Image Carriers. Genel Anthony

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Название Image Carriers
Автор произведения Genel Anthony
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781922328724

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of us do not use this facility because we do not believe it exists. Or is it that our modern society has no real need for this protective mechanism anymore?

      Spiritual Mediums, Clairvoyants, Psychics and other like- minded people believe in intuition and other spiritual and psychic communications and more. However, are they accurate? Some people swear by their predictions while others are not impressed. I have also heard that you must see the right one. Alternatively, shop around and you will eventually find someone that is good. Either way, do we truly believe in all of this stuff?

      As with all professions, there are different types of people– some good and some, well, not so good. We also seem to be on different evolutionary levels, meaning some of us seem to be more spiritually evolved or psychologically aware than others. Some have the knowing; the fundamental understanding, of who they are and where they fit in–and other people again,may not. Then there are those rare individuals that you sometimes meet while going about your busy life. These people seem to touch you unexpectedly in ways you haven’t experienced before. You sense a bond with these strangers. You feel safe around them and want to be in their company. You like them instantly!

      These evolved and enlightened people have a deep compassion for all living things, and integrity that shines bright and far. They are those people who are always ahead of the majorityand seem to forever have things come their way. They radiate inner peace and are content withtheir lot in life. They employ wisdom and higher knowledge and focus their energies on simple and everyday things. They shine from behind the moon, so to speak, supporting and cherishing others and not expecting anything in return.

      Additionally, they are gentle souls and will not bully or trick anyone into doing anything against their will. Their intentions are all good.

      This book is based on a handful of these extraordinary and secretive people. They call themselves Image Carriers. These people have always been around, but have rarely made themselves known, keeping themselves hidden and blending into society. It is said that their name has been removed from history because those in power did not want the majority of people to be associated with them, so they spread rumours about these innocents, saying that they worshipped the Devil and did his evil work.

      These persecuted people were able to see into the future and predict outcomes. Some of themhad the ability to heal the sick and survive extreme situations that defied common laws and logic. Some people actually feared them because of their abilities, but a growing number of the more open- minded people began protecting them and listening to their stories and predictions in secret.

      As time moved on, these people went underground, as they realised that it was not safe to announce their existence, for more ordinary people were indoctrinated to fear them, and the leaders and others felt threatened by their paranormal powers. Even today, these people hide behind normality and of the so-called ordinary and mundane. They do not want to bring attention to themselves for various reasons. Many survived through the ages because they went under the radar.

      So far, it seems that material wealth and success play little or no part in the mind of high-ranking image carriers, as they are aware of what these things bring to the mind and body. They instinctively know about the many and varied frequencies out there and other yet-to-be-discovered energies that connect us to the great source of everything. Image Carriers are aware of other realities and somehow know about individual and personal deeds, and how these actions are recorded in our electromagnetic fields surrounding our biology; also, beingpart of our history, and having a profound influence on where we end up one day. Hence, they are aware of the bigger picture–in the physical world and also in the unseen worlds.

      The other puzzling question is that of the history of the Image Carrier. How long have they been around? We know from ancient writings (they have in their possession old texts handed down to them by their families and supporters; a Canadian Overseer also has copies of scrolls and writings dating back over two thousand years found buried in containers in Egypt in the 1940s, dug up accidentally by a local farmer. The contents report similar stories about special people that were referred to as Carriers of Images, who lived on the outskirts of towns and possessed amazing insights...) that they have been around for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. They seem to be in the minority, seemingly born with something different; higher intelligence, inner calmness, a disposition conducive to higher learning and understanding. They also appear to be artistic, rational, and sensitive visionaries and do not bother themselves with most things many people find exciting and entertaining such as sports or other competitive forms of entertainment. They are not hungry for power or control and do not have any political or other agendas involving trickery, manipulation or deceit. They are gentle souls who can bring down powerful and corrupt people with ease, if they so choose.

      Nowadays, more educated people are encouraging their offspring to explore different aspects of themselves, including the spiritual and metaphysical realms in more detail than ever before. These people live in secured areas, and the threat of danger is low. They are relatively safe to explore and spend as much time in their inner world as their ancestors did. Could this be one of the reasons why there are so many would-be image carriers coming forward? If this is the case, does this mean that we can all become image carriers if brought up correctly with lots of teaching and guidance? Or do we have to be born with this gift and then need to cultivate and develop it over time?

      Unfortunately, the more I ponder these questions, the more I realise that you are born an image carrier. The environment does not make you an image carrier. You have to have the right stuff, as they say, from the very beginning; the correct deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in order to eventually blossom into an image carrier. The environment also plays its part in terms of how successful you will be. Lots of support, nurturing, unconditional love and lots of laughter will all contribute to a happy and well- balanced image carrier.

      You will also notice that particular characteristics in the family have been passed on through the generations just the way your physical features and personality traits have been handed down through the ages. The same applies to image-carrying abilities.

      In today’s more tolerant Western societies, Image Carriers stand a far greater chance of reaching their potential in regards to honour that particular part of who they are, hence more prophetic and spiritual messages coming forward. We are also getting quite good atinterpreting

      these uncanny messages and symbols. Unfortunately, there are many charlatans around who will not only manipulate their victims into submission, but will also throw a spanner in the works to cause confusion and mayhem, discrediting any progress made in this area.

      I was surprised to discover that not all image carriers are equal in their abilities, as they tendto be on different levels and they have different areas of interest. They may score low in aparticular area and higher in another area. Because of this, I found that a rating system given to me proved very useful. It provides a means of determining how advanced an image carrier is in terms of their abilities. The scores are between one and ten. One is low and ten is high. Image Carriers with a rating close to ten, like seven or eight, would be very advanced and carry with them lots of messages and visionary communications. Furthermore, the higher therating, the more secretive the image carriers will become. Many end up becoming loners and withdraw from society altogether, hiding away and not sharing their gifts with others. They choose to keep this information to themselves, unless they decide to join a group for support, similar to that of the image carriers I have come to know.

      These groups are secretive and well-organised, exchanging information with one another and deciphering images, dreams, and other material. They usually meet covertly to touch base and share information. There are also those ordinary people who believe in image carriers and protect and support them, joining with them and keeping them safe. They also form part of these secret groups. Some of these people are in high places and pass on valuable information in order to assist image carriers in stopping untoward decisions and laws that are negative and damaging to people and society as a whole. They are the whistle blowers bringing to the public’s attention the wrongdoings of people in power.

      As mentioned earlier, image carriers seem to be on different levels in terms of their abilities. Some will get specific dreams, while others can get visions. There are also a handful (in my experience)