Interconnected in the Creator's Universe. Sandra Kamiak

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Название Interconnected in the Creator's Universe
Автор произведения Sandra Kamiak
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781607465713

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      Interconnected in the Creator’s Universe

      Personal and Planetary Transformation Now

      Sandra Kamiak, M.D.

      Copyright © 2011 Sandra Kamiak, M.D.

      No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior consent of the publisher.

      The Publisher makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Neither the publisher nor author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any commercial damages.



      This book is dedicated to all beings and species inhabiting our beautiful planet Earth, as she transitions into her profound ascension with great joy and love. May we all be blessed at this auspicious time in Gaia’s journey in consciousness, as we each choose to participate, at whatever level of awareness is right for us.


      I wish to thank Tina Aderholt for her heartfelt encouragement, love, and insight throughout this writing. Her intuitive guidance reflects, I am sure, her deep connection to the God of her Understanding, who guides her in the silence of every moment. She humbly notes that her spiritual knowingness has been a gift throughout her life.

      Much appreciation goes out to David and Carol Anderer, as well, as they have been long-term spiritual co-workers and friends. Their suggestions to go with the flow of the heart, while seeking the highest principles of the ancient wisdom, have been deeply valued, in service to humanity and the Divine.

      And to all the Helpers in God’s Universe, Source- Creator, thank you for sending my soul, mind and heart the downloads to complete this work.

      I am grateful to have such beautiful photography provided by Gina Staffiery ([email protected]) who did my personal headshot and to where I purchased the cosmic galaxy cover.


      It is my sincere intent to offer a simple, inspiring and yet practical guidebook for everyone, at this special moment in the majestic journey of our planet Earth- Gaia. There are a number of writers and teachers that speak on the topic of 2012 and creating a new world after that time. They discuss various theologies and prophecies, from the beginning of Earth’s history, and some offer as well, a cosmology or physics of what is shifting in our galaxy at this time. I will not repeat all of that in detail. You can easily find more online or in bookstores on this topic. I have included a few uplifting references at the end of this book.

      I have included the word “Gaia,” so that readers, will not only think of our planetary home on Earth as a big rock in space that we sit on, but as a conscious, self-regulating living organism. In Greek philosophy, Gaia was the goddess of the Earth. In native American- Indian culture and in various spiritual traditions of the world, the idea of “Mother Earth,” is often referenced. Gaia is the soul of our home planet.

      Gaia is more than the sum of it’s parts, that is, the various life forms and the environment that it supports. It is a whole, living planetary being. Imagine it as a complex cellular matrix of life that breathes, has feelings and intelligence, in order to maintain a state of balance and homeostasis. And, she has had many challenges over the years of Earth history, along with her inhabitants. We have all been evolving together. Witness now the focus on “green technologies,” or the concept of living with ecosystems that respect and honor the Earth. Life evolves and moves forward.

      December 21, 2012 is the date of the winter solstice that is a Mayan astrological marker for a great transition in the Earth’s history. It is the end of a 5,125 year world cycle, in the long count Mayan period of time ( see Gregg Braden’s book, Fractal Time). This time of transition has been predicted by numerous traditions around the world, from biblical quotes in Revelations to ancient cultures in India. This is not a one day event. We are now, in that time of transition and will be continuing to shift into a new way of life after that date as well.

      There have been previous world cycles and life has gone on. This is not the end of your life, but the end of a world cycle that we have been familiar with. It is momentous- because, it also coincides with other ending cycles as well, such as the 26,000 year revolution of our solar system around the Pleiadian star cluster. Our whole solar system is changing, not just the environment on Earth. Our sun and planets are aligning now, as the moment arrives for Earth to cross the galactic equator, at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. At that moment, we will enter into the Source of the Creator’s Universe.

      While there have always been spiritual guides and world teachers, that have gone before us, into higher levels of knowing, this time, we are all participating in this amazing event on Earth, with whatever level of awareness we can attain. I believe that this time of transition, is a creative galactic movement, that is in process and that it is an amazing opportunity for us to consciously participate in, as well.

      Actually, the more we consciously try to “tune in,” understand and participate in this awesome event, the easier and more fun it will be for everyone. Think of this as being actors in our own play. We each have our individual roles to play and the larger production will demonstrate our integrated and synthetic accomplishment. Right relationship with ourselves, with other beings, the planet, and even other life-forms in the galaxy, is a keynote of achieving higher spiritual consciousness. As the veils are lifting, we can now experience and truly know that we are Interconnected in the Creator’s Universe.

      Sandy’s Journey: Early Years, Medical School, Four Noble Truths, Psychosynthesis, Homeopathy

      The journey into the essence of my Soul began with eager intellectual study and a search for meaning in life. “From Intellect to the Intuition,” has been my path, as I loved more abstract philosophical teachings, seeking my highest spiritual destiny and vocation, amidst a deeper search for truth within all of life. Intuitive knowing is about synthetic understanding and listening to the small silent voice within. This journey has continued for me into the loving realm of the Spiritual Heart, which pulsates throughout the Universe. Ultimately, the mind and heart must work together.

      As a child, I eagerly embraced my Lutheran church (I loved the music and honestly thought about the spiritual lessons that were offered). But, I was also very eager to visit my friend’s places of worship- of all faiths- other Christian churches or Jewish temples, and later learning more of Islamic, Hindu, Buddhist traditions, etc., I was seeking a deeper level of understanding (under the outer form of religions- to what was more central for all of humanity).

      Then, I began to meditate while attending Knox College, in Galesburg, IL. While I was a pre-med major, taking biology and chemistry courses, I also loved philosophy. And, in walking into a meditation class, I just told myself that a scientific attitude was one of open-mindedness to the experiment or experience. Therefore, I needed to not pre-judge something- simply to be a neutral observer.

      Amazingly, I felt an immediate quieting of my very active mind-chatter. I entered a state of calm peace and profound awareness, that lead me into a lifetime of exploring and practicing Eastern & Western approaches to meditation, healing, and spiritual growth.

      I could easily integrate science, philosophy, and medicine into a world-view that included spiritual principles. I was intrigued with the symbolic spiraling of the template of life, in pictures of DNA and the evolution of our planet, or for that matter- with the universe. I truly felt that we were not the only intelligent beings in the galaxy. Really, looking at our planet now- we must humbly know that there are more evolved beings out there (and probably a few that are behind us as well). My spiritual belief was, and still is, a very inclusive one.

      I had grown up in