Phantoms & Specters. Lisa Yorio

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Название Phantoms & Specters
Автор произведения Lisa Yorio
Жанр Биографии и Мемуары
Издательство Биографии и Мемуары
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781499901825

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house that day. She claimed the atmosphere of the house changed instantaneously and no longer felt depressed. She felt happier and more energetic like her usual self. Her son also felt the change in the house and no longer felt scared, or sad, or like someone was watching him. Everything in the house went back to normal.

      My friend got rid of the clown at our place of employment. It was in her desk drawer for three days before she threw it away.

      Ironically, another coworker witnessed an unusual paranormal experience. Within 24 hours after my friend disposed of the doll, he saw a shadow like figure. He saw a face and part of the upper body of a figure peek around the corner, and look directly at him. It was near the doorway to the right side of his desk. He saw it so quick out of the corner of his eye and then it disappeared. He walked over to the door to see if it was a patient that was still in the building. There wasn't anyone there. The area where the sighting happened is near an entryway into the examining rooms. The only people who have access to that area are employees and supervisors. The door has a combination lock with a keypad. There isn't any way a person could sneak through that area. He also said he didn't hear the door click, which usually happens when someone enters the room.

      The strange thing is that he sits directly in front of my friend who had the clown doll. This also occurred a few minutes after she left the building when no one else was around to see it but him. Could this possibly be the spirit that was possessing this doll? Was it looking for its host (the clown doll) or possibly my friend? Could it possibly be attached to my friend and confused because it was thrown away at her place of employment?

      It seems too coincidental that this happened a day after the doll was thrown away. One of the physician's working in the same area experienced knocking sounds on one of the exam doors. When she opened the door no one was there. This was around the same area where the figure was seen.

      After I started researching material for this story I remembered another odd incident that happened to me in 1995. My friend and I would go to the Bushkill Flea Market in Shawnee, Pennsylvania.

      As I was walking through the various buildings, I would always end up in a certain corner of a building that housed various guns and swords from the Civil War. I was always fascinated with swords in particular and thought they had a unique beauty to them. I was always drawn to a particular area where this one unusual sword was mounted on a wall.

      This flea market was huge and had many inside buildings as well as many outdoor vendors. Sometimes I would get lost, but the weird thing was that no matter where I was lost or wondering around, I would always end up walking past or stopping directly in front of this sword.

      One day I decided to pick up the sword. It was very long and thin, with a large handle. It reminded me of a fencing sword. As I held it, I had the impression that many people have been killed with it. I was intrigued with this weapon and I almost bought it. Studying it carefully, I could see every nick and dent. I wondered how this sword could have so much wear and tear on it unless it was definitely used in the Civil War. Years before I knew anything about haunted possessions, I felt this sword held a lot of energy of the victims that were slain and it disturbed me. The negative energy associated with this sword was so overwhelming that I decided not to buy it.

      I had been looking at this sword for several years and every time I went to the flea market, I was compelled to go visit it.

      I hadn't been to the flea market for quite some time after the day that I held it. Finally, several months later, I went back to look for the sword to show one of my friends. To my amazement, I couldn't find it anywhere. I looked all over. This was so strange because I had decided after many years of contemplation and uncertainty that I would finally purchase the sword. I felt like something had prevented me from buying the sword years before and now I had the courage to finally buy it. How could this sword be gone? It had been hanging on the same wall for years. Could it be possible that someone actually bought this cursed object that haunted me for so many years?

      I was very upset and disappointed at the time, but looking back now, I am glad I did not buy it. I truly believe that I would somehow be affected by the negative energy in this sword because I am very sensitive to this type of paranormal activity. Something or someone prevented me from experiencing this situation. I am very thankful for that.

      In May of 2012, I went on vacation and traveled to San Antonio, Texas. I visited the Alamo. The Alamo, its remaining buildings, as well as the surrounding area, is one of the most haunted places in the nation. Many deaths have occurred at the site. For two centuries, many tales of apparitions at the old mission have been reported.

      I was not able to photograph inside the Alamo or any of the buildings. However, I walked around the grounds and did capture a few orbs around the area were an apparition of a tall man has been seen. I also had a strange incident occur when I entered the Long Barracks. This area was once the first Hospital of Texas. So it makes sense if there is a lot of residual energy left over from people who have died there.

      Also between the years of 1724-1793, before the Battle of the Alamo, the ground that takes up most of the Alamo Plaza today was utilized as a cemetery. About a thousand people were buried here during those years. Most of the men fighting on both sides of the battle were also buried in the area.

      As I entered the Long Barracks, I noticed that my Trifield Meter, which picks up natural electromagnetic energy, started moving. The needle measured half way on my scale as I got closer to a sword that was encased in a glass. I moved the meter around but it only registered a high reading when it was directly in front of this antique sword that was on loan from legendary drummer Phil Collins from the rock group "Genesis." This sword was used in the Battle of the Alamo. Imagine how many people have died from this sword and how much energy may have been transferred on to this object in order for this meter to detect it.

      The Trifield meter does not pick up on any man made electricity or devices only natural energy occurring from the earth. So how could this high spike be explained? Unless it was something paranormal.

      Haunted Apartment

      Albuquerque, New Mexico


       Shadow People / Apparitions/ Intelligent Haunting


       A shadow person (also known as a shadow figure, shadow being or black mass) is the perception of a patch of shadow as a living, humanoid figure, particularly as interpreted by believers in the paranormal or the supernatural as the presence of a spirit or other entity.


      My friend Jaime told me she was experiencing strange occurrences at her apartment. She asked me if I could come over and possibly validate whether or not she and her boyfriend were experiencing paranormal activity. I agreed to investigate. I arrived at Jaime's apartment around 7:30pm. As I approached her apartment complex, I immediately sensed a strong presence lingering in the air. I felt it all around her building and on the stairway.

      When I walked into her apartment, I was immediately drawn to her kitchen area. This is where I sensed the most activity. There seemed to be a strong presence concentrated in this area.

      Jaime has claimed to see an apparition of a little girl running from the living room into the bathroom. She has also experienced the hair dryer turn on and off in the bathroom, while she was in the shower. No one else was home at the time. Many times when she is alone she has felt uneasy. It felt like someone was in the room with her. Her boyfriend, Alex has experienced more terrifying occurrences. He has claimed to have seen a shadow figure standing in the closet. It seemed to be peering out, looking at him. These bedroom invaders I've read about are called "Sentinels". They stand in corners of rooms and watch you. They are usually found in corners, doorways,