Ultimate, Pregnancy, Birth and Parenting Guide. Lilian Paramor

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Название Ultimate, Pregnancy, Birth and Parenting Guide
Автор произведения Lilian Paramor
Жанр Секс и семейная психология
Издательство Секс и семейная психология
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780798171465

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women, and are available over-the-counter in pharmacies.

      ✓For the best results, you may need to combine a number of these tips.

      See your midwife or doctor:

      •If the self-help tips haven’t helped you, you may need suitable anti-fungal or antibiotic prescription medication – some medicines are contra-indicated in pregnancy, so make sure to check with your pharmacist or doctor, and read the pack insert.

      •Other vaginal infections must be specifically treated, so if this advice does not help, see your doctor as you may not have candida but BV, or another sexually transmitted infection.

      2.Bacterial vaginosis (BV)

      Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is caused by a bacteria and is recognised by a white-grey, smooth discharge with a foul odour that’s more noticeable after lovemaking, and vaginal irritation. However, up to 60% of women with BV have no symptoms. It does not cause painful urination (or painful lovemaking). BV will require specific treatment by your doctor.

      3.Other sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

      These infections are transmitted during sexual contact. Symptoms include a heavy yellow or green, bad-smelling vaginal discharge, vaginal irritation and itching, genital ulcers or sores, lower abdominal pain, painful urination, swollen lymph nodes, fever or a general feeling of illness. They could lead to serious, long-term complications if left untreated, so report any symptoms to your doctor.

      In this case, prevention is better than cure. Aim for a monogamous relationship with a partner you love and trust, or use condoms every time you have genital or oral sex. If you are diagnosed with an STI, both you and your partner will need specific antibiotic or antiviral treatment to prevent reinfection.


      HIV testing is available to all pregnant women as part of routine antenatal care, although it is voluntary. It’s important to go for this test because if you are HIV positive, the sooner you make important decisions that could influence your baby’s wellbeing, the better. If you already know you are HIV positive when you fall pregnant, keep taking your medication, but consult your midwife, doctor or clinic as soon as possible.

      If you’re HIV positive, remember that good nutrition, regular exercise, positive thoughts and antiretroviral treatment can go a long way towards ensuring a long and healthy life.

      Your doctor or clinic will work out a treatment plan that will help keep both you and Baby safe during pregnancy. It’s very important that you follow this treatment plan carefully to prevent your baby from being infected with HIV too. By following your recommended treatment plan, Baby’s risk of getting HIV could drop to less than 1%. Your doctor or clinic will most likely do blood tests throughout pregnancy, to test your viral load and make sure that treatment is working.

      Giving birth:

      It’s important to give birth in the safest way possible for Baby. If you are receiving all the appropriate therapy and have good antenatal care, a normal vaginal birth is the safest route of delivery. Caesarean sections should only be done in the case of a pregnancy or labour emergency, or if your viral load is extremely high.

      After birth:

      Straight after birth, your baby will be tested for HIV and placed on a short course of antiretroviral (ARV) therapy, regardless of the test results, as this will drastically lower your baby’s chances of being infected. If your baby does have HIV, he will continue with ARV treatment. If your baby is not infected, you should still keep a careful eye on him as he grows to make sure the ARVs you took in pregnancy didn’t affect him.

      Research shows that if you are on ARV treatment, breastfeeding exclusively for six months is the safest way to feed your baby. Baby should not be given any formula in this time. After six months, you can slowly introduce your baby to solids, but should continue to breastfeed him up until a year. When Baby’s diet is stable enough to continue without breast milk, you can slowly start to wean him, although you don’t have to.

      Taking care of yourself:

      Pregnancy can be stressful even in the best of circumstances, so make sure you look after yourself too. As well as sticking to your ARV treatment, you should eat lots of fruit and vegetables, and get enough exercise. Also, tell your caregiver if you feel extremely stressed, so that she can refer you for counselling or suggest an HIV support group you can join. Remember, by taking care of yourself you are doing the best thing for your baby.

      5.Urinary tract infection

      More about it:

      •A urinary tract infection (UTI), or cystitis, is caused by bacteria that get into your urinary tract from your skin or your lower bowel or stools.

      •Women are more prone to these infections than men because of the closer proximity of the rectum to the urethra (bladder pipe).

      •Lovemaking can make UTI symptoms worse, so wait for your infection to clear up before resuming sexual activity.

      •If you don’t treat a UTI, it can spread to a kidney infection.

      •Antibiotic therapy is often not enough to prevent recurrence of UTIs in women who are prone to them, and some research even shows that you are more susceptible to repeat infections after antibiotics.

      •Common symptoms of a UTI include:

      –Burning when passing urine.

      –The need to pass small amounts of urine often.

      –Pressure over the bladder.

      –A low-grade fever.

      –Urine that smells strongly of fish or ammonia.

      –A slight bloody discharge.

      –Lower- or middle-back pain.

      Self-help tips:

      ✓To minimise your risk of getting a UTI, drink at least eight glasses of water a day.

      ✓Wipe from front to back after using the toilet to help prevent bacteria from entering your urethra, or bladder pipe.

      ✓Women who are prone to UTIs should also make a habit of washing their genital and buttock area after a bowel movement.

      ✓Never put off passing urine when you feel the need to wee, and make sure you empty your bladder completely. Make sure you pass urine after sex.

      ✓Avoid bubble baths, bath oils and scented soaps.

      ✓Wear cotton underwear and avoid synthetic fabrics, as well as very tight panties and trousers.

      ✓Follow a healthy diet and lifestyle to help strengthen your immune system, as frequent UTIs are common when your resistance is low.

      ✓Drink three cups of cranberry tea every day, or use a cranberry-based remedy – the therapeutic value for UTIs has been widely researched and shown to be very beneficial.

      ✓Use a homeopathic remedy that contains active ingredients like Berberis, Petroselinum and Cantharis.

      See your midwife or doctor:

      If the infection doesn’t improve, you have a high fever or the pain becomes worse. You can take medication to ease the burning, but this won’t clear up the infection.


      Good dental hygiene in pregnancy is essential if you want to avoid toothache, tooth decay, bad breath, gum disease and a generally negative effect on your wellbeing. Some studies even link poor dental health in pregnancy to premature or low birth weight babies.

      It is essential to have a dental checkup during your pregnancy, but make sure to tell your dentist that you’re pregnant so they use only safe anaesthetics and medications.

      In addition, many women seem to have worse teeth after pregnancy. This is not because your baby has “sucked” the calcium from your