Phantoms & Specters. Lisa Yorio

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Название Phantoms & Specters
Автор произведения Lisa Yorio
Жанр Биографии и Мемуары
Издательство Биографии и Мемуары
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781499901825

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when the incident happened. I believe it was Kiki because every time I feel really sad and start grieving over him, he usually appears in some way. There have been too many signs to dismiss this as just a coincidence.


      I had a dream about Kiki. He was swimming underwater in a pool, and he was looking up at me. His face looked so cute, happy, and peaceful. It looked like he was smiling.


      The next day Val called her mom in New York. She wanted to wish her a happy birthday. Her mother briefly mentioned that she dreamt about Kiki the night before. She said he was dancing. I felt this was another message from him. She liked Kiki very much and was very sad when he passed away. I couldn't believe we both dreamt about him the night before.

      I was happy that I got Spooky after Kiki passed away, but I was still sad and I missed Kiki terribly. I also sensed that Spooky missed him and I didn't want him to be alone since he was such a young and active dog. I decided to get another pug. This time is was a female. Her name is Zoe. Ironically she was born the next day after Kiki passed away. I felt like it was fate and I was meant to get her. She reminds me of Kiki and she even looks like him. She is obnoxious, a bully, cute, affectionate, shy, and tough. She and Spooky get along very well. They love each other. They play, they fight, they sleep, and they do everything together. I feel she was a gift from Kiki. Somehow he pushed me to finally get her. I always wanted a female pug. Sometimes it feels like I'm taking care of two young kids but I wouldn't have it any other way. I know Kiki is looking down on us and happy that I found some other dogs to love. Kiki will never be forgotten. I cherish the day we will be reunited again in Heaven.

      My Father

      In Loving Memory of

      Genaro - "Jerry" Yorio

      9/3/39 - 7/26/13

      Sparrowbush, New York

       Ghost / Dream Communication


       Dream communication is a phenomenon where a spirit can manifest itself within one's dreams to communicate. These events usually occur when the spirit attempts to notify the living of their death.

       A Phantom may refer to: A Ghost , in traditional belief, a physical manifestation of the soul or spirit of a deceased person.

      Although I was not close to my father, I believe he was an extraordinary man. He was well liked by his coworkers and they said he was a nice man with a good sense of humor. I only got to see this side of him later on in my life because he wasn't really there for me while I was growing up. He was a strict, Italian born in Bronx. He had two brothers and a sister and from what I gather the black sheep of the family. He was a partier growing up. He smoked, he drank, and he did drugs. Everything I vowed never to do. He was also hard working, he had a good work ethic, he was smart, and a creative photographer. He smoked and struggled with alcoholism for years. He finally quit drinking and smoking later on in his wife. He retired and still went back to work just to keep busy.

      I thought he was too strict with me but looking back I am glad the way I was raised because it made me the person I am today. I now realize why he said or did the things he did. Of course, I didn't know it at the time.

      He commuted to NYC by driving to the train, then riding on the subways, and then he walked a few blocks just to get to work. The commute was two hours one way. So that was traveling about four hours a day just to support his family. He kept moving my brother and I further from the city into the country, so we would have a better life. He couldn't afford to live in the city with us and didn't want us to be brought up in a bad environment.

      NYC seems exciting, glamorous, and the best place to be. However, from my experience it is dusty, expensive, crowded and dangerous.

      There are also a lot of good things the city has to offer. The theatres, concert venues, museums, art galleries, world class restaurants and shopping.

      Since I was traveling there in my teens and 20's. I didn't have a lot of money so I didn't see the nicer side of the city. I hung out at CBGB's, seedy bars, and the techno bars such as the Limelight, The Tunnel, Webster Hall, and Twilo.

      I also frequented small goth bars and dives like the "Bat Cave" and "The Pyramid".

      Later on, I branched out and went to party at clubs with my friends in Boston, Connecticut, and Philadelphia.

      Believe it or not I stayed away from drugs and alcohol. Since I grew up in a small town I wanted to be around people, music, and dancing. I loved music and dancing, and I just wanted to have fun.

      Today, now in my forties, I am the opposite. I don't like crowds, I don't dance but I still love music. I'd rather be home reading, writing, watching TV. and playing with my dogs instead of going out. I do miss the old days but I am happy I at least got to experience a lot of things growing up.

      My father passed away on July 2013, quietly at home in his favorite chair watching television. It seems to me that this was a peaceful way to go.

      I was driving home from work when I received the news from my stepmother, Beverly. I was in shock. I knew my father had some medical problems but I didn't know how bad it was. The last time I spoke to him he seemed fine, just the usual shortness of breath. I didn't realize COPD was such a serious condition.

      At least he died quick and peaceful. My father did have a soft spot for his St. Bernard, Rocco. His dog, Rocco passed away about a year later after my Dad.

      I envision my father, Rocco, and my beloved dog, Kiki all together sharing the same cloud in heaven.

      As I grew older I realized I was a lot like my dad and we had things in common like the supernatural, and our love for animal and photography. I decided to combine the supernatural with photography when I was in my 30's. This was the beginning of my ghost hunting investigations. I started traveling a lot to haunted locations and photographing them. This is how my passion for spirit photography began.

      I remember I found some of my father's books when I was a teenager. He had books on black magic, witchcraft, possession and exorcism. He even had a copy of Anton Levy's Satanic Bible.

      I also remember my best friend Virginia and I read out loud from these books trying to conjour up demons in our art class in high school. I also experimented with the Ouija board often playing it alone. If I knew back then what I know now, I would have never done that. There have been too many negative things that are connected with these items.What I thought was harmless might actually cause spirit attachment, negative energy, and possibly a haunting. Since I had such a rough childhood, I wondered if by reading the dark arts books and playing with the Ouija board I brought negative energy and bad luck into my life at an early age. I wondered if my father did the same thing and that is why he was so unhappy and negative most of his life. When I realized the possible danger of what I was doing, I got rid of the books. My life began to steadily improve.

      It wasn't until I was in my thirties that I took a different approach to the supernatural. I was searching for ghosts and anything paranormal but I wanted to prove the existence of ghosts by capturing EVPS, EMF readings, temperature fluctuations, and photographic evidence. I also began to realize I was intuitive and I could sense the presence of a spirit when it was nearby. I started documenting my own personal experiences as they happened at the haunted locations that I visited.

      I was deeply affected by my father's death, and I still think about him often and cry. I was unable to go home to his funeral because I had my own health issues, and I couldn't fly. I live in New Mexico and my Dad lived in New York. I was devastated. It is still bothering me a few years later that I wasn't able to attend the funeral.

      A few days after my dad passed away I envisioned him dancing in