Interconnected in the Creator's Universe. Sandra Kamiak

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Название Interconnected in the Creator's Universe
Автор произведения Sandra Kamiak
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781607465713

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and athletic dork. My social life eventually followed in later years. In searching for complementary medicine options (in 1977), I left the mid-west for San Francisco, California.

      I completed my internship and residency at UCSF and practiced in S.F. until 1985. It was great to be with people from many cultures and a variety of holistic healing methods in addition to excellent allopathic-traditional training. It’s nice to have a good emergency room nearby! While appropriate medical diagnostic workups are important, many alternative- complementary-integrative healing approaches are also quite valid, effective and safe.

      I included psychiatric training in addition to medicine, to honor that the body affects the mind and the other way around, as well. I saw in my clinical training that spending seven minutes with an ulcer patient and then just giving them a routine medicine was not enough. Their story often included emotional pain, work stress, denied feelings or unconsciously repeating, negative coping patterns as well.

      A person’s mood can change if they are in prolonged pain or distress. It is easy to be irritable with chronic pain or grouchy if one is overtired. On the other hand, emotions like anxiety, anger or sadness can easily trigger physiologic reactions in the body. Prolonged grief, or stress can impair the immune system, allowing one to be susceptible to many illnesses or contributing to heart or endocrine system problems as well. Each person can be affected in different ways and needs to be understood and treated as an individual.

      After medical school, I also received training in Psychosynthesis (a growth- oriented form of psychotherapy, which goes beyond analyzing a problem, into finding more transformational or synthetic solutions, as we connect to our inner true Spiritual Essense) and Classical Homeopathy (a natural, integrative body-mind form of vibrational medicine that treats the whole person).

      Psychosynthesis was developed by Roberto Assagioli, M.D., who was a pioneer in the field of transpersonal psychology/ psychiatry. Transpersonal means beyond the personality. So, after healing and integrating one’s personality imbalances or challenges, one can also develop the qualities of their higher nature or soul, such as compassion, joy, forgiveness, courage, honor, tolerance, unconditional love, etc. Actually, both one’s personal healing and transpersonal healing are interwoven.

      If someone is stuck in self-pity, a good way out of it is to do something good for someone else or to reflect on the opposite quality, say of a healthy concern for others. Another example would be to seek courage during times of fear; that is to go forward, along with the fear, not denying it, but letting the higher quality of courage permeate and naturally absorb the fear.

      Dr. Assagioli believed that there was more to us, than just the physical-emotional- mental aspects to our personalities. There is nothing new about this thought of a spiritual realm that guides humanity, but he was one of the first physicians to integrate the spiritual into his clinical practice.

      This has nothing to do with religion or a set theology. People may have their own religious tradition that they follow. His work was to reach the heart and soul at a deeper level within each person, and to bring that experience into the life of that person, as the source of higher- level wellness.

      Hundreds of books, ancient scrolls and online websites are available to explore this concept. Some concepts are more basic than others, while some texts discuss science and spirit in terms of quantum- photon physics, spiritual evolution and God as an energy of light that resides in every living cell.

      My spiritual search lead me into thoughts of our higher destiny and purpose on this Earth. Over time, I was guided into the theme of this writing, which is about conscious preparation for our shift in consciousness before, during and after 2012. Really, the window of opportunity is right in the moment of Now! There is even a book called The Power of Now, by Eckhart Tolle- have you read it?

      So, this is a good time to clean up our act, because whatever we think does become our reality and now, even more rapidly than in the past. In the near future, it will be instantaneous. Wow! So, do we want to project fear and anger, or love and faith, outwardly to others- knowing, like a mirror, that it all comes right back to us as well?

      Some cosmologists say the Earth will be crossing the galactic equator soon and that the whole solar system is changing now as well. WE do have a choice though, given free-will, to shift into a higher dimension of consciousness (ponder on what that means).

      My journey as a physician-healer-wellness coach, also lead me into the study of energy and vibrational medicine. I intuitively was lead to learn Classical Homeopathy, briefly at the Pacific Academy and then I entered the very excellent 3- year professional training program at the Hahnemann College of Homeopathy in Northern California. Since then, I have continued to study with homeopaths from around the world. A wonderful new training college, The American Medical College of Homeopathy, is now offering professional courses in this profound method of energy medicine (

      It takes many years to master the science and art of homeopathy. It has been practiced for over 200 years and is growing everyday, as more people discover it’s profound benefits. The practice of homeopathy carries ancient principles of body-mind-spirit healing into the modern world of energy-informational medicine. It is a safe, natural treatment for everyone, including with animals and in pregnancy. It is nontoxic and views each being as uniquely vibrating at an individual resonance, amidst the larger ocean of life. Each treatment is focused on the individual person, to stimulate their own life force and the wisdom of their innate healing mechanism.

      At this time, exciting new realms of global transformation and spiritual-energetic healing are rapidly emerging for all of us. There is more to follow on this topic as you read further in this book.

      Purpose of this Writing

      My Purpose in presenting this information is to inspire everyone, who so chooses, to reach toward their highest ideals and ideas, at this auspicious moment, in the history of our precious home- Planet Earth. Gaia is evolving from the Old Earth, into a higher vibration, or a more conscious New Earth. The new energy grid or template, which supports life on Earth, has been established. We are ready to shift into a higher dimension of existence. This writing is to prepare and support us, as we transition to a higher level of consciousness.

      This is a time mentioned for eons, moving through 2012, in many cultures and spiritual traditions, both Eastern and Western, when the Earth will be transitioning into a new way of life. Actually, the time of that transition is here now and it will continue beyond that date. While there exist a number of prophecies about this time, remember to search for the deepest Truth that resonates with your Heart.

      Above all, stay out of fear and negativity. I know that can be challenging at times. You will find some encouraging practices throughout this book. Let your own intuition guide you and follow the Truth that comes in those silent moments of resonance with your own soul, Inner Voice or with God’s Presence.

      What is coming? Life will be easier in some ways. There will be more universal joy, love, oneness, playful creativity and the ability to manifest the desires of the heart. We will be aware of many things at once, interconnected with each other and with many new possibilities that we never thought possible. We will truly know, that we are not alone and yet, that we each have a choice about our own destinies. Don’t worry, if you need alone time, that will be just fine. But actually, even time, as we know it, will vanish. There will be all the time in the world. These are good things.

      The challenge is to stay calm, centered and focused, in your daily life- Now. Keep aspiring and take action to be all that you can be- Now. Peace will arrive, we will live and create new things, in each conscious moment, of the Now. You may see this like staying seated and steady in a boat, as you keep steadfastly rowing to the sight of the opposite shoreline. That is, hold a positive vision- even into the unknown- but keep paddling forward. And, if you have useless things in the boat, or junk that weighs you down, Now is the time to throw it all overboard.

      Being on Earth has been a precious way to grow in soul experience and to evolve in consciousness. There have been many possible delights and many treacherous paths as well. That is how we learn and grow and hopefully make better choices for the future.