Interconnected in the Creator's Universe. Sandra Kamiak

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Название Interconnected in the Creator's Universe
Автор произведения Sandra Kamiak
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781607465713

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of the time. But, I can now say “God bless them.” This life has offered me the opportunity to work on my own reactions, attachments and to grow in compassion! Willingness is the key to opening the door to one’s deeper process of healing and transformation.

      I am sharing this part of my life, to offer hope to anyone that is in the midst of suffering, or experiencing a time of challenge in his or her life. In my search for a way through painful times, I found that ultimately, how we perceive the world around us and where we focus our innermost thoughts is vital.

      I do respect a number of spiritual teachers, from many traditions, that have tried to assist humanity over the many years of Earth’s history. But, the spiritual teachers that have impressed me the most, have been those that did admit to their own personality or ego imperfections, and also had suffered on this planet. (In our spiritual essence we are perfect, but usually our personalities are not - life on this planet has been an ongoing process of healing and evolution in consciousness.)

      Also, they did not blame others, but took it upon themselves to seek the highest spiritual truths and to bring divine light, love, wisdom and power into areas of pain or darkness in their own lives first.

      Then, as many of the major spiritual traditions say- we are all part of a larger stream of Life as well; no man or woman is an island (although we can delude ourselves with the idea of separatism). So, in climbing the mountain of spiritual growth, moving toward enlightenment, filling one’s heart with joy and love, the path of service becomes apparent as well.

      As we assist others, in whatever means of service calls to us, we continue to grow as well. This is not about lecturing or dogmatism. This is more like those little daily acts of kindness. We are powerful beings. No more victims. Service may be very practical, like helping a neighbor with groceries or it may be in holding a thought-form or blueprint of a new enlightened planet. To be of service, includes an understanding, that we are all connected in the light of right relationship. A healthy attitude of detachment from the world of material stuff is also helpful. Think about what you really do need in life.

      I found that the “Four Noble Truths,” of which Gautama Buddha spoke, are a reflection of this process, in seeking true freedom from pain and suffering. The Buddha and the Christ are spiritual brothers in service to humanity. The outstanding message of the Christ, was that of faith, hope and love. And of all these, the greatest gift was to develop and embrace “Inclusive Love.”

      The Buddha found and offered enlightenment, a lighted mind, free from attachments and a path of inner freedom and compassion for all of life. The Christ brought in the path of love and alignment with divine will. He is the teacher of teachers and filled the heart and mind of Jesus with his grace. They both offered teachings to assist the human family, with each person choosing how to live their life, according to their own free will. This is a planet of choice and of learning.

      The Four Noble Truths are:

       First Noble Truth: Life is full of suffering. As we examine our lives and those around us, it becomes very real, whether that suffering is at a physical, emotional or mental level. We cannot avoid the suffering of birth, sickness, loss of loved ones and death. And life is also full of joy and happiness! But, everything in the third- dimensional material world is impermanent. All life forms on Earth go through a cycle of life and death, from plants to humans.

       Second Noble Truth: The truth of the cause of suffering. The direct causes of suffering are desire or attachment to things, with craving and ignorance. Desires are endless- for material things, good food, entertainment, a promotion, or a hot date. Unmet expectations lead to suffering, unless one is really detached from the outcome. Attachments or addictions limit our consciousness and blind us to the underlying nature of reality- ignorance is simply a lack of true understanding, as to the nature of life. As people read, meditate or search for more understanding, they are no longer deluded, and can see deeper connections of cause and effect.

       Third Noble Truth: The truth of the end of suffering. The Buddha taught that the end of suffering is a state of happiness and great joy. To stop suffering, one must eliminate thoughts and desires which hurt others or oneself. Ill will, anger, jealousy, greed, resentments, self-pity, grasping after material desires, and a life lived in ignorance must be released or transformed. Imagine a peaceful, clear mind and heart- letting go into a neutral place of acceptance with compassion for all beings. This is an enlightened state of mind, where one can live, without attachment or judgment, regardless of what is going on in the world around them.

       Fourth Noble Truth: The truth of the Path leading to the end of suffering. This is called the “Middle Path,” or the ”Noble Eightfold Path,” between the world of polarity or of opposites. Through practical experience, struggle and observation, the Buddha saw that neither, living a life of attachment to indulgent pleasures nor a life of extreme asceticism was the way to go. We need to avoid extremes, of all kinds! In terms of spiritual practice, this is also referred to as walking the narrow razor-edged path – and it is very easy to be pulled off this path. So, we need determination to keep focused on seeking higher truths and balance that come from within. This may be sought in moments of tranquility in nature, or from prayer or meditation, where we can contact the Voice of the Soul, the Lord, Jesus, the Imam Madhi, the Christ, God, Buddha-nature, Source or the Creator.

      The “Noble Eightfold Path,” is a way to heal oneself from suffering, the illusion of separatism and to guide one in being of service to others, with a peaceful heart and enlightenment. The eight steps or key concepts are:

      1/ Right Understanding

      2/ Right Thought

      3/ Right Speech

      4/ Right Action

      5/ Right Livelihood

      6/ Right Effort

      7/ Right Mindfulness

      8/ Right Concentration

      Reference: There are many books on these teachings; one simple guide is “Teachings of the Buddha,” by Jack Kornfield.


      There are many paths to Higher Truth. My path may not be your path. And that is just fine! We each have our own distinct soul signatures or vibrations- like drops of water in a larger ocean. We are One and also distinct at the same time. We all need to simply honor and respect one another. A time of beautiful peace and creativity is coming to this planet. We just need to get our egos out of the way or to bring the light and love of our deeper connection to the forefront.

      Be a lamp unto yourselves- discover the Source of God within you! God is both transcendent (beyond the personal ego) and immanent (inside)! This means that the energy and spirit of our Creator is within each cell of our being and also permeates the entire Universe within and around us. The Oneness that unites us is the light and love of the Creator that was exemplified as the Consciousness of the Christ, beaming through the Master Jesus.

      We each have our own struggles and personality issues to transform and heal. And, we can extend that concept into families and even nations. Each point of crisis, can be like standing on the top of a mountain- we have a choice to slip backward or to leap forward with courage, to the next level of challenge or growth in awareness (consciousness).

      True freedom comes with responsibility. We are not victims and it is not ok to blame others. We can tap into our higher inner guidance- God’s help-soul-Spirit to assist us. We have a link or pathway, to be empowered by the Divine, if we just ask with gratitude and sincerity. We are here on Earth for a purpose. What is yours?

      I knew that I wanted to be a physician when I was in kindergarten- looking at a picture book with doctors and nurses. I went straight through school to that end, graduating from Rush Medical University. I was the