Image Carriers. Genel Anthony

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Название Image Carriers
Автор произведения Genel Anthony
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781922328724

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in the real world. They can distinguish right from wrong and have common sense. They are in charge of their higher functioning and executive faculties and respond accordingly. Those with some form of psychosis may have difficulty managing their illness and may also have challenges with what is real and what is not, and what is reality and what is fantasy.

      I have kept in contact with the princess and Gavin and his family over the years, but they have now moved on. The princess eventually moved out when she turned eighteen and shared a house with two of her best friends. She took her brother with her. It was later discovered that the aunt was entitled to a large sum of money if anything happened to the children. The princess and her brother did not know anything about this, and it was only later that the princess found out that she and her brother was sitting on a fortune, money to be released to them when they become of age. So, was the princess onto something or was it just all a coincidence? We may never know. Perhaps if the princess was not on the ball from the verybeginning, something may have happened to one or both of them.

      The last I heard about Gavin was from his mother many years ago. She reported that he was doing okay, receiving good treatment. His mother is very supportive of him and has come to accept her son’s illness. In terms of Joey’s situation regarding his old youth worker, well, we have heard nothing to date. One could easily assume that maybe he was doing untoward things with the children, but we cannot prove any of this, as nothing has hit the media and nobody has come forward. Sometimes we do not get the closure we are hoping for, and sometimes image carriers receive these warnings, and we cannot join the dots or work out why these messages or feelings came about. Yet, this seems to be how things work when we are still trying to understand how our spiritual and intuitive minds work.

      We are also learning more about our Other Selves and that invisible space all around us, somecall our electromagnetic field, and what information that space harbours. So what you actually see in the mirror is only half of who you really are. The other part that should be reflected back to you is invisible.

      Finally, I wish to add that Joey is still in my life today. He has all but grown up. I know more about him as he plays a big role in all of this. He is that youth with untidy hair that lives in my house and plays his music loudly in my kitchen in the mornings. You will get to know muchmore about Joey as you read on.

      Chapter Three

       Making Contact

       He was going to advertise in his local paper…

      Adam had always used a holistic approach in his education and training programs, and to his surprise the response was very rewarding. His holistic methods included mainstream approaches as well as cultural and spiritual practices. He worked with physiotherapists, nutritionists, dieticians when necessary and where appropriate. Some of his colleagues became fans of his approach and included what they learnt from him in their own action plans and training classes. Many kept the spiritual side of things discreet and did not go about advertising their successes, as many in the community viewed paranormal teachings, premonitions and instincts as a waste of time and non-productive.

      Nevertheless, Adam and a few of his colleagues continued along these lines until he decided to look into this area with more energy and commitment. Feedback from key business clients, encouraged him to learn more about what was going on with those among us who appeared to be blessed with highly tuned premonitions and sixth sense capabilities. They also seem to use logic and reason to manage themselves and to get on in the physical and practical world. Moreover, Image Carriers and their equivalents seem very comfortable to rely on their personal hunches and instincts when tackling business and other decisions.

      They are quite at home with invisible energies and tapping into the unseen world to gather their information.

      Adam eventually began wondering if there were more of these special people around and how he could go about meeting them. He wanted to interview them to hear their spiritual stories and perhaps learn their ways so he could include them in his treatment programs.

      When Adam got home that evening, his young friend and housemate, Joey, was watching television and waiting for Adam to cook him dinner. Adam and Joey go back a very long time. Joey moved in with Adam when he was fifteen, going on to sixteen, but they had known each other since Joey was a young child. Joey also has a bit of a psychic gift, as he often predicted things over the years that came true. This skill made Adam sit up and pay attention. Joey would casually make comments about people’s so-called intentions or pick up instantly if a person was lying or telling the truth. He had an uncanny ability to pick out the murderers, the liars and people with agendas on television. About eighty or ninety per cent of what he would say would come true. Sometimes he would say the phone call was for Adam, and a moment later, the phone would ring, and yes, it was for Adam.

      Joey was around half Adam’s age: twenty-two. He has been staying with Adam for many years now, and the two of them have become very good friends. Many mistook them as father and son because of their closeness and respect they had for each other. Joey did not take his clairvoyant abilities too seriously; in fact, he didn’t bother with them much. He just thought they were normal and got on with his life. Adam remembered many years ago when Joey was around eight years old, and he had been visiting as he often did back then, as he lived four houses down the road with his single mother. Joey spent most of his time with Adam and would often visit or play in his yard even when Adam wasn’t home.

      Adam remembered one sunny afternoon when Joey was sitting on the grass in his backyard, and four huge black magpie birds were walking around him and even jumping over his outstretched legs. They had no fear of him and vice versa, and he would occasionally touch and stroke them. These birds were wild and would often fly away when you walked towards them. They would also attack you if they had young chicks around.

      Joey also had some affinity with plants, and he would often assist Adam in his vegetable garden and innately knew what to do with vegetation and young seedlings. Adam would give up on his garden, as his vegetables and flowers always ended up resembling a compost bin, with lots of dead and rotting plants. Sometimes, Joey would spend some time in his garden and before long, they were eating fresh garden produce, and his flowers bloomed like there was no tomorrow. His home-grown vegetables were also larger in size and sweeter and juicer than those bought in stores. Adam had just come to accept Joey’s extraordinary talent in these areas and had come to recognize it as part of Joey’s personality. Even his mother used to say to Adam that she has no idea where Joey gets his information from, as he didn’t take after her or his father in terms of disposition and personality. He is a totally unique child with an old soul, she used to say.

      After making their favourite meal together, spaghetti bolognaise, Adam told Joey of his plan about trying to make contact with more people who possess psychic skills. Joey thought it was a great idea and wanted to be involved. Adam didn’t think that he should be involved at this time, as he wanted Joey to stay focused on his job and friends and to get on with his young life.

      Adam thought of contacting psychic groups, but wanted to start something where people had demonstrated their talents, and he was thinking more along the lines of ex- clients and people he had known and was convinced of their uncanny abilities. He also thought that he would have to do this in secret somehow, if that was at all possible.

      The next morning, Adam suddenly realised how he could test the waters about contacting psychic people. It actually came to him while listening to his radio when the alarm went off earlier. He was going to advertise in his local paper and the general paper. He thought of the local paper so people could meet up with him face to face, whereas the more long-distance people would have to rely on the phone or email. Even young Joey thought this was a great idea.

      Two weeks had passed since Carol placed the advertisement according to Adam’s brief. Not one person called in or corresponded by email. Carol thought the advertisement was well-written and couldn’t work out why nobody responded. The advertisement was descriptive, mentioning a research project and that applicants could remain anonymous if they wish; that the results may be published in an article or book. And she had even added free lunch and refreshments. The advertisement was simple, straightforward with incentives. Adam was disappointed