left side above what is commonly called the collar bone.


      It is interesting to note that I have spent a lot of time recommending sodalite as a stone to balance the thyroid. The soft area above the collarbone is the ideal place to lay the stone during a healing session on a massage table.

      Reading this information from the Source makes me feel more than ever that we can indeed tap into an actual consciousness in the world of gem healing. Gemstones contain wisdom and healing that surpasses our conscious awareness.

      Is One Setting Better than Another?

      Q: What is the best method of cutting, and what metals should be used in mounting?

      A: Use in cutting the ordinary use for the precious or semi-precious stones, in whatever shapes or forms—that are usually the larger in the center and tapering toward the outer edge. Of course, not too large for the use to be worn. The mountings would be white gold or silver . . .


      Consistent with my past research—and this is not an area I’ve discussed much in other books—I believe the advice that the Source gives here is excellent information. Most of the stone settings for minerals used by people in the metaphysical community are silver. I find this use is due to the cost factor involved with other metals. There is also something to be said for metals themselves and how they affect people. Silver is a feminine intuitive, receptive energy and therefore allows those vibrations to come from the stone into the body.

      Yellow gold would do the exact opposite as a masculine, outer energy, and it is understandable that white gold might have more receptive energy than yellow gold.

      The Bottom Line

      The information in this book will give you different ideas and ways of working with the stones. Using your remarkable wisdom and intuition, only you can decide which stones are right for you. Selecting the right piece for you, honoring your intuition as to which setting attracts you, and knowing how long and when you should use your stone are all conditions that your soul will determine.

      In the next section, we will discuss the most valuable stones known to humanity as we delve deeper into the marvelous world of gem healing.

       PART TWO

       A Note to the Reader

      Edgar Cayce’s readings are numbered to provide confidentiality. The first set of numbers refers to the individual or group for whom the reading was given. The second set of numbers refers to the number in the series from which the reading was taken. For example, 254-8 identifies the eighth reading that was given to the subject who was assigned #254. It is important to remember that the readings were given for individuals even though they carry a universality of content. With the physical readings, however, it should be noted that the information is not meant to be used for self-diagnosis or self-treatment. Any medical problems need the supervision and advice of a health care professional.

      Unless otherwise noted, the King James Bible has been used for biblical quotations.

       2Sacred Stones

      The stones listed in this section have played important roles in history and have endured throughout the ages as some of the most beloved and historically important minerals in the world.



      Agate is a variety of quartz, composed primarily of chalcedony.

      Found in: Australia, Brazil, Canada, Germany, India, Iran, Scotland, USA

      Named for: The agate is named for the Achates River (now called Dirillo) in Sicily.

      • Bible •

      And the third row a . . . an agate . . . Exodus 28:19

      And the third row . . .